I am jealous!

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When I saw Germany get a bear that had a heart from this country that had a red dot in the middle of his face, I felt angry and sad I was sad that he took the bear and smiled at him but I was angry when I heard that they go on dates EVERY MONTH! I thought Germany was single I mean he was literally on my lap one time and he decides to have a boyfriend when he clearly knows I like him already!? I was hanging out with America the whole day he was talking about his siblings and how he is single and is looking for someone but I wasn't paying attention since I was still thinking about Germany.
"Shit, Russia I wish I can stay longer with you but I got to go help my dads with something"
"Bye Russia!" He winked at me and started running towards a building
"Bye." I started walking to the dorms and I see the same guy who gave Germany the bear with a girl who looks just like him and Italy was there but he was sitting on the grass, he turned around to me and waved
"Hey, Russia,that's your name right?"
"Yeah" I said to him and he smiled and told me to sit next to him and I did since I didn't want to be rude
"My name is Italy, nice to meet you Russia though you did meet in class"
"Nice to meet you too Italy" he looked at the another two countries that were talking about something,
"Ay, twins introduce yourselves"
"Hm? Oooo who is this Italy!"
"Uh my name is Russia"
"Hiii Russia! My name is Japan!"
"My name is japon."
"Nice to meet you two"
"Nice to meet you to Russia."Japon said it very plainly,
"So Russia do you have a crush on anyone?"
"Japan! Don't be asking questions like that!"
"What it's just a question japon, if we're all gonna be friends then we have to get to know each other! The group is not complete yet"
"What do you mean jap?"
"Italy are you dumb?"
"What!? I just asked a question!"
"Im joking anyway it's not complete since Germany and sanuro aren't here."
"Why don't you just call them?"
"Great idea Italy!" She started calling someone and I heard a female voice then after I heard a man's voice I was confused since it went to female to a male voice really fast.
"They said that they are gonna come!"
"You only called sanuro, Japan"
"Sanuro and Germany are both hanging out in Germanys dorm"
"That's not surprising" Italy probably was right  because Japan and Japon didn't look surprised
(10 minutes later)
"What took you two so long??"
"We were busy jap"
"Sanuro busy? That's new"
"F you japon"
"Anyway!! You two we have a new member in the group!"
"Russia!" Japan pointed at me and Germany looked at me, his eyes looked like he was nervous and scared
"H-hey Russland..."
"Hi Germany"
"You two know each other already?"
"Yeah I showed him around"
"Japan are you sure we can trust him?"
"What do you mean sanuro?"
"He is friends with America..."
"Yes, that's what I said jap" I am so confused of what's going on right now i mean I don't know why but they all look mad when sanuro said America but Germany on the other hand was looking at the ground and he was hugging the same bear Japon gave him which I got mad at, I'm gonna be in group with Japon the same guy who is dating Germany!
"Hey you guys should give him a chance I doubt he will be like America"
"Anyone who hangs out with America is evil,annoying and bad, Deutschland!"
"Sanuro! Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn die Leute das über uns sagen würden!"
"Es tut mir leid, Deutschland"
"Es ist okay"
"Alright now since you guys are calm I say we give Russia a chance he doesn't seem to be like America" Italy said while looking at me ,
"Why do you guys hate America he doesn't seem like a bad person"
"So he is playing that game with you."
"What do you mean?"
"Russia, America is a piece of shit, he acts nice and then when you get to know him more he acts like a brat and if you do something he doesn't like or do what he says he would threaten to leak your information and tell everyone your secrets and personal stuff." After sanuro said that I started to realize now why they all hate him even Germany had hatred in his eyes when sanuro said that, now I know why they all always get annoyed and angry when they see America.
"Hey,but welcome to the group buddy!"
"Italy I never agreed to this"
"Japon be nice!" Germany looked at japon and he said it like he was mad of what Japon said.
"Anyways, my name is sanuro nice to meet you Russia"
"Nice to meet you too sanuro"
"Wait, let's all make a circle together and say our crushes first letter of their names!"
"No! Japan we are not doing that!"
"Come on Japon it will be fun!!"
"Yeah let's do it!" Italy said it in a mocking voice of Japan. Everyone got in a circle and I was next to Italy and Sanuro
"Well Japan it was your idea so you go first"
"Come on jap"
"Fine. Mine is S." Great it goes to Italy then me I really don't want to do this.
"Your turn Italy!"
"Mine is also S and G a little" this is torture now it's my turn.
"Your turn Russia!"
"G." I really did not want to say that.
"Sanuro your turn!!"
"J" japans crushes name starts with a S and sanuro's name starts with a S and Sanuro's crushes name starts with a J, they both like each other
"Your turn Germany!"
"R and J kinda" J really J!? HE ACTUALLY LIKES JAPON!? That just makes me more mad then before!
"Japon your last" Japan looked at him and smirked
"Ugh. G And S a little" G ofc it's G!
"Wait Germany who gave you that bear?" Italy looked at Germany and raised his eyebrow
"Someone." Yeah that someone is your mf boyfriend!
(Time skip)
Everyone went to there dorm but Germany said he wanted to talk to me about something so we both went walking to my dorm we were silent since I was still mad that he didn't tell me he is dating japon and he still has that bear and he was hugging it the whole time! We finally made it to my dorm and I asked what he wanted to talk about I said kinda rude and harsh
"Russia, are you mad at me?"
"What do you mean"
"Well when japon gave me the bear you looked mad..." I sighed and looked at him in the eyes I still was kinda mad
"Yes I am mad"
"Why though?" His eyes looked beautiful and he was staring right in my eyes
"I just I am!"
"Russ-" I cut him off and looked at him straight in the eyes
"I am jealous Germany, OKAY!"
"Because I don't like how you hang out with other guys and go out with them! Especially Japon I don't like how close you guys are and I don't want you dating him!"
his eyes looked down and he looked back at me
"Russia. I'm not dating japon. I don't like him I see him as a close friend I do kinda have feelings for him but they are going away."
"You still like him."
"Russia I don't like him that much"
------------------------ hehe yall have to wait until the next chapter!
Jk I'm playing I just wanted to say 13+moments will happen and a little cringe ig! So if you feel uncomfortable you can go to the next paragraph!

"I do go out with him every month but-" I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close to my lips and kissed him. He looked at me in shock but he closed his eyes and kissed me back. his lips were soft and warm
"Mhmm~". I broke the kiss and kissed his neck
"Ah~ Russia-"
"Shh, try no to be so loud you don't want everyone to hear you." I bit his neck and he let out a small moun,
"R-Rus, I get bruised f-fast"
"Sorry, but anyways why do you always wear a jacket?"
"Don't worry about it..." I got the zipper and pulled it down while pinning Germany to wall, he had a back crop top on with a German word on it, he blushed and looked away but I smiled at him and I decided to put my hand under his crop top and put my other hand on his waist and I kissed him again he kissed me back and I started to move my hand under his sweatpants and rubbed my other hand under his crop top
"Mhmm~" I bit his lip and started to kiss him more aggressively
"Mhmmm~!" I broke the kiss and he started breathing really fast, I went down to his stomach and started biting his stomach, he wasn't lying when he said he got bruised easily but I wanted him and everyone to know that he was mine and only mine.
"Ahh~ Russia, go easy!"
------------------------I  am not gonna do the rest so y'all can wait until the next chapter!
Sanuro! Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn die Leute das über uns sagen würden!= Sanuro! How would you react if people said that about us!
Es tut mir leid, Deutschland= I'm sorry, Germany
Es ist okay= It's okay
I'm sorry y'all had to read that.😭
I'm probably gonna delete this one.

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