trouble in paradise

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"You know what???? I've had enough! I deserve better." Ishan gets up abruptly from his seat next to the drooling, snoring, drooping-head man who can't control his limbs and is occupying all the space the two business-class seats have to offer.

An air hostess comes rushing over, "Sir, please refrain from getting up from your seat abruptly. If you need to use the restroom, you must look for the switch overhead. If it is red that means you can't get up."

Ishan sighs, he just could not bear another second of this.

"Then when can I get up? Please," he adds, feeling like he was being too troublesome to this really pretty air hostess.

"When it's green, sir," the air hostess says, a bit impatiently.

He gives his infamous puppy eyes and the air hostess seems to melt a bit, "Usually the situation for the button doesn't arise, sir. There's a bit of turbulence so please bear with us."

He sits down on his seat, pouting a bit.
He hated to admit it but he missed Shubman. They always sat together on flights. Even if their seats weren't together, someone always yielded and gave up their seat so that they could sit together. Except for the drooling evil man. And the weirdest thing is, the man was decently attractive, so much so that when Ishan sat down he thought he must be a celebrity!! Whatever, he would rather sit with Shubman that any celebrity in the world!

He wonders now what Shubi might be doing. Probably bored because he couldn't scroll through YouTube shorts.

"No, he's probably having fun since he is sitting with Surya," Ishan thinks sorely. Something catches in Ishan's throat as he recalls them laughing together at something when they had just boarded the plane. Surya had his arm around Shubman and Ishan wondered when the two had gotten so close.

It  always annoys him to think of people being tactile with Shubman, since Shubman is just a little bit new to stardom and gets uncomfortable when some female 'fans' practically jump onto him when they see him. He shakes his head when he thinks of their entitlement.

He squeezes his eyes shut and hopes time will pass as quickly as it does when he's with him.
He wakes up and he's not in the plane anymore.

"Fuxkkkk," he groans, looking around himself groggily. He vaguely remembers getting shaken to consciousness by someone and immediately falling asleep after getting in the taxi to the hotel. He curses himself for being such a deep sleeper.

"Why am I like this, god."

"Like what?"

Shubman is looking down at him, still fully dressed and looking like he barely had a wink of sleep. Something about his expression makes Ishan feel that Shubman is annoyed at him, which puzzles him.

"What?" Shubman continues, his dimples nowhere in sight, "That you were so tired yesterday, you wrapped yourself around the poor man next to you on the flight and happily went to sleep??"

"What the hell are you talking about???" Ishan's eyes widened. Ishan has a habit of cuddling when he goes to sleep, usually the victim was either his pillow or Shubman, both of which didn't mind. 

"You were clinging to him when I came to get you," Shubman sits down on a lounge chair, glaring at him, "I guess you enjoyed your flight while I was out there listening to Surya Bhaiya gush about his dog Bruno for the millionth time."

"How are you the victim in all of this? I humiliated myself in front of that handsome man who could possibly be a celebrity. And you didn't even ask Surya Bhaiya to switch seats with me." Ishan says crossly.

Shubman simply stares at Ishan from across the room, "Handsome??? What are you, insane???" He laughs to himself in disbelief, turns to Ishan and asks,"You're kidding, right?"

Ishan didn't mean to mention that, but it was hardly as big a deal as Shubman was making it,
He shrugs, "Whatever. I'm gonna take a shower."
Apparently all the luggage was in Surya's room, which he entered to get his towels and clothes.

"You're finally up. I guess now Shubman can finally sleep," Surya laughs, exchanging a look with Hardik, who he is sharing the room with.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, everyone knows what big fuss Shubman kicked over finding you curled around that man," Hardik explains. Ishan feels himself get red in the face.

"Yeah, he was furious, wasn't he? Well I didn't know, you had such a cute side to you," Surya says, teasingly, "Shubman kept cursing himself saying he should've known you'd fall asleep and all. After we came he pretty much carried you to the hotel room, since you slept in the bus."

Carried? How much worse could this get? He curses internally, thinking of his reputation as a fun, immature yet slightly intimidating guy being warped into this cutesy sleeping beauty begging for cuddles.

"Urgh! Why did Shubi have to make such a big deal over it. And now he's acting all grumpy......" he says, under his breath.

Hardik and Surya exchange another look, Surya mutters "Trouble in paradise huh?" They both start laughing maniacally.

Ishan rolls his eyes and allows himself a smile. He couldn't help but love these guys.

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now