The Lucky Compass Pt. 3

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When Coli and John B see the scary men driving away. They quickly sprint from their spot to the chicken coop.

"Brooky! Guys!" Coli calls along the way, a sign that everything is safe and they can emerge

Then the 2 teenagers see the heads of the other pogues come out of the cage.

When Brooke sees a sign of her older sister, her face lights up

"Omg I thought we were going to die"

"I'm so glad you're safe"

The two sisters hug each other tightly as they fly into each other's arms. Tears of joy running down their faces

Suddenly Coli is pulled from her sister and put into someone else's arms

"Johnny what-"

"I know, I know. So much has happened that I haven't had time to ask if everything is okay. So. Are you okay?" The Routledge boy trailed off

"I'm okay now, thanks to you." The girl smiles

"Hey, Hey. Enough love birds. We want Caz too" Kie laughs as she hugs her friend, Pope and JJ soon join in, John B and Brooke follow

The pogue's were all in the van now, on a wild goose chase per usual. They dropped Kie off at home on the way. The poor girl needed some time to process everything.

John B says he got an idea of ​​where this 'Redfield' message is trying to lead the friends. But they're all a bit skeptical, nevertheless his friends are all here to support the boy and try to find the answer he's lookin' for.

"I mean, it's obvious right? A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" The Routledge boy asked, occasionally glancing back to the rest of his friends

JJ shrugged "Yeah. It's possible"

"It could be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know-"

“Pope?” John B tried to stop his friend but it didn't help

"-deal with your sad feelings" Pope finished, disregarding the Routledge boy's warning

"Bro, you know I how I process my sad feelings? Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies. That's how I do it" JJ smiled looking at Brooke, while she just shake her head and roll her eyes

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message" Their brown-haired friend tried to convince his friends

"Yes, JB, because driving us all around town, on a wild goose chase, to dangerous locations all because we got ourselves into a criminal investigation and a treasure hunt. All to prove to everyone who thinks Big John dead is falls, and he's waiting on a magical island for you and, you finally get your happy ending, isn't concocting. and to think we haven't had enough shit for today. But no, we have to dig our own grave again" Brooke ranted, surprising her friends that something so harsh could come out of little, what they thought was an irritable, kind spirited body.

JJ then went to sid beside her, John B and him locked eyes in the rearview mirror sharing the same concerned look. Coli then caught the Routledge boy his attention and mimicked a 'sorry'

JJ wrapped his arm around the youngest Jones girl's small frame, pulling her closer into him. Not asking any questions, just beinig there was enough. His presence was just what it takes to calm her down.

Coreline gave her sister a stern look

"Sorry JB..." Brooke mumbled, snuggling closer to the Maybank boy in embarrassment

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