I don't know...

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After my 4th period class, I went somewhere with Italy he said he wanted to show me something he found when he got lost again looking for his class, for some reason Italy would always get lost looking for his 4th period class since it was all the way around the campus.
"Isn't it cool ger!"
"Why is there a garden all the way here?"
"No idea but it's so beautiful! Look at the butterflies too!!"
"They look so beautiful."
"I know right!!" Italy looked at me and let go of the realign and turned around leaning on the realign
"I have a question for you."
"What is it?"
"What is on your neck?" I put my hand on my neck covering the hickey, I forgot that Russia also left me some on my neck.
"Uhm. Nothing just a little Bruise"
"How did you get that bruise."
"I came falling off the bed." That was the worst lie I made to Italy
"Oh alright" I knew he didn't believe me because his eyes looked like he knew I was lying.
"I think we should go with Japan,Japon and Sanuro now"
"Okay" I got his hand softly and walked with him while holding his hand
"How come your holding my hand!? That's surprising!"
"So you don't get lost" I smiled at him.
"Hey! I am not gonna get lost!"
"Fine I'll let go of your hand then."
"Wait no!"
"That's what I thought Italy" I giggled a little.
(Time skip)
"Doing drugs japan" Italy said while looking at japan in the eyes
"And y'all didn't invent me, that's rude"
"Sanuro, I wouldn't invite you to do drugs with me at all you already act like you are" Italy said while giggling at Sanuro's reaction and Italy was saying the truth though
"Italy your a bitch"
"Sanuro!" I said yelling at him
"What!? It's true! He started it!"
"Nah I'm innocent"
"Both of you are on drugs." Japon said while getting up off the bench and Sanuro gasped
"G.J, don't you have cigarettes all up your ass so why you talking" Sanuro said while raising his eyebrow
"G.J?" Russia asked.
"It stands for government of Japan" I said and then smiled at him, I could feel a little blush on my cheeks.
"Oh, okay." He said not looking at me.
(Time skip)
————————————————————————"I hate having an extra job!" Sanuro was complaining.
"Same."  Switzerland agreed.
"Its not a bad job ,all we have to do is write notes about countries and put them on the charts."
"It's useless, I mean everyone knows Switzerland is always gonna be on top of the richest countries chart"
"Not really, I mean like the strongest countries chart, we haven't edited that one."
"America is probably still gonna be on the top and the UK is gonna be 4th still." Switzerland said while drawing on a piece of paper
"I hope he doesn't stay on top" Sanuro said.
The teacher came in but it wasn't him, it was someone else with two other countries. He got a piece of chalk and started to put his name on it, but I already knew his name, Switzerland knew it and so did Sanuro.
"Hello everyone. My name is El Salvador but you can just call me Salvador."
"Hello Salvador!" Some girls and guys in the back said.
"Your teacher, U.N. is not here because he wanted to go see some car show."
"He is so fake for that!" Some boy yelled out.
"Fr he left us for a car show!?" Some girl yelled.
"Anyway, there is two new students." "You guys can introduce yourselves"
"Hello! My name is Denmark!"
"Hi, my name is Alaska."
"Alright we'll Alaska and Denmark you guys can sit down wherever you guys want." Denmark sat behind me and Alaska sat next to Canada.
"Well I don't know what you guys do, they didn't give a paper or anything so I really don't know what you guys do."
"I think we have to update the chart of the strongest countries." Someone said in the front.
"Oh alright then you guys can do that if you need help just ask uh Germany and Canada?"
"Yeah?" Me and Canada asked at the same time.
"Oh it's that there is a paper that says 'if you need help to ask Germany or Canada'."
"Oh" Canada said.
(Time skip again sorry)
"Yeah Sanuro?"
"Do you like Italy?"
After he said that I stayed quiet I didn't know if I did or I didn't. I have never thought of that i have all ways seen him as a best friend that's all but I have been seeing him more then that..
"Uh, I don't know." He looked at my eyes and smiled softly he started giggling and said "by the look on your face and the silence that happened, I think you do." He smiled again this time it showed his fangs
"Don't look at me like"
"Hehe you have a crush on Italy"
"Be quiet! And how about you do your homework for math"
"Nah I'm not gonna do it because I'm mad at Hungary because he changed his subject"
"Really Sanuro because of that"
"Yes hehe"
"Well then get out my dorm, Switzerland is gonna come over"
"Nah I'm staying then!"
Anyways I'm sorry for taking long on making this I have been really busy and my mental health has been getting really bad.

I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving and Christmas 🫶🏽‼️

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