Chapter 7

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After Dr. Loomis and the police chief Robin got all the information they needed on Michael's escaped, they made sure the whole town knew. Around almost every corner was a very high quality picture of Michael, hanging up with the word WANTED written in big black bold capital letters. They had to do a interview with the news with the rest of the police officers. It was so stressful and people were talking over each other, trying to get as much information as they can on Michael's escape. Dr. Loomis and Robin have been interviewing as many people as they can, but they can't do much since not a lot of people were there when Michael escaped.

Robin sat at his desk going over paperwork, since the escape he's been having to work more hours in the office than usual. There was a knock on his door, he sighed in frustration, "What?" he said with an attitude. He's been getting so many visits to his office, mostly from annoying journalists, and he was fed up with it. The door open and Dr. Loomis poke his head inside, "Are you busy?" He asked him. Robin sighed looking down at the pile of paper work on his desk, "If this is important, then no I'm not." He said moving it aside. Dr. Loomis opened the door all the way and stepped inside, and behind him a lady he's never seen before came in with him. She looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes like she hasn't slept in a while. Her brown hair was put up in a messy bun and she was still wearing her pajamas and slippers. "Mr. Robin, this is Jessica, Ralph's wife." Dr. Loomis said. Robin made a gesture towards the two seats in front of his desk and they both sat down. "I'm guessing you came here to talk about the death of your husband and Michael?" Robin asked her. She gave a small nod and her lower lip started to tremble she then burst out in tears and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Dr. Loomis looked away, and Robin reached for a box of Kleenexes behind him and handed them to her. She thanked him quietly and wiped her eyes and her nose. "I just can't believe this happened officer!" She said shaking her head again, more tears starting to fall down her face. "We just moved here- not too long ago! And now he's- he's-" She started sobbing again, Robin waited patiently for her to stop. "I understand this is a very hard time for your Mrs. Mcdaniel, and I assure you, me, the police officers, and Dr. Loomis is doing everything we can to catch Michael." Robin said in a very monotone voice, this isn't the first time he's had to say it. "I just don't understand! How could he have escaped in a isolated sanitarium?" She asked. Robin looked uneasily at Dr. Loomis, but he didn't look back, "Ma'am, your husband was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Robin finally said. She nodded as if she understood this, but really didn't, "We were gonna start a family!" She wailed. "I understand Mrs. McDaniel, and I am very sorry for your lost. Is there anything we can do to help?" Dr. Loomis said putting a hand on her shoulder.

She stopped crying and now looked angry, "I want you guys to catch this son of a bitch!" She said angrily. Robin nodded his head, "That's what we're doing Mrs. McDaniel." He said.

"But you're not doing enough!" She yelled now standing up, Dr. Loomis and Robin were completely unfazed from this, use to it. "He's still out there- right now! Killing innocent people! While you sit on your ass and do noth-"

"WE'RE DOING THE BEST WE CAN!" Robin yelled standing up now, his face was starting to turn red again, he's had enough. "I've been in this office for 6 hours straight! The officers have been out day and night searching every where in town and putting up wanted pictures of him EVERYWHERE! And me and Dr. Loomis have been doing so many interviews trying to tell people as much information as we can! What more do you want us to do?!" He finished, now breathing heavy with anger. That whole little speech shut Jessica right up and she sat back down apologizing. "I just want just for my husband." She said quietly looking down at her hands in her lap. "We all want justice Mrs. McDaniel." Robin said now rubbing his temple.

There was a loud commotion going on somewhere in the police station, it sounded like a man yelling in pain, followed by a sound of struggling and fighting. Dr. Loomis was already running out the door to where the noise was coming from, and now Robin had grabbed his gun and ran out the door too, nearly knocking Jessica out of her chair. Robin ran down the hallway, his gun in his hand and held out, ready to shoot. He finally arrived to the property room, and what he saw made him drop his gun in shock. There was glass and papers all over the floor, and laying on the floor were one of the police officers, Dave Brenant. He was clutching the bottom right part of his stomach where he was bleeding from, Dr. Loomis was on the ground beside him, trying to apply pressure to the wound. About 8 more police officer now ran to where the noise was coming from, looking just as confused and surprised as Robin. "Robin- he got it." David managed to choke out. "He's got what? Who?!" Robin asked now kneeling beside him.

"Michael- he's got the mask." David said before passing out. Robin looked at Loomis with wide eyes and grabbed his gun, he ran outside of the police station, the rest of the officers hot on his heels. When he got outside he can here the sound of screeching tires and saw the familiar car that Michael was driving when he first escaped the sanitarium. He took his gun out, aiming it at the back of the car and started to shoot. He managed to shoot the window out, but missed Michael. He drove around the block, knocking a stop sign over. He had escaped

(I know this one was a bit short, there's gonna be a burst of updates coming, I want this book done by Halloween!🔪🎃🔪)

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