My step dad and mom are getting married next weekend. The day after that I'm going to my biological dads. With so little time I don't think it would be good to tell my mom how I'm feeling. It would just mess things up.
I think I'm gonna wait till after this summer is over to tell them. Because I don't want to be sent away. That really freeks me out.
And all the things I'm feeling right now aren't good but I can't put that on anyone else. My BFF doesnt need this either.
By the time summer ends ill be skinny and only have to tell them about my depression. Well I think I have depression. Maybe anxiety as well.
You see all the problems I have would just cause problems for everyone else. And I don't wamt to be a burden for others to carry. Thats not me.
Well I don't even know what me is anymore. I've lost myself in this fight. And i don't know if I can come back. All I want to do is stop talking, be shy, and not have everyone care so much about me. I just want to be alone. Alone to wallow in my self pity, because when everyone's around I act fine.
I wanna tell everyone that reads this that one person on here has won a spot in my life. She or he has made me feel better even when I felt like nothing would be okay again.
Thank you @kiazatpop.
My Random Mind
Randombasically almost everything I think about goes in here. either love, school, food, you name it. this is your key into my mind.