something on your lips

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"Ishu!" Shubman calls from behind him.

"What?" Ishan turns back.

The team was heading back to the hotel after practising in the stadium all day. Ishan was tired and wanted nothing more than to flop down onto his bed like a jellyfish.

"Come back to the pitch with me for a second."

"Whaaaaaaat?" Ishan whines since his legs were barely holding up. He staggers over to where Shubman was standing, internally cursing Rohit Bhaiya.

"Let's not go back to the hotel," Shubman says, looking upward at the sky, which had turned black. "Let's go get some hot chocolate."

"But the manager said to return straight to the hotel. Can we do that?"

Shubman's face splits into a grin, dimples appearing. "No, we can't," he laughs. Ishan feels that fluttering sensation in his heart. How can someone be so beautiful?

"Ok, let's go," Ishan says simply.

Shubman looks down at him, doubtful.
"You agreed fairly quickly, Mr goody two shoes."
I can't say no to you, he thinks.

"I'm making you break a lot of rules, right?" Shubman smirks, "I must be someone special, seeing how eager you are, knowing how we just got into trouble yesterday."
That's because there's no one like you, Ishan thinks.

"Stadium me hi sona hai tum dono ne??" Virat yells at them impatiently.

"Let's tell him we'll come after.... er.... examining the pitch." Shubman turns to Ishan, urgently pitching the idea.

Ishan snorts, "He would never believe that."

Virat comes jogging back to them, looking annoyed, "Save the chit chat for later, yeah?"

"We need to... examine the pitch. We'll come right back...? I guess?" Ishan cringes at his obvious lie.

Virat eyes them suspiciously when suddenly his phone rings, his entire face brightens. It must be Anushka, Ishan guesses.
Virat talks a bit on the phone and then mouths to both of them, covering the phone,
"Alright, but come back immediately," he leaves, complaining to Anushka about 'the two babies' he was stuck with on the team.

"Let's get out of here," Shubman takes Ishan's hand as soon as Virat leaves.
"What can I get you, sir?" A waitress smiles at Shubman. They were in a swanky cafe and Ishan was trying not to notice the girl's excessively fluttering lashes.

"What do you want?" Shubman asks Ishan.

For her to leave, Ishan thinks grumpily.

"Vanilla shake," he mutters.

"Alright, vanilla shake and cinnamon hot chocolate, please," Shubman says politely to the waitress.

"Sure sir, you need anything else?" The waitress smiles even more broadly, and Ishan realizes with increasing disgust that she too has dimples.

"Actually, I would also like cinnamon hot chocolate," Ishan places his hand over Shubman's who gives him a surprised look.

"The weather is too cold for vanilla shake, isn't it?" he smiles sweetly at the waitress.

"Y-yes, yes of course, I'll come right back with your order," the waitress hurries back, looking embarrassed.

Ishan snatches his hand back and avoids making eye contact with Shubman till their drinks arrive.

"Hey," Shubman says, softly.

"What?" Ishan says, still not looking up.

"Look at me, Ishu." His voice is like honey, so gentle. Ishan can't blame the waitress, because who wouldn't be attracted to him?

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong is if you two get married, your children will definitely have dimples!" Ishan bursts out, and although he knew enough science to know that wasn't true, he continues anyway, "Which is why you shouldn't ever... you know.... because what if the child doesn't want dimples, have you ever thought about that?!"

Shubman stares at Ishan, speechless.

"I mean, that's just so selfish." Ishan huffs. He felt so angry and he had no idea what for.

Shubman looks at Ishan and then at the waitress at the corner, he then bursts out laughing.

"I'm glad you find this funny." Ishan folds his arms, glaring at him.

"Forget the hypothetical child, I think her husband wouldn't be too happy about our marriage either," Shubman smiles, nodding toward the man who just entered the cafe to pick his wife up from work.

"Er... let's just go to the hotel, we're getting late....." Ishan pretends to look at his watch and gets up.

Shubman is still laughing on their way back. Since the hotel was not far from the cafe they had decided to walk back.

"Can you stop? I was just looking out for you." Ishan murmurs. "You should've seen her trying to flirt with you."

"She was probably just a fan, Ishu. Were you that jealous?" Shubman teases.

"Urghhhh! Stop already."

There is a small alleyway and Shubman pauses right in front of it.

"Admit it."

"Huh?" Ishan stops walking.

"Admit you were jealous. Then I'll stop," Shubman says seriously.

"Never. Why should I lie?"

Shubman pulls Ishan into the narrow alleyway, "You already are."

Ishan wriggles out of Shubman's grasp, but Shubman pulls him even closer, pressing his back against the wall.

"What bulls***."

"Is it?" Shubman's face is close to Ishan, who again realizes just how handsome he really is. Dark eyes, dark untidy hair, a body that you can't help but want to make your own. Ishan suddenly notices a little bit of hot chocolate on his lips.

"There's something on your lips."


Ishan leans forward and without thinking, lightly puts his own lips on the spot. He licks the chocolate off.

Shubman watches him in silence, his face betraying nothing. Then he roughly grabs Ishan's shirt and kisses him.

Hard and eager, as if he was fucking starved, as if he never wanted to stop. Ishan moans lightly as Shubman deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping in and out effortlessly.
Ishan clutches him tightly as Shubman turns his attention to his neck, his lips lightly grazes Ishan's collarbone.

Ishan feels like he is in heaven. He places his hands on Shubman's face, and kisses it slowly this time, sighing contentedly. Suddenly he feels Shubman's hands slide up his thigh and he takes a sharp intake of breath. Their breathless kisses continue, getting more and more desperate than the last.

They part momentarily, to catch their breath. Shubman closes his eyes and says, his lips against Ishan's lips, "God, I've wanted to do that for so long."

Ishan murmurs in incomprehensible agreement and presses against him, craving more of his touch and places his hand on his chest. Shubman's eyes darken at the touch and his muscles tense under Ishan's touch, he is about to say something when a shout thunders through the air-

"What the f*ck?!"

It's their team manager, standing at the edge of the alleyway, looking horrified.

Guys, I was writing this chapter while it was raining outside and at the part where Ishan and Shubman kissed, that part of the song

'main tera main tera main tera,
main gehra tamas tu sunhera savera
musaafir main bhatka tu mera basera
main tera main tera main tera'

played and that just made my entire day.

The song just fit, you know?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now