He likes me ?

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I woke up to find Germany laying down next to me without his jacket and I didn't have a shirt on and I had kiss marks all over my chest while Germany had hickeys all over his body he has them mostly all over his stomach.It was 5:00 already I got up and tried to wake Germany up after 4 tries he finally did
"Good morning sleeping beauty"
"Yeah I know I'm awake already"
"My body hurts" I laughed once he noticed all the hickeys he had, I was already changed and Germany was cussing at me in German since I left me a lot of hickeys.
"Alright alright I'm sorry!"
"I don't forgive you!"
"Come on let's go get something to eat at the cafeteria"
"Wait Germany before you open that door!"
"Put a shirt on."
"I do have a shirt on"
"Nope! I don't want people to look at you in that crop top and sweats!"
"Russia I can just put my zipper up"
"No! What if someone pulls the zipper down or your zipper goes down!!"
"Fine, whatever. I will go to my dorm and change"
"Good but I'm coming with you."
"Fine" I opened the door after Germany put his zipper up. Then suddenly I see Finland and Estonia walk out of their dorm and Germany stopped walking and looked at them both
"Hey Finland and Estonia!"
"tere Saksamaa!"
"Are two out on a date~?"
"I'm playing around" Estonia looked at me in shock and opened his mouth
"tere venemaa"
"привет Эстония."
"kuidas teistel läheb?"
"hea teada!"
"Sorry to interrupt you twos brother moment but it's 5:29 and we are gonna be late for work Est"
"Oh crap I forgot about that! Bye Russia! Bye Germany!"
"Tschüss Estonia"
(10 minutes later)
"Took you long to change"
"den Mund halten!"
"так грубо" "anyways why are you wearing a suit?"
"Were do you work at or as?"
"NATO and with EU"
"And I do work at a café but only on Mondays."
"That's a lot,don't you think?"
"Russia look at my desk all that is paper work it's only a little so you don't have to worry about it"
"Германия, all those papers are just a little??"
"Ja, it's not as much as yesterday"
"Вчера ночью было очень весело"
"Заткнись, Россия!!"
"с каких это пор ты знаешь русский?"
"Сануро учит меня"
" 'является преподавание' you mean"
"I suck at Russian"
"Hey, I can teach you"
"that means thank you, right?"
"Well let's go to the cafeteria before it's 6:00 rus"
(Time skip)
After it hit 5:58 the halls were full of countries and states running to the history teachers class and everyone was talking about how there was a new history teacher and that he was kinda hot and everything but I just went to cooking and I saw France talking with America, Italy and Japan were both talking and sitting on the other side of the room where the chairs and desk were at and they both waved at me to come sit next to them so I did.
"Hiii!! Russia"
"Great America is coming here."
"Hey Italy we should give him a chance"
"Why so he can make fun of us again and make rumors about us??"
"Please Italy"
"Whatever." America looked at me but he had his sunglasses on and he sat right next to me and put his hand on lap which I found weird but I didn't really care.
"Hey Italy and Japan"
"Hello America!"
"Your always so happy Japan what is your secret?"
"I just am! It's better to be happy then be like my brother who is grumpy all the time!"
"Your brother is grumpy all time but I find it funny sometimes"
"Mhm" after that Japan looked at Italy in a 'help me face' Italy sighed and looked at America.
"So America have you found anyone special yet or are you still looking?"
"Nah I found someone already but I'm still single!"
"Hm let me guess. Philippines?"
"Nope, Sum." I knew America was lying because when I looked at him he put his other hand next his mouth trying not to laugh.
"... Asan's brother...?"
"Yuppp" when he said that he moved his hand that was on my lap to my hand and looked at
me.I saw Sanuro coming in and he had a tail and wolf ears he looked angry and embarrassed, he looked at America and started to walk over to Italy and japan he asked Italy a question but I didn't really care,then after sanuro sat right next to me and Italy sighed in relief and looked at japan I guess they didn't want to be with America since America did look like he was gonna say something to them before sanuro came in.
"Hi Sanura"
"It's sanuro America get it right."
