ragatha x fem! teddy bear! reader

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Like the title says, you're a teddy bear

Also, you and ragatha are already dating but aren't really official

And everytime you hug someone you make them feel a lot better

I'm in my room, drawing something. I was focusing on a body part, trying my best to draw it. I hated accurate anatomy, but I was pretty good at it according to my girl, ragatha. Me and her have been together for a few months now, but we didn't really make it official. We haven't even kissed on the lips.

I erased the butchered part of the drawing and tried again, ignoring the dark smudges on the paper from said erasure. I don't know how people think art is calming. It can be if you're just splashing a bunch of paint or ripping a piece of paper.

Suddenly, there's a knock at my door.

Who the !?@#$s knocking right now?? At 11pm???

I get up and open the door to reveal a pretty face.

A pretty sad face.

"Ragatha?" "Hey..babe." She replied depressingly.

"..can I come in?" She asks, tilting her head to the side while rubbing her arm.

"Of course." I move out the way and open the door more. She walks in, slumped. It was totally unlike her to be like this.

"So.. what's up?" I ask, sitting next to her on my bed. However, she doesn't look at me. She keeps her eyes on her hands that rest in her lap.

"Its Jax. He's starting to go too far," she said, "it's starting to stress me out. I'm trying my best to keep him from making gangle feel bad and scaring pomni and kinger."

I listen intently, noting everything down in my head.

"Its hard, you know?.. Trying to be the bigger person. I hate it. It's tiring me, and I'm starting to feel drained." She sighs, laying down.

"You should rest for a week or two. Just stay with me or by yourself. I'll bring you food and entertainment if you ever want any.." I suggest softly.

"Thanks, Y/N." she turns to me finally, "You're sweet."

I shrug and smile warmly, laying down too.

"But that's okay.. if I'm not there I'm pretty sure the circus would be on fire." She mumbles, shuffling to me.

"Yeah, well.. you know. You could always just sock him in the rib."

She giggled softly. Her laugh was so pretty. "You know I can't do that." She shakes her head gently.

"Hey, honey?.." "hm?.." "Can I have a hug?..p-please?.."

Her voice starts to break. I immediately hug her tightly. My fuzzy fabric always calmed her down.

"I'm so tired." She sighs quietly, on the verge of tears.

I rub her back gently and begin to play with her plush-like hair. She loved it when I did that.

"..just rest for now, okay, hon?.. lay down, take a nap, watch something.. you know? Relax." I suggest, kissing her cheek. She blushed lightly and hugged me again.

"..I love you."

I gasp softly at those words.

Looking down at her dreamily, smiling with pure joy and love. "I love you too."

"You make me happy, Y/N. Really happy. Thanks for putting up with me tonight.." "Of course. I can't stand to see you sad, rag-"

Right after I said that, I get kissed.

On the lips.

By my beautiful kind of girlfriend.

Holy !?@#$.

I stare at her, completely surprised. She just looked at me and giggled before resting her head against my chest. I layed there, frozen.

"And what was that for?" I questioned, hugging her tightly.

"Beause you're my girlfriend, Y/N. And I can tell you've been wanting to kiss me for a while now."


She was right. She always was.