Is anyone reading this? Is anyone glad I call u a chicken nugget?
I guess it doesn't matter anyway. No one cares.
No one cares about me, the stupid, tall, blonde, that likes everyone and anyone,
I literally mean it when I say I like everyone.
Seriously I like Cosset, Genie, Xela, and any cute somebody who decides to talk to a piece of scumb like me.I literally don't deserve anyone.
I should be alone forever because I hurt anyone I'm in a relationship with.
I hurt Claizy.
I'm sorry Claizy. I didn't mean for it to end like that.See I hurt everyone.
So if your reading this and know who I like don't tell them because I don't want to hurt them.
And if you like me and are reading this,
If I hurt you I'm sorry.
My Random Mind
De Todobasically almost everything I think about goes in here. either love, school, food, you name it. this is your key into my mind.