Pretty Boy

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Ishan purses his lips as the girl next to him downs another cup of vodka.

What did he get himself into?

"..... and he said he would never leave me, you know? But he did, that traitor....." The girl wails, oblivious to Ishan's disinterest. God, she's worse than Moaning Myrtle, Ishan thinks, sighing.

Ishan regrets ditching the guys to come straight to the bar. The girl had seemed pretty, so he had offered her a drink and the rest was unfortunate history.

He steals a glance back at their table, and notices Shubman's eyes on him, and a girl sitting way too close to him, her hands on his thigh. He tears his gaze away quickly.

His hand around his own glass of beer tightens.

"Careful with that thing, VIPs have to pay for damage too," a deep voice speaks and a handsome man takes the seat beside him.

He orders a drink and turns to Ishan, "Hello, I am Rehaan Ahuja."

"The owner of this club?" Moaning Myrtle pipes in, squinting her eyes.

"The son of the owner," Rehaan corrects, looking surprised, "How do you know me, love?"

The girl giggles, "I saw you in the newspaper. And my name is Sakshi. Though you can call me love."

"Alright, love, but why do you look so sad? Did pretty boy over here hurt you?" He asks, pointing toward Ishan.

Pretty boy? This night just reached a new low. Ishan almost barfs. And then he realizes what was about to happen. His eyes fill with horror.

Ishan grabs Rehaan's shirt and pulls him aside, "Don't," he hisses, but that damage had already occured. The girl begins her story, from the very start.

"No. Actually my boyfriend....I mean..... as of today, my ex-boyfriend..." the girl sniffles and Ishan smacks his hand on his forehead, glaring at Rehaan.

"I will never ever forgive you," he mouths to Rehaan.

Rehaan merely chuckles, looking amused. He takes out his wallet and turns to Sakshi. "Love, would you mind if I steal pretty boy away? I need to get his autograph. But allow me to pay for your drinks." The girl nods, barely paying attention, her eyes suddenly on her phone. Maybe her boyfriend just texted, Ishan thinks. Or was it her ex? Whatever. Good for her.

Wait, autograph?

"You know who I am?"

"It was my idea to invite the cricketers to today's event, Ishan," Rehaan smiles.

"Then stop calling me pretty boy," Ishan folds his arms, looking sternly at him.

Ignoring his request, he throws his arm around Ishan's shoulder and whispers in his ear,
"I'll show you a good time, pretty boy, liven up."
He's about as tall as Shubman and is handsome. Buff too, as Ishan feels the muscles in his arms as he tries removes it from himself.

"What does that mean?" He asks, not really listening, giving up since his arm is heavy and Ishan can't be bothered.

His sole attention is on Shubman, whose eyes have not left Rehaan and him since he came and sat next to him. The intensity of his gaze scares and excites Ishan.

"I don't know. Maybe stop looking at that table so much, and enjoy a little."

Rehaan says this while pulling him out from the chair and toward the crowd of dancing people, where the music is way too loud.

Ishan looks stunned and stammers, "I wasn't—"

"It's fine. I don't care now that your eyes are finally on me." Rehaan smirks in a lazy yet confident way, leaning closer to Ishan.

"What are you, gay?"

"Why? Are you interested?" He flashes Ishan a devilish grin.

"I don't like men, sorry," Ishan replies distractedly, his eyes automatically finding Shubman.

He sees Shubman gets up abruptly from his table and make his way toward them. His stride confident and casual, Ishan feels a little flip in his stomach as he reaches close, because even his walk is sexy.

Brain, stop.

"Ishan. You should meet Yuvi bhaiya and his wife, they especially came to meet us all today." Shubman asks, ignoring Rehaan completely, putting his hand on Ishan's shoulder, holding him a bit too tightly.

"We just got here on the floor," Rehan says, a bit displeased at the interruption.

Shubman clenches his jaw and runs his hand through his hair. Ishan is suddenly aware of Shubman's body, his hand on his shoulder, his breath close to his ears. His knees turn a bit weak.

"Nobody asked you."

"Shub!" Ishan chides, shocked by his rudeness.

"Let's go, Ishan" Shubman says roughly, getting more impatient by the second.

"Hey, wait," Rehaan calls out as they begin to leave, "Give me your number, Ishu."

Shubman's eyes flash, and he turns his gaze toward Rehaan. Ishan, somehow sensing that it was dangerous to stay like this for a little more time, hastily feeds his number in Rehaan's phone.

"Ok bye, Rehaan," He says apologetically to Rehaan, who looks a bit disappointed by Ishan's departure.

Shubman, instead of returning to their table, leads Ishan toward the exit.

"Where are we going? We just passed the table," Ishan yells over all the noise and chaos going on at the exit.

"Just follow me," Shubman replies in a harsh voice, his grip on Ishan tightening.

EYES LIKE THAT (Shubman Gill X Ishan Kishan)Where stories live. Discover now