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Colby's pov

I woke up to my alarm going off meaning that it was now 6:40 am so I got up and went into my closet and started looking for something to wear and I finally decided on a black teddy bear top from Sam's Merch black skinny jeans with a chain on it then I did my teeth and hair then I checked my phone and it was now 6:49 so I went to jades room and knocked on her door to see if she was awake 

"mhmm?" she groaned just waking up

"get up you need to get ready it's 6:49 now," I said opening the door 

"oh shit I slept through my alarm," she said jumping out of bed

"I'll be back at 7," I said closing the door

"OKK" she said in a panic 

I went downstairs and went to the couch and went on my phone

jades pov

colby just came in and told me that it's 6:49 leaving me only 11 minutes to get ready fuck 

I ran into my closet and got dressed into a white crop top a jumper and some ripped jeans  then I grabbed some socks and put them on and put on some white converses then I ran into the bathroom and did my teeth hair and makeup then I heard a knock on my door

"ONE SEC," I said 

I ran into my closet and grabbed a handbag and then I went to my bed and grabbed my phone and put it in my handbag and then made my bed and then I ran to the door and opened it

"hi you look nice," he said

"Hi thanks, you do too," I said catching my breath 

"ok let's go," he said

I nodded and we walked downstairs and hopped into his car 

"Where do you want to go for breakfast?" colby asked

"macces?" I asked 

"ok," he said and started driving

"Can I put music on?" I asked

"ya go ahead," he said

I connected my phone to the car and played Colby's playlist that I found on Spotify 

"Hey Jade I was thinking that we could pick up our macces and go somewhere else to eat it," colby said

"ya that sounds good" I said

"only if you want to do you think you could tell me more about your childhood and what your dad did to you and what made you want to die?" he asked

"oh um ya sure," I said

"only if you want to though i don't want to pressure you into it" he said

"ya I want to but not today because well it will bring the mood down so let's talk about other things" I said

"oh ok," he said

we arrived at macces and he ordered our food and then we drove to a park down the road to macces and we got out and I grabbed the food and he went to the boot and he got something  out and it was a  picnic blanket then we went over to a quiet area and he put the blanket down and I put the food down and sat down then he got out his stuff and I got out mine and we started eating and we talked about random stuff and how we are and how we slept and all of our weird dreams that we could remember and we made up some inside jokes and made some dirty comments on stuff we said then he checked the time and it was already 10

"ok so what should we do now," I asked

"tattoo timeee," he said

"ok," I said

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