i'd end the world for u

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Ishan wakes up disoriented, and looks around, unwilling to get out of bed. He vaguely feels disappointed that Shubman is already out of bed.

And then he remembers the previous night, and blushes. Shubman's goddamn guardian angel. He would really like to have a separate Jersey with that written in the back.

"Sharam kha le, Kishan," he mentally berates himself and gets out of bed, "I really hope I didn't cling to Shubman last night," he cringes at a particular horrific memory.

Although, he admits to himself, falling asleep is the easiest when he is holding Shubman because.......er.......because, Ishan tries frantically to get a hold on his traitorous mind, which keeps thinking thoughts about his friend's body, that are not friendly at all.

Ishan feels disgusted with himself. He gets out of bed. "I should get a girlfriend," he thinks, "That's it."

Getting into the shower, he ponders his previous decision. If he got a girlfriend, what would the public say? He knows he's not even half as popular as other cricket players but the thing you need to take care most of, after your skills, is your reputation.

Because media can f*cking rip you apart.

"People talking affects you, in unimaginable ways," Ishan thinks to himself, getting out of the shower. "You mechanically think of what others will say when you do something, before you even do it." He slowly starts getting ready to go out for their daily practise in the huge gym provided by the hotel, reserved for VIPs and especially for the team members.

Outside the gym, he hears a ruckus and quickly rushes in. His eyes show him what his brain cannot believe; Shubman is holding the collar of a man, the look in his eyes, murderous.

Ishan immediately steps in, knowing that he should probably call the manager but he can't yet leave Shubman alone.

"What the hell is going on?" He looks at Shubman, still not completely over his shock.

The man frees himself from Shubman's grasp and gives Ishan an up and down look, turns back to Shubman, and says with a definite edge in his voice, "So this is the future of Indian cricket."

Ishan notices Shubman's jaw clench and places a hand on his shoulder.

Standing next to him is a bald guy, towel on his bare body, who looks at his hand on Shubman's shoulder and mutters a slur to Ishan. He spits on the ground after saying it.

Ishan has never seen Shubman look so livid, he shakes off Ishan's hand and raises his fist—

"Stop now, Shubman. Leave it."

The bald man's eyes widen in anger, "Leave what? You'll beg us to leave you, you f*cking ****." He shoves Shubman back with brute force, who lets out a groan. The bald man holds his hand up, displaying several metal rings.

Ishan doesn't think. Just punches him. Hard. He hurt Shubman, is all Ishan can think.

He then quickly takes Shubman's hand and pulls him of the gym, leaving the bald guy stunned and the rich guy spitting out curses and threats. Adrenaline rushing through both of their veins, they suddenly come across half the team and their manager in the hallway.

"You've two minutes to explain," Rohit orders, looking like he was going to choke them both. The manager behind him, nods, heaving as if he had just run a marathon.

Everyone looks at Shubman but he doesn't utter a word. Just stares at Ishan with an unreadable look in his eyes. Eyes like that... God. No, Ishan, focus!

"This boy would be the death of me," Rohit swears to himself and brings his hand in front of Shubman's face, waves it until Shubman finally turns to face him.

"He was physical first."

"PHYSICAL?? FIRST??" Rohit looks around himself, as if hoping he was being pranked.

"He had rings on that were equivalent to brass knuckles, and he shoved me," Shubman continues simply, "Ishan defended me."

Rohit immediately becomes concerned, "He hit you with them on? Are you ok?" The rest of the team chimes in too, with their worries.

Shubman nods, "Just... could you handle it? I feel tired."

"Yes sure, my boy. Tell me what started it all, later. Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

Shubman shakes his head, "I'm heading to my room. Thank you, Cap."
At night, they are still arguing.

"You're still not going to tell me?" Ishan asks for the millionth time.

Shubman actually has to nerve to smile this time, "It isn't a big deal, stop worrying your pretty head about it."

He grabs Ishan from where he was standing, arms folded in front of the TV, and pulls him into the chair with him.

"You expect me to believe that?" Ishan huffs, quite forgetting what they were talking about.

Someone knocks on their door and immediately comes in. Ishan tries to jump out of the chair but Shubman firmly holds him back.

"Why did they've to make joint keys," he mutters as Yuzi waltzes in.

"So, my boys, I heard you've created quite the scandal," he says, cheerily.

"He's not going to talk about it," Ishan gets out of the chair, leaving Shubman whining.

"Who said I wanted to know?" Yuzi replies, "Boys, I'm here to give you the invitation to the greatest club of all time. Consider it a gift, since you've made me proud." He spreads his arms wide, as if an angel spreading love.

"Aren't all cricketers invited? Shubman and I decided not to go."

"Bull****, you're going," Hardik says coming in after Yuzi, hands in his pocket. "Don't put us to shame, you're the youngest members of the team. You should be partying all night long."

"Yeah, don't be a spoilsport, you can leave that to Virat and Rohit. They already tucked themselves in, after videocalling their wives," Yuzi and Hardik roar with laughter.

"What about your wives?"

"They're coming with us."

Shubman and Ishan get up, realising they've no choice.

"Well, at least I'll be able to get a girl," Ishan reasons with himself, "And all this..... weirdness with Shubman can finally end."

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now