gangle x reader

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I need yall to hear me out on if Y/N was like... a total opposite of Gangle?

Like Y/Ns tough and cold but she has a HUGEEE soft spot for Gangle

I also hc Gangle being She/Them

"Where is she?" I thought, walking around the hall. I was looking for Gangle, she wanted to tell me something.

Gangle was my best friend. I loved her. I'm pretty sure she loved me a little more though if you know what I mean. She always clings to me and runs to me for comfort. I don't mind at all though, I'm actually really happy she does.

She's adorable, happy or sad. The first time we met was when she first arrived. She was crying and panicking, and I was able to calm her down. I hugged her and reassured that she was okay while she wrapped her ribbons around me.

It was a weird feeling. Emotionally I mean. I felt a strong urge to protect her no matter what.

And from that day on, that's what I do most of the time, I protect her from idiot Jax.

I wasn't fond of physical contact until Gangle came along honestly. Her hugs and cuddles seemed to grow on me, and I find myself craving them sometimes. It's a disgusting feeling..

"Gangle?" I call out, looking around and listening carefully. I call out again, but I can't seem to reach her. I decide she would probably be in her room, so I begin walking there. I look at the creepy paintings of eyes and other weird things. I always had a deep and twisted feeling about them. The way the designs and anatomy didn't make sense made me shiver.

Suddenly, I hear the faint sound of crying.


"Gangle, honey? Open the door, please?" I knock gently on the door, but she doesn't answer. The sobbing gets louder. I fear she might have hurt herself.

After a few seconds, the door opens an inch. After she sees that I'm alone, she opens it fully. She didn't like it when too many people came to comfort her, she told me that a few weeks ago.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking down at her. I caught a glimpse of her broken comedy mask on her bedroom floor.

She takes a deep, but silent, breath and looks up at me. "N-nothing.." She mumbled, putting her ribbon/hand on her chin. "Was my crying too loud?.." She asks, another tear rolls down her cheek.

"Of course not." I tell her, honestly. "May I come in?.." I ask, with a soft voice. She nods her head and stumbled out the way. I walk straight to her broken comedy mask, picking the two pieces up.

"I might have some glue that Caine gave to me sometime ago. Would you like me to glue the pieces back together?"

The question make Gangles face light up, nodding her head rapidly. "Yes!.. please?.."

"Okay, come on. Let's go." I grab her little ribbon hand and lead her to my room. I was trying my best to be careful since I didn't want to drag her or hurt her.

I open my room door and bring her in. I close it and begin to rummage through my drawers for the glue. I mumble to myself before finding it and putting it on my desk.

I put my hand out for Gangle to give the other part of her mask, and she does. A worried, but calm, look was on her face.

I successfully glued the pieces together and put them by my fan. "Just wait for it to dry, then you can put it on." I look over at them.

She's-... they're staring at me.


"..gangle?" "Hm!- oh! Uh- I-I... thank you, Y/N!" "No need. It's the bare minimum."

Suddenly, I feel ribbons wrap around me. I look down to see a grateful gangle, buried in my chest. I was torn between hugging her back or telling her.

!?@#$! it.

"W-Woah!" They exclaimed looking down at me as I held them up. "Y-Y/N?!"

"I know I might not show it as much.. but I love you, gangle. I really love you."

" mean it?.."

Her voice breaks. Her ribbons get tighter, and she buries her face in my neck.

"I wanna do all sorts of things with you. Escape, go on little dates, watch movies, cuddle- everything!" I let these feeling pour out of me like water rushing out of a broken dam. I wanted- no, NEEDED to tell her how much I loved her.

She was my comfort person. The only one who didn't judge me for how I acted.

"Ive dreamt of this day for so long.." She muttered, sobbing into my shoulder.

"..Gangle? Would.. ?@#$!! would you wanna be my partner?" I asked, holding her tightly. She cried louder, hugging me tighter.

I look at her comedy mask and gave it to her. She put it on and kissed my cheek.

"... I love you, Y/N.." "..I love you too, Gangle."