"That's not what everyone called you in middle school"
"That was middle school." Sanuro looked at my hand the one that America had his hand on and looked back at me in anger and confusion
"America look your brother is over there" he pointed at a country that was talking to France and had the same flag as France but it was red on both sides and he had something in the middle of his face
"I'm go talk with that asshole he still hasn't paid me!"
"Good luck America" sanuro waved at him and looked at me in the eyes "I need to talk to you. In private in break."
"Okay." After I said that everyone came in right when the bell rang and some where talking about the same history teacher and there was new students too and some of them were my older sisters,my older brothers and Germany.
"Alright everyone quite down as you can see we have a few new students" everyone that wasn't new went to sit down and America came back and looked at while smiling and sat down next to me while putting his hand on my hand again.
"Alright can everyone introduce themselves?"
Everyone said yes and France looked at the new students and asked them to introduce themselves first.
"Hello everyone! My name is Georgia! Nice to meet everyone!" Georgia is my older sister, she left at the same time Estonia did.
"Hello, my name is Lithuania." Lithuania, she was always quiet,she left with Estonia and Georgia at the same time, her and Georgia are twins they both were born the same day.
"Hey everyone, my name is Azerbaijan" Azerbaijan, he was probably the one that left after the others left
"Yello, my name is Moldova" Moldova on the other hand was probably папа favorite since he always followed the rules and watched over East Germany when папа couldn't.
"Hi, my name is Germany." Germany said it while looking at Sanuro and Sanuro was looking at Germany while his wolf ears and tail were moving up and down slowly. France turned around and looked at the table in the front who was me and the others
"Table 1 can you guys go?"
"Yes" Italy said it like he didn't want to do it at all
"Okay, Japan how about you go first!"
"Hiii everyone! My name is Japan!"
"Hello, my name is Italy."
"Hola, my name is Sanuro Clan but call me Sanuro." It was my turn and I looked at America who nodded at me
"Hello, my name is Russia." Georgia,Lithuania,Azerbaijan and Moldova looked at me in shock and surprised.
"Hello people! My name is America!"
"Okay, table 2 your next"
"Hola everyone! My name is Sunsun" Sunsun had the same Spanish as Sanuro but a little more happy and excited.
"Hi, my name is Australia."
"Hello people, my name is New Zealand the best country in the English family!"
"I don't know why you're lying" America said while looking at New Zealand, she looked at him back and flipped him off and Australia started giggling
"hé, arrêtez ça tous les deux!"
"désolé France" they were speaking French and I think Italy understood them because he looked at like he did because he didn't look confused at all
"Alright, who's next after New Zealand?"
"Hi, my name is Canada."
"Heyyy, my name is Ireland!"
"Alright table 3."
"Hello, my name is South Korea!" Japan looked back at him and waved at him and he smiled and waved back at her
"안녕. My name is North Korea." North Korea was looking at Germany while South Korea was looking at him telling him something
"Hi, my name is Poland." Poland sounds familiar to me from my father.
"Hello guys and girls! My name is India!" India was smiling at everyone, he looked like a nice guy I guess.
"Thank you everyone!" "Germany you can join table one and sit next to Italy. Georgia and Lithuania you guys can join table 2. Azerbaijan and Moldova you guys can join table 3!" Everyone went to sit down and Germany sat down right next to Italy like France said and put his head on Italy's shoulder and Italy pulled him closer and put his hand around Germanys waist. Which made me f•cking angry, Sanuro and Japan were looking at them while calling them 'a cute couple'
"We are not a couple." Germany replied while looking at Sanuro and Japan
"Totally agree with you ger. You guys are 'friends' that hug,cuddle,sleep and snuggle together."
"Oh be quiet Japan your just jealous you don't have someone like that!"
"That's mean Italy! I do have someone!"
"Who? Because a pillow doesn't count."
"...never mind."
"That's what I thought"
"So rude for no reason" Sanuro rolled his eyes while saying that, and Germany put his arms around Italy and looked at him with his beautiful dark red eyes.
