Chapter 5

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I had been walking now for almost 15 minutes, trying to find somewhere to maybe sit and lounge at. Our neighborhood is right beside the small town of Haddonfield, so it didn't take me long to get there. The town's pretty old, not many cool modern places to go. I sighed in defeat, maybe I can just go to the library, I'll lie and tell her that I went somewhere cool and socialized. I felt a little bit of guilt in my stomach, thinking about lying to my mother. I just can't do that to her, I know she'd never do it to me. I continued on down the sidewalk, now walking down Willow street. This area of the town was pretty busy, and I could already see a lot of people walking up and down the sidewalk. Some with their spouses, and some with little children, I kind of feel like I'm the only one walking alone. There weren't too many interesting places to go to, there was the museum, a toy store- I'm too old for toys. I noticed one building at the end of the street, the doors were wide open and I could hear music and people laughing from inside. I saw some people leave out the place and recognized them from my school. Perfect! I thought as I made my way to this place. Maybe I'll make some friends like my mom wants me too, I don't think it's a bad idea, just not in my interest.

I now stood in front of the building Mick's Bar... I'm not going there for alcohol of course, maybe a burger and soda or some shit. I'm only 16 and I know they wouldn't let a 16 year old into a bar. But I'm quite tall for my age, so I can definitely pass as someone in their 20's. I walked in to the bar all confident with my chest all poked out, trying to look cool and tough. But once I saw all the people inside I dropped that act, feeling the social anxiety in me rising. There were a lot of people in here, and they were all adults, I didn't recognize anybody from school. Everyone was drinking, eating and laughing, while some music blasted, it was so loud that I almost couldn't hear the guy behind the bar talking to me.

"What?" I called out over the loud music. "Would you like a drink or something?" He asked me. I realized how weird I looked just standing in the middle of the bar looking around at everyone. I quickly sat down at the bar, giving the man an apologetic smile. He smiled back and handed me a menu and I scanned through it. There were a lot of alcoholic beverages on it, I mean of course- this is a bar after all. There were even some special limited edition Halloween drinks. One of them were called the Witch's Cauldron, a green drink with smoke coming out of it. That shit looks cool, but I know better than to drink alcohol. I quickly ordered a burger and a root beer float, feeling the bartender staring at me, waiting for me to order was making me nervous. I watched as he went to the back and made a burger, then he came back and grabbed a beer mug and filled it with root beer. I almost forgot what I was coming here for, "So um, business is booming in here huh?" I said glancing around trying to start a conversation. "Yep it is." He said putting my burger and root beer drink in front of me. "But it starts to get really busy by 7." He said now cleaning some glasses. I took a drink of my root beer, nodding as he talked, this shit tasted terrible. "Never seen you around here. What's your name?" He asked. "Oh, I'm Janet." I said.

"Nice to meet you Janet, I'm Tommy." He said extending his hand, I shook it, smiling in relief. These people are really nice, I don't know what the hell I'm so worried about. He went back to cleaning and I started eating my burger, I looked around the bar and saw something hanging on the wall, it was a baseball bat. "Cool baseball bat." I said, trying to start another conversation. "Thanks, it's an antique." He told me beaming. I smiled nodding, wanting him to talk about it, and he did for the next 20 minutes. By the time he was done I had already finished my burger and was now sipping on the root beer, not caring that it tasted nasty. The bar was now getting fuller and fuller, and Tommy was busy now taking other people's order and fixing more drinks. I'm feeling more comfortable in this place, welcomed. I was even starting to talk to other people there, one guy was amazed at how tall I was, asked if I was on the basketball team, I get asked that a lot but I have no interest in sports. The door was now closed, it was getting colder and windier outside, but it opened again and I could fill the cold wind hit my legs, forming goosebumps there. I turned around and saw an older lady walking into the bar, and just the sight of her took all the happiness out of me that I was feeling.

