My Prince "I'll always protect you" - 3

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Hyunjin pov.

This is all because of me, if i had listened to uncle then this would not have happened, my felix would not be hurt,"Lixie,wake up please.... lixie you can hear me, don't leave me..please lixie.. lixi-".
"I'm fine, hyunnie don't worry take her and go inside I'll take care of here".
"Noo, lixie I can't leave" i  was sobbing holding onto felix's sleeve. I can't let him go, never please..
"Hyunnie,my beautiful bestfriend please go the girl trusts you more, she needs you  take her fast".
I saw myeonie was almost passing out from exhaustion, she was breathing heavy she needed help. But my lixie "Hyunnie leave" felix spoke by pushing a man using the sword on us.
I believed in felix and ran towards cottage with myeonie.

I helped the little girl, to drink some water, looked to see if any kid had gotten any injuries. There were some kids, i treated their wounds with the things present in the cottage. If you ask how I know these, sitting in palace and not allowed to go anywhere, i learned to treat people's wounds with help of royal head physician.
I also applied the learned methods on felix, as the boy was always on ground training himself, getting hurt.

All the kids are fine, I hope lixie is also fine, thinking about the way he called me hyunnie after several years, warms my heart.
Woah I did not even know I had tears flowing down my eyes. My lixie he also called me beautiful.

Third person pov.

There were total 5 people with swords trying to kill hyunjin or felix, it did not matter. As they saw hyunjin running away one of the guy ran behind them, but before he could reach them, felix threw the dagger aiming the guy's neck to kill him on spot and it worked. Now felix was surrounded by 4 guys, one of them slit through felix's neck but felix bent back slicing his sword in two guys abdomen making them fall on the ground,the sword aimed towards him slit his cheek making him hiss, he held that guy's wrist and twisted it taking it on his back and slicing his throat mercilessly and pushed the useless body towards the last guy and pierced the sword through them from back, killing him.

He went to the 2 fallen on the ground and passed his sword through one's neck effectively killing him, he held the last by his throat "How did you know it was the prince, who sent you here you piece of shit". Felix growled holding his neck tight, making it difficult to breath.
"You know I can kill you, if you are not going to be useful right? If you don't tell me now then I won't hesitate to kill you".
Felix spoke in his deep voice effectively scaring the man.
"I don't kno-w who sen-t us trust me, w-e got or-der to kill the prince with a painting of him and some royal coi-ns as price an-d we ca-me to do ou-r wo-rk...i do-nt know any-th-ing please spare my l-ife".

The answer did not shock felix it just confirmed his suspicions, he let the guy go hoping the guy would really be able to live....cause for sure he knew he was going to die for failing the mission.

Before anyone else could come, felix went where hyunjin and the kids were, freeing them and personally, they dropped all the kids to their home.
All the citizens in the market got to know hyunjin  was the prince and surprisingly could not hate him like they thought. They saw how the boy tried to protect the kids, tried knowing about their lifestyle also how much the kids love. They felt like, they might be wrong about the prince cause he was literally angel than a demon.

Hyunjin pov.

"Lixie are we going to palace now?
"No hyunnie, we are going to my home, it's already dark and you are tired it's not worth arguing or justifying our actions to head minister ".
" are right".

The whole way felix held my hand and lead the way. I felt really happy and giddy that he started calling me hyunnie again and did not realise or did not want to change.

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