you're such a tease

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Ishan stands there, mouth agape, trying to process what he just heard.

He's trying to get me flustered. He's enjoying this, Ishan thinks looking over at Shubman's smug face. A devious though crosses Ishan's mind, he walks over to Shubman.

"Sure, why not," he says casually and touches Shubman's thigh, gesturing for him to spread even wider to make space for himself.

Shubman opens his mouth, then closes it. He tries again—


"Isn't that what you just offered?" Ishan pouts, mocking him. He sees shock register on Shubman's face but it immediately vanishes, and his entire posture relaxes.

He leans back into his seat, and spreads his legs, "Alright then, give me what I've been waiting for."

Ishan gulps. Ok, two can play that game. He puts his hands on Shubman's shoulder and sits on his lap. Ishan hears him take a sharp intake of breath and feels satisfied.

"Stop," Shubman says hoarsely, shutting his eyes. Ishan puts his arm around Shubman's neck, his heart speeding up. He has no idea what he's doing, but he likes it. Shubman groans and clenches his hands as Ishan starts unbuttoning his own shirt.

"I spilled wine, remember?"

"You're such a tease,” Shubman mutters. The next moment he's on his feet and Ishan feels himself being lifted and thrust onto Shubman's shoulder.

"You giant, put me down," Ishan shrieks, punching Shubman's back.
From a distance, Ishan feels his phone ring but decides to ignore it, Shubman does the same.

"Hey, take me to the kitchen, I need to get some water," Ishan stops struggling, feeling thirsty. Shubman dutifully carries him to the kitchen where he arranges Ishan so that he is comfortably riding on his back, instead of hanging from his shoulder.

He gulps down the water and pauses, considering, "This is actually so fun," he begins laughing, "You're like my personal ride."

Shubman starts laughing too and Ishan commands, "Turn left now."

Shubman dutifully does so, "Right now!" Ishan is fully in character now, enjoying himself.

"But that's where we just began," Shubman whines.

"A ride doesn't talk back to their owner, shhhh," he puts his fingers on Shubman's lips.

"This one does," Shubman lightly kisses his fingers. Ishan doesn't have the time to register the shock because the next moment they've entered a room and Shubman puts him down on the bed. He shrugs off his shirt—

"What the hell are you doing?" Ishan asks, blushing redder than a tomato. He wanted this to happen but woah, this was way too sudden.

"It's not what you think, perv," Shubman smirks as he puts the shirt around Ishan's shoulders, "Wear this before you catch a cold."

Ishan realizes he hadn't put his shirt back on after the whole seductive fiasco. He gets even redder to think what he just insinuated to Shubman.

"Y-yeah you're right," Shubman makes his way to the closet where one spare t-shirt is hanging. When did he even have the time to visit this house, Ishan wonders. They were almost always together so they both knew where the other was at any given time but not this time.

Ishan tries his best not to stare at Shubman's chest but fails spectacularly. He's still ogling Shubman's abs when Ishan's phone rings again in the drawing room.

He sighs, he didn't want to miss the view. He slowly trails to the drawing room.

His eyes almost pop out of his head when he sees 6 missed calls from Rohit Bhaiya and 1 missed call from Virat Bhai.
A message from Surya, "Call me."

He and Shubman were dead.

"AND YOU DITCHED US!" Hardik is on a rant.
"We stood there like fools looking for the driver and WHY? JUST TO FIND OUT you used the car sent by THE TEAM MANAGER, for ALL of us as a getaway car! Tell them Yuzi, tell them the humiliation we faced," Hardik runs out of breath.

"Guys, so how was your romantic getaway?" Yuzi asks, smirking at both of them. Hardik glares at him and he shrugs.

"The bodyguards and the team manager would like to have a word with you both," Rohit says ominously. Ishan shrinks, all the yelling in the world couldn't match the quiet disapproval of Rohit Bhaiya.

"That was selfish, you guys. You should always take care of your team," Virat says in a disappointed tone, "Everything isn't a joke, and all things shouldn't be taken lightly."

Shubman hangs his head. "I'm sorry, really. But I took care to see that the Bhabhis were home safe before taking the car. They had already gone by a taxi by that time."

"What about us? Are we potatoes in a sack?" Hardik comments, fueled by a nodding Tilak, who had also been left stranded at the club.

"You guys, it shouldn't happen ever again." Rohit says seriously.

"Yeah, and if ever miss our calls again, to dekh lena," Virat looks over at Rohit, "Rohit's hair are turning grey due to you guys."

Rohit nods sagely, "And Hardik and Tilak, don't be such babies and call the manager calmly when such st—" He pauses, looking offended,
"Wait, my hair are turning grey?! You should look at the wrinkles on your face!"

"Oh please, you're worse than an old man. I could barely drag your arse out of bed when these kiddos called," Virat comments, scrunching his nose, "And these are not wrinkles, these are smile lines. Know the difference."

The team members leave quickly, knowing the bickering was going to last for a while.

"It was worth it though," Shubman winks at Ishan, "Whisking you away on a romantic getaway," he uses Yuzi's earlier words. Ishan punches him playfully.

"Spending time with you is always worth it," Ishan thinks but doesn't say it. "I would follow you to hell, if it meant I could spend an eternity with you."

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now