VIII - Scavengers and Wasserdrachen

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>At a SeaWing enclave, on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Sea_

Cuttlefish, Clam, and Oyster peeked their heads into Mako's cave. Normally, they would only be here when they were required to attend her lessons and study.

While the case could be argued that was still the case in this given scenario, the dragonets were here on their own volition.

["No one's here."] Clam dimly flashed.

["Of course no-one's here, you dolt. Mako went to the Summer Palace with Father."] Oyster flashed back.

Cuttlefish didn't say anything as he slowly paddled into the cave room. It was sparsely filled, the only decorations being a relatively large waterproof map of Pyrrhia and the Kingdom of the Sea that was pinned to a wall, a rack of waterproofed scrolls about as long and tall as he was against another, and a bunch of random scrolls and papers that belonged to Mako herself on a natural shelf of raised rock up against another flat-ish wall.

The three dragonets made their way over to the scroll rack. ["Okay, so we're looking for anything Mako's scrolls have on scavengers, right?"] Clam said.

["Yes."] Cuttlefish responded. ["Specifically, anything on what they're known to build. Although any information we find could be helpful."]

The dragonets began to search through the scrolls for anything having to do with scavengers. The rack wasn't terribly well-organized, so they would have to individually pull each roll off and check its contents rather than looking in any specific section. Fortunately, there weren't all that many scrolls to go through. It wouldn't take them more than an hour to at least give every scroll on this rack a cursory glance.

Not two minutes into the search, Oyster's scales lit up. ["Hey, guys! I found something!"]

Clam and Cuttlefish both paddled over to look at the scroll over her shoulder. It did indeed look like she found something useful.

Scavengers: Everything you need to know!

The scroll's title was scrawled in big, dark words. Loudly advertising its contents for all to see. The ink was a weird off-bluish black, denoting it as being written in the special waterproof ink that only SeaWings use.

["Well, let's see what it says!"] Clam flashed.

Oyster took the scroll over to the rock shelf, and unrolled it in its entirety. It was long enough so that it spilled over the side, but it was by no means the longest scroll that any of the dragonets had ever seen.

They all crowded around the top paragraphs of the scroll, and began reading.

Scavengers are one of Pyrrhia's most well known creatures! Every dragon has heard of them, as the animals have indeed gained some notoriety. Even you, dear reader, have almost certainly heard of them before. Perhaps you've even seen one, and are curious or confused enough to want to learn more!

Well, fear not, because you've picked up the perfect scroll! This scroll represents a comprehensive and authoritative view on everything that every dragon should know about these enigmatic creatures!

The scroll then had a sort of table of contents, which displayed a list of the scroll's main sections. Each section pertained to a different aspect of what was known about scavengers.

Part 1: Scavengers, an introduction and overview

Part 2: Scavenger appearance

Part 3: Known habitats

Part 4: Behavior habits

Part 5: Sounds

Part 6: Weapons - metal claws

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