She looked miserable, she had bright blonde hair that looked like it had been bleached, she was a lot older, judging by the wrinkles on her face. Her eyes were empty and filled with so much sorrow and sadness that I had to look away for a bit. I could see the heavy bags under her eyes, even with her glasses on, and she had a stack of paper in her hands, and her other hand was clutching her keys. She sat down beside me and I couldn't help but to stare at her, she just looked so damn sad. And I can smell the alcohol lingering on her. Tommy walked over to her, giving her a small smile. "My usual please." She said in a low quiet voice. "Sure thing, Laurie." Tommy said, grabbing a shot glass and filling it with whiskey. She gave Tommy a small smile as she took it, murmuring a thank you and downing it down in a second. Tommy got the whiskey bottle back out and filled the glass up again. "Any luck?" He asked her as he went back to cleaning the glasses. She sadly shook her head, now holding the shot glass but not drinking it. "I'm sure she just ran away, I don't think she's dead." Tommy told her, and she nodded in response. "But why? Why would she run away?" She said sadly. Tommy hesitated to answer, but decided not to, and went to go take some more orders.

She was now staring ahead at the wall, still holding her drink in one hand, and the stack of papers in the other. I know I shouldn't butt into people's business but I was here to talk after all. "What's that?" I asked her pointing at the papers in her hand. She jumped a little and turned around startled. She didn't answer but stared at me, squinting her eyes and tilting her head, as if she recognized me, I was starting to regret talking to her now. She quickly looked away and looked back at the papers, she took one and gave it to me and I looked at it. It was a missing paper. At the top it said HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL? It showed a picture of a young girl, she looked like she could be in high school. She had red hair, and was posing for a school picture. On the other side of the paper was another picture, it looked like her but older, but I know it wasn't actually her. They do that a lot with people who've gone missing for long periods of time, it's always creeped me out seeing them in the store and on buildings. Annie Myers.....

"She's my granddaughter." Laurie said, as if reading my mind, I was gonna ask. I read the bottom of the paper and saw that she had been missing for almost 16 years. There's just no way she's still alive, but I could understand why she'd wouldn't believe that. "I'm so sorry." I said, now regretting ever talking to her. She only nodded, her chin was quivering and it looked like she was about to cry. Without thinking I pulled her into a side hug and she cried on my shoulder. She pulled away after a few minutes and drunk her second shot down, feeling it up again with more whiskey. I didn't know what else to say, I was starting to get nervous and uncomfortable now, the mood had changed fast. "Um, I'll give it to my mother and friends." I said grabbing a few more from her. She looked up at me giving me a thankful small smile, that lit up her face, and for a moment she looked almost 20 years younger. But her smile disappeared as she stared me in the eyes, I was starting to get very uncomfortable now. "I- is there something wrong?" I asked squirming in my seat uneasily. "It's just... You look, like him." She said

I gave her a puzzled look, "Who?" I asked. She was about to talk again but my phone started to buzz, it was my mom calling so I answered. "Hey honey? Are you having a good time- it sure does sound like it!" She said. "Um yes mom, it's great here! I said giving her a fake laugh, Laurie was still staring at me. "Well it's getting late, I need you home in about 20 minutes. Do you need a ride?" She asked. "Oh no, no I can walk mom- I'll see you there!." I hung up before she could speak again, I didn't want her knowing that I was in a bar, and I also wanted to get the hell up out of there cause this Laurie lady was freaking me out. "I have to go home now, that was my mother." I told her, she looked away nodding. I stood up grabbing the papers and left, the street was starting to get more crowded, people were heading to the bar now. As I walked home I couldn't stop thinking about Laurie, and why the hell she was staring at me like that. I glanced down at the missing papers in my hand, studying Annie's face, maybe my mom would know something about her. She was missing about 16 years ago, I think my mom would've been in high school around that time. 

(Hope you enjoyed! Happy spooky month to you all! 🎃🎃🔪😁💖)

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