4; Time to let go/A connection

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"I was talking to Cub since he seems to know a lot about the sculk, right?" Zed said, Tango nodding in agreement. "And you and MT are a little sculky, right? So anyway, I talked to him and he gave me this." He turned to a large book and flipped through the pages a bit to a picture of a large beast with similar features to Tango and MT. "Your species is the offspring of two ancient creatures, one an ancestor to the warden and the other an ancient ice monster. Both went extinct millions of years ago, but your species is still alive with a real purpose."

As Zed looked up at Tango, he noticed the shorter's eyes glistening with tears as a smile spread on his lips. Zedaph wanted to melt in awe of how cute Tango was.

"The purpose of your species is to guard the Deep Dark and keep things out of the Ancient Cities," Zedaph said, and Tango looked up at him finally. "Cub had discovered one of your species when he was exploring the Deep Dark and he researched them extensively, surprisingly to the knowledge of no one. But there could be thousands, if not millions, of them in the world."

Tango sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "You mean there's more of me out there?" he asked hopefully. "I could have a family?"

Zedaph sighed. "I... doubt that you have biological family still alive somewhere," he said gently. "According to Cub's research, once an offspring is hatched from its egg, the parents go into hibernation, hiding themselves in the Deep Dark. They're either consumed by sculk, or the warden has, um... eaten them."

Tears sprung to Tango's eyes again. "So I'm alone?" he murmured. "I have nobody?"

"No, no, no, you have me," Zedaph said, abandoning the book to rush over to Tango, wrapping his arms around him to squeeze him tightly. "You have me and you have Impulse and you have all of the other Hermits. We're your family."

Tango sobbed once, then twice, then cried continuously for a good while. Zedaph didn't let go of him until he let go first.

"Sorry," Tango said, sniffling and wiping his eyes after letting go of Zed. "I didn't mean to start crying like that."

Zedaph shook his head. "It's okay. I'd probably cry, too."

Tango went quiet for a moment, his eyes focused on the floor as he fell deep into thought. Zedaph could practically see gears turning. "I think we should let MT go," he said finally, looking up at Zed. "He has a purpose and he shouldn't be domesticated and taken away from the life he should live. Not that I want him to be eaten by the warden or consumed by sculk, but... he deserves to serve his purpose."

Zedaph smiled. "Okay."

• • •

Tango sniffled as he, Zedaph, and Impulse took MT back to the cave he was found in, obviously trying not to cry. He didn't know why hewas so emotional about this; he hadn't known MT for very long; but Zedaph seemed to think it was because of some connection Tango and MT made since they were the same species, like how False and Grian had a connection because they were both avian. Maybe Zed was right, or maybe Tango was just a very emotional guy.

Or both.

They stopped at the cave entrance, MT clinging to Tango's arm, and Zedaph nodded at Tango. It was time to let go.

"Okay, buddy," Tango said to MT. "You can go home now."

MT didn't move his feet, he just tilted his head.

"Go on," Tango said, giving the little guy a little nudge toward the cave. He took shaky breath as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Go home."

Again, MT didn't budge.

Tango closed his eyes and began to weep, then MT finally moved. The little guy stood up on his toes and reached for Tango's face, bumping their foreheads together.

And suddenly, Tango was calm.

The two stood in silence, then Tango said, "Okay," and MT waddled away.

"What was that?" Impulse asked once MT was out of sight.

Tango smiled a bit. "A connection."

• • •

Tango was much happier after finally finding out what he was. It gave him a huge boost of confidence to know his ancestry, especially the fact that he was related to the warden. It made all of the hermits happy to know he was feeling himself for once.

For the first time, Tango was truly, truly happy.

• • •


Anyways- Tango Tek <3

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