let me be yours

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Ishan feels confused at the curt exchange between the two boys.
There was some kind of tension between the two of them, but what? They hadn't even known each other before now and Ishan was their only common friend.

"Errr... you two, is something wrong?" He blurts out, having lost his filter.

He still hadn't yet recovered from drinks they had at a pub, because Dhruv had insisted on catching up with Ishan alone and not going straight to the party. Ishan had spent the entire time trying to gather enough courage to tell Dhruv about his sexuality, and couldn't.

Which is why he was drunk.

"Nothing," Shubman says quickly, taking Ishan's hand in his own and pulling him closer.

Every touch of his almost makes Ishan whimper. Maybe he should see a doctor.

Dhruv nods but doesn't speak, his eyes on their contact. He seemed to be contemplating something. "Maybe he's uncomfortable with us touching," Ishan thinks as he tries to wriggle out of Shubman's grasp.

Except Shubman only tightens his grip on him and he smirks lightly at Dhruv.

"Hey!" Ishan protests.

"What?" Shubman asks cockily, "Weren't you the one clinging to me a second ago?"

Ishan blushes, because that was true. Shubman notices and his expression grows even more cocky. He looks away quickly to glance at Dhruv, who seemed engrossed in his phone. Thank god.

Ishan slowly brings his eyes to Shubman's, and takes in his appearance, too drunk to disallow himself the pleasure of simply staring at him. His wide shoulders, his muscular arms, taut biceps, his beautiful face; cut like a Greek marble statue, his thick lashes and maintained hair.
Ishan feels the urge to tousle it all up, run his hands through them and press a kiss against his neck. To tell everyone that he was his.
He felt it was dumb to be someone's. He didn't want to be an object.

Except he felt like begging Shubman, "Please, just let me be yours."

He gazes finally into Shubman's eyes, which had been following his the entire time they explored his body.

They seemed to have darkened ever so slightly and Shubman murmurs, softly so that Dhruv can't hear, "Like what you see?"

Ishan is busy blushing when a girl wearing a tight black dress, accentuating her hourglass figure sets a glass down with a clink next to Shubman. Ishan quickly distances himself from Shub, wondering who the girl was.

"Hey, I heard my dad has been harassing you, putting forth a marriage proposal and what not," the girl a little shyly, "I just wanted to apologise for that."

MARRIAGE WHAT?????????????

Ishan makes a strangling noise, choking on his glass of scotch. His eyes find Shubman, who had gotten slightly red in the face.

"Yeah, no big deal," Shubman mutters, hurriedly glancing at Ishan.

Ishan eyes widen with astonishment as he regards both of them. Marriage? Marriage proposal? What did that mean?

Everything in Ishan's vision blurs as the girl continues to apologise emphatically.

"It's alright, it's alright," Shubman starts laughing, "Why are you so worked up?" He gets up, trying to console the girl and places an arm on her shoulder.

Ishan's hand tremble as he watches them, he sets down his drink as he considers them as a couple. He had never seen Shubman be so gentle with anyone.... except him.
But Shubman would've to get married someday, right? He would have a wife and they would have children and all Ishan was going to be was a passing passion from his youth. Maybe not even that, since Shubman was reluctant to even look at Ishan after that talk with his manager.

Ishan's throat constricts and he is startled by a hand on his shoulder,

"Are you alright?" Dhruv asks, coming closer to Ishan.

"Mhm," Ishan manages to say, taking his eye off of them. He felt bad for neglecting Dhruv, especially since he was the one who had invited him.

"Why don't you grab a drink? Some scotch?" He asks Dhruv.

"Ishan, almost all your buttons are undone," Dhruv says, ignoring his question, "What are you trying to do? Seduce me?" He jokes and starts buttoning Ishan's shirt together.

Ishan is about to protest that it's hot when he hears the girl shyly ask Shubman, "Would you like to dance?"

Shubman seems to consider for a moment, his eyes flickering towards Ishan. They turn black at the sight of Dhruv, who had moved to tightening Ishan's tie.

"Sure, darling," he smiles, though his jaw was slightly tense, leading the girl toward the crowd. The girl grins widely and grabs his hand.

Ishan feels as if his heart had been torn out and stomped over, as he watches their backs. Shubman had put his hand on the small of her back.

Fucking pathetic, that's what he was. An absolute idiot for deluding himself that Shubman had ever felt anything for him. A kiss apparently didn't mean anything to him, he kissed a lot of people he didn't have feelings for. He internally cringes on remembering the girl he had found tangled up with Shubman in their room. He was just another 'her'. Probably an experiment.

"Hey," Dhruv cuts in Ishan's inner thoughts softly, "Umm..... "


"You're down that bad, huh?"

Ishan stills.

Dhurv hurriedly continues, "I do not mean to interfere. It just seemed pretty obvious. The way you were staring at him earlier."

God, had he been that obvious that even Dhruv noticed? If what he was thinking showed on his face, then his eyes were probably screaming, 'f*ck me' to Shubman.

"I mean if you like him, I'd say go for it. He seems to be... er.... let's just say... I don't think he would mind it," Dhruv laughs. "And also tell him not to be so cautious around me," he adds as an afterthought.

Ishan looks at him questioningly, and Dhruv says, "He was looking at me as if he wanted to kill me, the second I appeared."

Ishan opens his mouth to protest when Dhruv continues, "Ishan, I hope you know I don't mind what your sexuality is. I'm not that close minded. I could see you wanted to say something to me at the pub but couldn't say it. It's this, isn't it?"

He patiently looks at Ishan, waiting for him to say something.

"Yes," Ishan manages to say, slightly overwhelmed with emotion. It was the first time he was admitting it out loud. He suddenly felt an intense gratefulness toward Dhruv, for relieving him of the weight of his secret.

"Good. And Ishan, I was really happy to meet you today, and I hope you know you can talk to me about anything. But I should probably leave now, it's getting late and I think Shubman would also appreciate it," He smiles at Ishan as he gets up.

Ishan feels in the back of his mind that he should stop Dhruv, insist upon him to stay. But he couldn't bring himself to, all his attention was on Shubman and that girl. Ishan could vaguely see them, Shubman's hands on her waist and hers on his neck. Shubman eyes find Ishan and his hands start sliding down her waist, toward her hips. The girl eagerly responds to his touch, pressing herself closer to his chest, her hands resting on Shubman's shoulder, claiming what Ishan knew was his...

He gets up, furiously.

Because if Shubman was going to maul a girl right in front of him, Ishan sure wasn't go to stay and watch.

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now