His morning star.

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Third person pov.

"Felix" "Felix".... Felix....a roar of audience cheering for Lee Felix to win the match.
The audience gasped when felix got hit but their eyes turn wide a as they saw felix knocking out the guy in just one shot....well that's what felix is for.

If you didn't understand then,
Lee Felix
24yrs old
Famous boxer
Ruthless, scary as hell ( if they knew the truth).

Everyone was cheering for the youngman when he recieved his prize.

While walking out surrounded by bodyguards,a guy passed him by his bad luck he collided with felix. Everyone eyes went wide and they knew the guy was dead, cause felix is scary..

Felix held the guy's hand strong and looked into his eyes, making him shiver...."Be careful next time Mr." the way he spoke a chill ran down everyone's body and well the guy was visibly shaking, he took a sharp breath before stumbling and moving away......and when the cameras focussed the guy's face,he had tears in his eyes threatening to fall, he was still shaking.

Felix reached his car and drove by himself towards his home.
He pulled the car when he reached home, rang the bell but no one opened so he used the key to enter.

The house was very dark and lonely confusing him.

He walked towards hi room only to be scared.


He was greeted with party confetti....
"Congratulations on your win love....".
Hyunjin came out laughing and jumped on his boyfriend hugging him tight.
He had his legs wrapped around felix and was looking into his boyfriend's beautiful eyes smiling and congratulating him again in soft voice.
Congratulations lixie..I'm very proud of you".
"Thank you so much hyunnie ".
"What is my hyunnie doing here, i thought he had his art exhibition tomorrow and he would be busy".
"Well I completed the work fast.."
Felix walked towards the kitchen holding his koala boyfriend who was excited about his exhibition tomorrow felix stared into his eyes as his eyes were sparkling with so much excitement and dream that his heart warmed seeing him.

Without a lot of thinking he moved closer to his baby sitting on the counter and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips, whispering "I love you so much hyunnie".
And slowly deepened the kiss holding his baby's waist and standing between him legs.

Felix slowly sucked his baby's lips then swiped his tongue on the lower lip and hyunjin immediately in opened his mouth giving him access, he first sucked the tongue then dived deeper swiping over the teeth and the upper palate. He sucked the tongue again before kissing his lips gently and moving away just to his hyunie, who had his eyes closed, breathing heavily his plump lips swollen looking so red...he smiled at disheveled state and kissed his forehead.
"You look so beautiful like this you know".
"I know ....you always tell me" hyunjin replied with red cheeks.
"You are so gentle with me...I don't know why people think you are cruel...you are so sweet".
"I guess it's because it's you I'm gentle...dont you think?"
"Oh I know...I like special treatment I get".
"Oh you always liked it, you were the only one sticking to me in highschool when everyone were scared of me".
"How could I not, i looked into you...you were so handsome, i could not take my eyes off..and when you helped the old woman carry her bags giving such beautiful smile and talked to dogs with sparkling eyes...I wanted it too..for you to look at me like that...and I got it"
"Talk about it, stalking a man, just because he was beautiful.... very nice."

"If i would not have stalked you, i would never know the real you, I was attracted to your face, but then i saw how gentle you actually were i fell in love with you and never got up again " . Hyunjin said smiling and pulling his boyfriend in a quick kiss...and resting his forehead on his and whispering.......

"I love you so much lixie...."
"I love my hyunie too ....."

Let's move to the love story, which took place 6 years ago, when they were in highschool.

Felix was 18 years old in his senior year and hyunjin was 17 years new to the college.

Felix and hyunjin both are art students, felix working on his dream to be boxer and hyunjin moving ahead towards his dream to be a successful artist.

Hyunjin first met felix at the bus stop, when felix was beating some guys.
Hyunjin was mesmerized by how the boy was giving blows, how his muscles were flexed, how hard his punches were and how beautiful he looked. Hyunjin fell in love at first sight. Hyunjin wanted to be blown by the body atleast once.

After beating the shit out of them felix acted very cool, and waited for the bus.
As he was waiting and started drinking water to cool himself, he saw a guy approaching him with red cheeks, "Hey...my name is hyunjin and do you wanna sleep ?".
"Fuff........ excuse me?". Felix puffed out the water on hyunjin's face.

Felix was stunned by the approach, did the guy just ask him to fuck him, like literally a stranger, to be fucked. Woah people are getting wild these days.

"You heard me, want to fuck me, I'm cute and submissive, you can ram into me like ho-". "stop you hear what your telling, you sound pervert idiot and I don't fuck people around".
"Then you fuck them private".
"Oh I don't fuck actually"
"Ohh..you are a bottom it's okay you can top me I don't mind".
"No pervert, I make love to people"
"You can make to me too..".
"Well I'm not interested, I need someone special".
". Yahh.....I'm special  too..you know im the only son of my parents ".
"Well too bad I have two sisters, and I was talking about virginity ".
"I'm virgin too..."
" sound like a desperate lie.."
"No I'm actually speaking truth"
"Like i believe... find someone else."
"I found you...and I only need you no one else".
Felix heart wavered at the cute confession. His cheeks started turning red and he quickly moved away from the boy,  lucky him his bus just arrived and he  walked into it escaping the curious eyes of the boy.

Well this was their first meeting.......and start towards a beautiful love story....


I was going to make it as a cute oneshot, but as I went typing i realised i could put more into the plot.

So this is going to be the prologue of a new story which I'll write it separately as a book under the same name
"His morning star".
The story is inspired from the last scene of flower of evil.

So look forward to it,I'll release the book once my exams finish.

Thank you everyone.....
See you all in next chapter.

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