Im I falling in love?

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Germany kept playing around with me every time I blushed he would do something, he was still on my lap he kept playing with my bear ears I don't like showing my bear form since my папа would alway tell me to hid it so I did but for Germany he looked like he liked it, but I saw something black behind him it was contacted to his back.
"What's behind your back ger?"
"Uhm. . . It's nothing!"
"Are you sure?"
"Maybe. Maybe not"
"Your sisters name is. . .
east Germany...right?"
"Than your real name is..."
"West Germany.." he said it scared and worried but I remember now west Germany was the name of my childhood best friend and east Germany was his twin sister now I remember everything. Me and west Germany had a crush on each other when we were younger before his father attacked my father... we had to be apart from each other. Now it was all clear to me... west Germany is Germany I thought west and east both collapsed but I guess west didn't.
"West.. I thought you collapsed..."
"After my sister collapsed I took over the country and changed my name to just Germany"
"Looks like we both have changed a lot"
"I agree your flag looks different than before rus"
"Your flag looks the same"
"Yup" he got off my lap and turned around when I looked at his back he had black wings they were the same color as his hair but a little lighter they looked beautiful
"I know they look like my fathers.."
"They look beautiful"
"W-what ?"
"Who told you they look like your fathers?"
"America...but anyway it's already almost time for classes to start I can take you to your classes right now so you know where they are at!"

(Time skip because Im lazy)
"Alright that's we're all your classes are at!"
"Why do I have cooking??"
"I don't know but you have it with Italy, he is a good guy he would help you if you need it"
"Okay" I didn't really like the way he was talking about him it looks like they have a good relationship.
"Germany!" Some guy with green and red flag and green and red hair with white in the middle of his hair was hugging Germany I don't know why but I felt kinda... jealous.
"Hey Italy!" That guy was Italy then, they looked like they had a really good relationship, if I remember the axis powers were, J.E,F.I and T.R so they had to know each other when they were kids but they looked to close I kinda feel like I am getting feelings for Germany...
I'm sorry this was short!

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