ragatha x mean reader

416 10 15

A few years ago, I arrived at this circus. I haven't minded it, I mean, I get to do stuff with almost no consequences! Why exactly would I hate it here? I don't even remember the stuff before I came here..

All I know is that it must've been really shitty. A wave of nostalgia hit me when I entered this place. Everything was so nice.

But these people are too nice. They smile at me. Especially this one girl,


She's so caring and loving, like bitch, you ain't even know these people, you ain't even know me!

..why is she nice then?

Does she want to be nice to me? Is she pitying me? Is she making fun of me?

No that can't be it.

Can it?-

"Hey, Y/N!" "ACK-" I jump, turning around and looking at the dollfaced girl staring right at me with that same smile.

"The [CENSORED] do you want?" I turn my whole body, holding eye contact. She frowns and puts her hands on her hips. "You shouldn't swear. What's the point in it?" Her frown dissappears, replacing it with a smile. "Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the lake..with me..later." her voice shakes with those last words.

"..why?" I ask, but it came out really uh


"..O-Oh! If you don't want to go that's fine! I don't want to pressure you-" "No no, I'll go! It's just.. is there a reason?" I tilt my head to the side at the last part.

"Oh, uhm.. n-no.. no reason!" She giggled softly, flashing her smile again. "are you sure about that?" I ask bluntly. Was she doing this for a reason? Was there gonna be Jax waiting with a prank he came up with while sitting on the toilet? "W-Why would there be a reason..?" She tilts her head nervously, her face red.

Her lips were wobbly, and animated drops of sweat appeared on her cheek. She wants to tell me something, I just know it. She looked so anxious and overwhelmed.. and I feel like it's cruel to want to see her like this more.

"What time?" I sigh, averting my eyes. Peripheral vision tells me she perked up after I asked that.

"At 6:30, after dinner!" Her smiles back to normal, all perfect and nice. "It's a date." I look back at her. She made a weird sound, like a squeak. She just nodded her head and walked back to wherever she came from. What exactly could Ragatha want? With me? Alone.

..well, that doesn't matter now. I'm sure it's just because she wants to know be a little better. Or maybe she wants to be friends..? I hope she wants to be friends- Fuck, no! I don't hope anything! I don't want to be friends with Ragatha! I don't like her!

I don't like her.

Do I?


After dinner, I go to my room. I still have 30 minutes until I meet with Ragatha. Good thing I don't have to get ready, I probably would've spent a while. Or.. maybe not. I can't remember.

I lie down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I wonder what Ragatha thinks of me. She gets nervous around me sometimes, is she scared? Does she like me? Does she like me?.. no, she doesn't. She can't. I mean, she's nice and pretty. And Im.. well, none of those. Well, I'm not bad looking. Unlike Jax.

Knock knock

I lift my head up, looking at my clock. It says 6:27. Did really spend that much time thinking about her? Weird.

I open the door to Gangle. She never really liked being around me. She was alright.

"What do you want?" "U-uhm.. Ragatha sent me to you. She said she was gonna be a little late.."

"Oh, okay."



"The [CENSORED] are you looking at?" "S-sorry!"

______________At the lake_______________

I look at the moon, who was sleeping..I think? I wondered since she's ai, didn't Caine program her to be flirty with him? What a lonely guy. I would think it'd be lonely, being the ring master of this place and.. well, not having anyone to love. Not having anyone to love because you're a certain way. No one wants to love you because you're different. You have no one to love, so you distract yourself with other stuff.

.. You hate people before they can hate you.

"Hey, you're really here!"

I hear a voice from behind. I continue to stare at the

"I told you I'd come." I look at her. She smiles at that. She walks over to me, her rag doll hair bounces and moves around, animated. "I know it's just... you don't seem like the kind of person you willingly hang out with people." She giggles softly, looking at the stars. "You'd be correct." I laugh a little.

"..You know, ever since you've arrived, I've never seen you smile." She tilted her head at me, her voice a little above a whisper. I look at her, a little surprised. She was right, I hadn't smiled. "..I know."

"Why?" "Smiling makes me feel vulnerable. Weak. Fake. I probably didn't even smile when I was..well, alive I guess." "You haven't smiled at all? Not even alone?.." "..No."

Ragatha looked a little sad at this. She turned back to the stars, "Oh.." She mumbled. The moonlight shined on her bow and her plush face. I continue admiring her, her lip trembled a little.

"You okay?" I ask, tilting my head a little. "Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm fine." She swallowed, looking away.

"..There is a reason you brought me here.. isn't there?"

She perks up at this, but she doesn't look at me. I look at the lake, the same moonlight from earlier shines likes a familiar smile. "..Yeah. There is."

The wind is cold, but comforting. The air is warm, humid. I hear the digital trees move slightly. The water is still, and calm.

"..I.. I have feelings for you, Y/N. Romantic feelings. A-And.. uhm.. I really really like you. And I understand if you don't feel the same, I just need to get it off my chest." Her voice starts to shake.

"..Holy [CENSORED] really?"

She shoots a mad look at me, but it quickly turns surprised as she sees my heated face. The air suddenly feels lighter and warmer. "Yeah.. really."

I look back at the lake before gulping harshly. There was no way she liked me.. I mean, who would? I'm a total asshole. Why does she like me? Why would a caring, beautiful, nice girl like her like me?..

"..Are you sure like me?.. L-Like you're not just-.. Like you're sure it's love? You don't just like.. I don't know, care about me?.."

As all these things run through my head, she begins to laugh. Her digital ragdoll hair bounces gently, and she covers her mouth. "You really haven't noticed?.." She asks softly, her tone is warm.

"No [CENSORED] I haven't noticed!" I shout lightly, beginning to smile just a little bit. I haven't felt this happy since.. my last life, maybe.. she actually liked me. And I didn't know until now that I did too.

"W-Well.. how do you feel about it?.." She asks, cautious. Looking up at me, smiling gently.

I walk over to her and hug her tightly. She freezes for a moment before hugging me back.. she was so warm. So warm and comfortable. This all felt so surreal, like I was dreaming. And before i can stop myself, I kiss her cheek. She gasps softly before smiling sweetly. She places a small peck on my lips before leaning her head into her shoulder shyly. I smile, surprised at her bold action. I kiss her back, and we both melted into each other.. Everything was perfect.

Now all I needed to do is not fuck it up.
