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Shubman looks at the clock. Quarter past 10. His hands clench around his glass of wine.

He looks up and notices the old baldies look curiously at him. Shit. Had he zoned out again?

The two baldies were business executives. Old money, luxury cars, diamond wrist watches, the kind that buy yachts as a hobby. They had just popped out of nowhere when Shubman was sitting at the bar and roped him into the conversation. Shubman knew from the very start what they were after.

His marriage to their daughter. Or granddaughter, or niece or some shit like that.

One of them clears their throat.

"So, my boy," the old man gives Shubman an assessing look.
He knows that look, he had seen it often enough ever since he got into the Indian Cricket Team.

"You must be dating someone?"

"No," He tenses slightly. These proposals were expected, but nerve-racking all the same.

"You are single, then?" The old men exchange a delighted glance.

He doesn't bother to reply. His attention shifts again as he looks over his shoulder and sees Yuzi and Surya dancing to the ear-bleeding music the DJ was blasting, cheered on by a drunk crowd. They were clearly having the times of their lives.

Shubman drains down the rest of his wine as the old man continues,

"Shubman, dear boy," The man puts his hand on Shubman's shoulder, "Your parents must be worried about your marriage. See, I understand since I've a daughter of your age-

Shubman zones out again. His eyes find the clock and harden.

10:17. Still no Ishan.

"-she has a doctorate in philosophy and not only that, my boy, she manages the house like-"

What if Ishan is with that childhood friend of his?

"Sorry, I think I need some more wine," Shubman abruptly excuses himself and heads toward the bar. The old man who had been talking looks stunned and offended.

Whatever. He didn't give a fuck anymore if he seemed rude. Not to the people who were talking about their daughter as if trying to seal a brand deal with him.

He is about to head out for fresh air when Jadeja stops him midway.

"Where you going, man?" Jadeja is swirling the ice in his glass of fruit punch. Even when he was not playing, he refused to drink.

"Out," his voice is curt. He is about to head out of the door when he stops short at the sight of him coming in.

He hears Jadeja reply something but doesn't catch it. His sole attention is on Ishan. Ishan, in whose presence the rest of the world becomes a mere background.

As Shubman's gaze slowly travel down Ishan's body, he realizes that the top of Ishan's shirt was unbuttoned and his tie loosened. He looks suggestive, yet innocent. Shubman licks his lips, allowing himself to take in the view.

As if coming to realization, he suddenly straightens, Ishan's presence shouldn't affect him that way. They were friends, and Ishan was clearly uncomfortable and disgusted with being more that that.

"Shub!" Ishan spots him and his entire face lights up. Shubman's heart throbs, he would do anything, anything for that smile.

"SHUB!" Ishan yells again, attempting to make his way through the throng, "I'm so sorry, I'm late," he pants as he is suddenly pushed against Shubman by the crowd.

Not this again, Shubman shuts his eyes. The last time this happened, it was actual torture. He holds Ishan at an arm's length, preventing them from touching.

Shubman glances down at Ishan and is shocked to see his eyes wide, filled with hurt. He doesn't know the reason, but he wants to kick himself for somehow hurting him.

"Do you hate me, now? So much that you can't even touch me?"

Another push. Ishan shuts his eyes, and tries his best not to press against Shubman.

"Fuck it," Shubman thinks, and drags him into his arms. He knows they're in public but pretty much everyone was being shoved into everyone else's body.

Ishan seems to breathe a sigh of relief and buries his face in his chest. Shubman's breath quickens. What?

"Hey. Are you drunk?" Shubman lifts Ishan's face from his chest, where it was cozily nestled in.

"Mmm hmm," Ishan replies, nestling back into his chest with a complain. Shubman stills. How? He had just gotten to the party.

Ishan clings to him, his hands sliding down his chest. Shubman takes in a sharp breath. God was really testing him. "See, Ishan, that's why I can't touch you," he thinks frustratedly.

"Wow. You've, like, washboard abs." Ishan giggles, touching his abdomen lightly. "And what about your pecs? Those have to be illegal." Ishan's hand trace the clothes over his pectoral.

Shubman stares down at his innocent, wide eyes and has an animalistic urge to take him right there. He feels something straining against his trousers and prays that Ishan doesn't notice.

"Ishan," Shubman says in a thick voice, removing Ishan from himself. "Maybe you should sit down, I'll get you some water."

"Waiitttt. Let me introduce you to Dhruv. We got separated at the entrance, because I couldn't wait to see you," Ishan pleads, clutching the fold of Shubman's shirt.

Dhruv. Fucking bastard.

"Omigodd, it's him, look," Ishan stumbles toward a dark haired, dark eyed handsome lad, the expression on whose face could only be described as punchable.

"Dhruv. We were just talking about you," Ishan says excitedly, shoving the disinterested man's hand into Shubman, "Meet Shubman, my favourite cricket player."

"Hi." The man says shortly.

"Hi." Shubman responds back shortly.

Shubman realizes that this man was probably the reason Ishan was late. And drunk. Drunk Ishan was clingy, what if he had clung to this bastard? Shubman suddenly wishes he could pull Ishan down, button his shirt and tighten his tie. To hide Ishan behind himself, away from everyone else's eyes.

He wanted to be the only one to see Ishan vulnerable. He felt sure every one wanted to put his hands on Ishan, to touch him, to see if his perfection was real.

He himself imagined pushing him against a wall and ravaging him, feeling his soft skin and his full lips, to see his innocent, clear eyes look up at him as he did it all.

But he wanted to be the only who could.


Omg, I just wrote Shubman's point of view. I've been wanting to for so long. I hope you enjoy it❤. theforeverstories requested it long ago but I finally got around to it.


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