"What happens ger?" Italy's voice went from annoyed to calm
"I'm tired." Germanys voice got quieter and Italy pulled him closer and hugged him.
"Meet me in lunch."
"ti amo Germania."
"Ich liebe dich auch, Italien."
"Awh, you guys would actually make a good カップル!"
"For real! Y'all should just try in a relationship with each other. And if it doesn't work then you guys can end it or something" wtf does Sanuro mean by 'y'all should just try in a relationship with each other' no they should not!
"Yeah nein."
"I agree with Germany."
"I still have the picture of you teaching Germany how to dance Italy!"
"Yeah I know you took it without asking, Sanuro."
(Time skip again,sorry!)
It was break already so I went with Japan since we both had the same 4th class and she was talking about her crush, "He looked kinda cute today when I saw him!!!"
"Who is it?"
"No one for you to know Russia!"
"What about your crush?"
"They are something."
"Why what happened?"
"They always hang out with boys and gets too close to them."
"Who is the lucky girl? I can help you get closer to each other!"
"It's a guy..." after that Japan looked at me in shock and her cat ears and tail went up but then smiled
"YAY!!! I love BL!!!! Who is it????"
"Wow, calm down"
"How can I calm down Russia??? Anyways who is the lucky guy???"
"No one for you to know Japan" I said to her in a moking voice as hers, she looked at me and her smile faded and leaned against the wall
"Russia. Is it America?"
"No! How did you get that??"
"Oh then i don't know anyways I see Japon and Sanuro!" She walked up to both of them and they both looked at her,
"Hey you two!"
"Hi, japan."
"Hola japan!" Sanuro said while his tail was wagging slowly while looking at japan, he looked at me and his tail stopped wagging "Russia can I talk to you in private." He looked at me seriously and turned around and walked next to tree that was kinda far but not that far, I followed after him and he stopped walking and looked at him in the eyes in anger.
" I need you to get away from Germany."
"Australia and New Zealand came up to me in the morning when I was in the library and said that America is planning on doing something to Germany because he doesn't like how close you and Germany are."
"Why doesn't he like how close we are?"
"Isn't it obvious!? He likes you!"
"....how do you know ?"
"Sunsun and New Zealand have been friends for a long time, Australia and Asan and Umi have been friends for a long time too. They tell me a lot of stuff of America."
"...." I stayed silent and looked at the ground I couldn't believe it, America likes me? Planning on doing something to Germany because of me?
"Look I know who much you like Germany. Let me just handle this and after I do you can talk with him again, please."
"Ok." I realized something when I looked at his eyes, when you look in his eyes your eyes get locked into them even if you don't like making eye contact with anyone your eyes just lock in with his.
"Thank you." He went back to the others and I went with him but I was behind him.
"You guys are back!" Japan jumped on Sanuro hugging him
"Yup!" Sanuros voice changed really quickly when he talks to japan it goes from a angry and quiet tone to a calm and energetic tone when he talks to Japan. Italy and Germany we're walking side by side and I saw them holding hands and Germany was a little taller then Italy probably like just 1 or 2 inches
"Hey you two." Japon said it in a jealous and annoyed tone
"Hi, Japon." I could tell Italy and Japon don't like each other.
tere Saksamaa= hello germany!
Hei= Hey
tere venemaa= hello russia
привет Эстония= hello Estonia
kuidas teistel läheb?= how are others?
hea teada=good to know
den Mund halten!= keep your mouth shut!
так грубо = so rude
Вчера ночью было очень весело =Last night was a lot of fun
Заткнись, Россия!!= Shut up, Russia!!
с каких это пор ты знаешь русский?= Since when do you know Russian?
Сануро учит меня= Sanuro teaches me
является преподавание= is teaching
Hola= Hello
hé, arrêtez ça tous les deux!= hey, stop it both of you!
désolé France= sorry France
안녕= hi
ti amo Germania.= I love you Germany.
Ich liebe dich auch, Italien= I love you too, Italy
カップル!= Couple!
Sorry for taking a long time posting this one and happy thanksgiving!

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