What a day.

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Some people finished their work that Mr. Uk gave out so he just said we could do whatever we want for right now, sanuro and America we're just fighting and Russia still was stuck on the same sentence and he kept erasing it every time he read it.
"America I will punch you in the face like I did in College"
"Starting another fight with me? That's not gonna help you in future or in NATO"
"Your so lucky Asan and your dad are in here!"
"Your right your brother is in here. I really miss him"
"Ew, well I bet he doesn't miss you!"
"Can you guys stop fighting for once the bell is going to ring soon so y'all can go fight in break or something"
"Great idea ger!"
"Actually don't fight at all"
"I hate this class it makes no sense at all"
"English is my least favorite class, so I feel you uh"
"I knew thattt" the bell ringed and everyone was packing up and giving there paper to Mr.Uk so I just got up and was waiting for sanuro since we both hang out every day and have the same classes
"Germany" I was not expecting someone to call my name mostly a lot of people call me n@zi/T.Rs son or war kid tho I'm not a kid, I didn't want to look behind me but I did and it was Asan
"Some guy said to give this to you"
"Oh thank you"
"F*ck, Germany hide me please"
"Why?" I looked at the same place where I heard the yelling and to my surprise it was Iceland he looked angry
"Hide behind the desk"
"Thank you"
"America your face gave me a jump scare right now,like I am crying, you see that tear"
"I don't see anything and would you be so kindly and f*cking move"
"What you have a date or something"
"Mmm yes"
"No way actually? Some would love you??"
"Russia are you done?"
"Aha! So your date is Russia!"
"Then why are you turning red"
"Because it's cold"
"I don't think your cheeks are supposed to be red when you are cold"
"Hm? Oh hey Iceland!"
"Where is your brother?"Great now he asked sanuro where Asan is, Asan is so lucky Sanuro doesn't know where he is
"Which one?"
"Ohh, damn that guy still pulls people? Anyways he is behind the desk of Germany" oh you got to be kidding me right now how the freak did sanuro know that??
"Thank you sanuro"
"Damn America, Iceland and Asan seem very close if you ask me it seems like they might have something together~"
"Shut up" ofc sanuro had to say that out loud,
"... hey Asan."
"Don't be making stuff up"
"Yeah yeah"
"I'm being serious sanuro stop it, leave America alone." Not gonna lie,I love drama this is so interesting to see I mean just the way Asan said Americas name is just so dramatic he said it sad and calm,like even Iceland and Russia look interesting in the tea.
"Aw you actually care for him~" I know that voice and I hate it, North Korea loves to get in peoples business and making more drama as much as I like drama North loves to make it worse, "north leave them alone come on let's go already" and his brother South Korea I like south he is a really kind guy.
"But it's funny seeing how Asan still cares about his dear boyfriend or should I say Ex."
"Haha very funny North how about you go get some b*tches"
"Sanuro,didn't I pull your brother? Heh"
"I hate you with a burning passion" poor Mr.Uk has to stay hearing all the drama and to be honest I don't even think he heard anything since his desk was all the way in the bottom and we were all the way at the back.
"You guys. I need you 8 to go outside before the bell rings and my next class comes in"
"Yes mr.Uk" we all said it at the same time and left, I still had the note Asan gave to me or that some guy said to give this to me or whatever. I read the note and all it said was 'you're eyes are really pretty just like you are really pretty. Germany I really really like you.' I was kinda in shock that someone would like me and that was the first time someone complimented my eyes and called me pretty I know I was turning red because Asan put his hand on my forehead
"Do you have a fever ger your turning red"
"Mir geht es"
"Alright then."
(Time skip because I'm lazy)
"Deutschland,don't you have work today?" "How come you changed your schedule?"
"Well I wanted to have the free day on Friday instead of Monday since everyone I know has a free day on Friday"
"Oh alright! So do you want to go to Japon's and Japan's modeling show on Friday!"
"They have a modeling show on Friday?"
"Yeah! Japan got me 2 tickets to go see it and said I can take anyone, so do you want you go!"
"Sanuro and Germany quite down please"
"Sorry Mr.UN"
(Time skip again)
"Finally all our classes are over but sadly I have an appointment"
"With who?"
"Poland needs help he can't sleep or something" "being a therapist is so hard"
"Then why did you become a therapist?"
"Because of you and the money"
"Not surprising"
"Anyways this Russia guy, doesn't he look like USSR's son?"
"He is"
"Wait really!?"
"Yes and sanuro I have work like in 2 hours"
"You have enough time"
"I am going to my dorm, bye"
"I wanna come!"
What a day, I really just want a break from everything.
Mir geht es=I'm fine
This took so long and I need ideas D:

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