Chapter 18

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(((This is the second Chapter 18. I don't have it in me to go through and change every title AGAIN. Deal with it, people.))

TW: Medical talk ,anxiety, peril

Disembarking was a blur. Ellie vaguely remembered watching the ambulance crew carrying Alec from the plane on a stretcher while she trailed behind with their bags. Alec's papers were tucked safely in her pocket.

Ellie legged it to her car whilst the medics loaded Alec into the ambulance. She put her magnetic police light on the roof, activated the siren, and tore out of the parking lot ahead of the ambulance, an impromptu police escort. When they reached the motorway, Ellie tuned her radio to the local emergency frequency and barked into it. "Control, this is DS Ellie Miller, Broadchurch PD, badge number 24601. On route to London Memorial hospital from Heathrow ahead of ambo 51, transporting a senior member of the Broadchurch PD in serious medical crisis. Coming through at speed, request to keep the route clear."

"Control acknowledges, additional vehicles in route. We are in contact with the ambulance crew."

They could handle it from there. Ellie dug her mobile out of her purse—exactly as she wasn't supposed to. "Okay, Google, call Daisy Hardy."

According to Alec, his daughter was notorious for not answering her mobile. She did this time, thank God. "Hi, Ellie."

"Daisy, I'm on the way to hospital with your dad," Ellie said into the speakerphone. "He had an episode on the flight from L.A."

"Holy shit."

Ellie's mom instincts kicked in. "I'm sorry to dump this on you, sweetheart, but your dad needs you. Get here if you can."

"O-okay," Daisy said shakily. "I'll get there, somehow. Tell him I love him."

"I will. Be safe, sweetheart," Ellie urged, and hung up.

They'd reached M25. Ellie cursed loudly and blared her siren, as did the ambulance behind her. Every second counted, and there were vehicles as far as the eye could see. She recalled a show that she and Tom had watched, where they said the M25 was of demonic origin, and right now she could believe it. Where the fuck was their backup?

Then two squads came roaring out of nowhere, lights and sirens on full blast. Ellie said a quick prayer of thanks. With the additional escort, they arrived at the hospital in minutes. The squad cars led the ambulance right to the intake ramp while Ellie parked in a handicap spot. What were they going to do, arrest her? Let them try. Just let them try.

The trip from Sandbrook to London usually took about two hours. Somehow, Daisy made it there in under ninety minutes. She burst into the waiting room with a young bloke on her heels, and ran right into Ellie's arms.

"Any news?"

"He's in surgery." Ellie sat her down. "How'd you get here so fast?"

"Police escort," Daisy answered. "Started in Broadchurch. Every time we went through a town, one car stopped and another took over—whole way here. Did you do that?"

"Not me. Did your mum bring you?" Ellie asked. She found it hard to believe that Tess would send the girl out here with no company but another teenager.

"I drove her," the young man cut in. "I'm Jackson, Daisy's boyfriend. Nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Thanks for bringing her." Ellie shook his hand. "Alec can't know you're here."

"No, ma'am."

"Does your mum know what's going on?" Ellie asked Daisy.

"I texted her, but she's in court. Jackson brought me cos I was too upset to drive."

"I hope your mum's not too mad."

"I don't care," Daisy said fiercely. "This is where I belong. My dad needs me." Then she wilted. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

Ellie gave her a reassuring hug. "Your dad's one of the toughest people I know. He's gonna be fine."

Daisy didn't seem to believe her, but then, Ellie didn't really believe herself. Back and forth they went, comforting each other for eight hours, until they finally received the news.

The first thing Alec noticed was pain. Horrible, fiery, burning pain in his chest, and a little prickly pain in the back of his left hand. At least pain meant he was alive.

He brought his right hand up to rub the agonizing spot over his heart...

"Don't touch that."

The angry voice belonged to Ellie Miller. Alec opened his eyes and blinked until her face swam into focus.

"What..." He pulled the oxygen mask from his face to speak. "What happened?"

"You've been in a coma for three days."

"You're joking," Alec said hoarsely. His throat was dry and scratchy.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Ellie asked sternly. "The pacemaker failed, and you had a heart attack on the plane. They did emergency open-heart surgery, and put in a new pacemaker."

Alec paused, both to take in the information and to breathe—he was still terribly short of breath. Surgery explained why his throat was sore; they would have used a breathing tube. He realised that he didn't even have the strength to raise his head. "Daisy..." he whispered.

"She's back at the hotel, sleeping."


"Yeah. We've been switching off. She said to tell you she loves you." Ellie's face softened, and she patted his arm with rough affection. "Tess is mad, Daisy loves you, and we solved the case. Everything is under control. Get some rest, Shitface."

He was smiling as he went under again.

1. The police and ambulance radio chatter is not 100% accurate, rather it is an educated guess on my part.

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