f*cking hell, I'm trying

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In the morning, when Ishan sits in the dining room, he is ready. He had spent the previous night tossing and turning. He had come to the conclusion he was going to corner Shubman.

There was no other solution. He was ready to drag Shubman's ass to the seat next to him if he had to.

Presently, Shubman enters the room and his eyes sweep the entire room before landing on Ishan. He walks over to the opposite end of the table and sits down.

Ishan strides over to him and sets his plate down decidedly. Shubman could ignore him if he wanted to, but Ishan wasn't going to make it easy for him.

He ignores Shubman's shocked expression and starts shovelling the food into his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Shubman asks, in a controlled voice. Ishan can see his hand balled into a tight fist.

"Eating," Ishan replies innocently.

The people at the table stare at them.

"Ok, I want to ask, and I think I speak on the behalf of everyone here," Hardik speaks up, "What the fuck is going on here?"

"YES, PLEASE," Shreyas is nodding frantically, "Maybe if you two make up, Ishan could stop waking up in the middle of the night I would finally be able to get a good night's sleep."

"These two fought?" Yuzi and Jadeja ask simultaneously.

"No way, they can't live without each other," Hardik pipes in.

"Yeah, I agree, they'd probably make up tomorrow," Virat guesses.

"They'd come crawling back to each other," Rohit says and bursts out laughing. He and virat fist bump each other.

Shubman clenches his jaw and abruptly gets up. He puts his place in the empty metal bin and leaves the room.

"Damn, what's gotten into him?" Hardik mutters.

Ishan quickly finishes, avoiding the interrogation of his curious friends. He wanted to catch Shubman in the hallway. He was going to make him talk.

Ishan is barely out of dining hall when he suddenly he feels himself being roughly lead into the alcove at the side,

"What do you want from me?" Shubman's voice is low and deep and Ishan shivers. He had missed this, his voice. So heavenly that Ishan's knees turn weak.

Ishan looks at him and licks his lips. It had been a while since they stood face to face like this. He wanted desperately to touch him, now that he finally had his attention. Shubman ignoring him these past few days was like his worst nightmare coming true.

Ishan looks at his black tight shirt and wonders how Shubman would react if Ishan started unbuttoning it. He wanted to do that so badly.

What? Ishan shakes himself. Did you already forget what the manager said?
He blushes, trying to drive all the dirty thoughts away.

Get a hold, Kishan, he chides himself.

Shubman studies his face, "What is wrong with you? Do you have a fever?" The look on his face grows concerned.

"Nothing," Ishan gulps, feeling a bit guilty. He had no right to think about Shub this way, he was the one who had practically threatened him to stay away.

He coughs and tries to continue, "I just.... I don't want us to stop being friends."

"Friends," Shubman repeats, as if the words were something bitter. His expression hardens as he looks down at Ishan, who felt slightly confused at his anger. It's not as if he had said something ridiculous.

"Fucking hell, Ishan, I'm trying," Shubman runs his hands through his hair.

"Do you realize how hard it is to look at you and not—" He stops abruptly at the sound of boots coming toward them.

Ishan takes Shubman's hand quickly, afraid that Shubman might want to leave now that someone was coming, "Let's talk somewhere private."

Shubman eyes darken at his touch, "Come here," He says to Ishan, gesturing to him to come closer.

Ishan leans toward him, his thoughts incoherent. Shubman's gesture was making him think of indecent things.

It made him want to kiss him, feel his muscular body tensing under his touch. He wanted to be held underneath his weight and—

Stop, mind, remember?

I'm not gay, I don't like you that way?

Remember who said that?

Shubman looks impatiently at him, and he hastily comes closer.
Shubman grabs him and whispers in his ear. "At 9 PM. You're going to Sakshi Di's birthday party, right? Mahi bhai invited everyone."

Ishan nods, his entire body flooding with pleasure at his touch.

Then he remembers, at nine, he was meeting Dhruv for dinner. Shit shit shit. He couldn't turn him down, especially since he was the one who had asked Dhruv to meet.


His mind thinks hastily and he blurts out, "Can I bring a friend of mine?"

Shubman's entire body tenses, "Who?" He says, in a demanding voice, his expression unreadable.

"Just someone I knew from my childhood. We'd already made plans to meet."

"Fuck," he swears angrily as he stares at Ishan, then he seemed to control himself.

Ishan feels awful. Shubman was probably annoyed because Ishan was acting like he was too busy for him. He fidgets.

"I'm sorry."

"What, why would yo— " he starts, then curses to himself. "Ishan, why are you sorry? I'm the one being a selfish jerk."

He pauses, "Bring whoever you want," Shubman says in a flat voice, "I'll meet you at 9."

They quickly part at hearing more approaching feet. Ishan hurries up the stairs and stands against his door, relieved. At nine, he would make things right with Shubman.

God, he couldn't wait for tonight.

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now