"Chapter One"

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Ruth opened the trailer door and snapped on the light. Day One. She always enjoyed the first day of a new shoot. This one was no exception. Being a makeup artist on a film production did have its downsides - early mornings with latex and late nights with wigs - but it also had its outstanding benefits.

This production's outstanding benefit went by the name of Thomas William Hiddleston.

She'd worked with him before, and that had been, as she put it, outstanding.

She doubted he would have as much time for her this time? Being a junior assistant on a couple of segments on the Hollow Crown had been her first professional film or tv engagement. She'd been assigned to help Jo, who was in charge of Tom and his on-screen father Jeremy Irons.

Both men had been charming and a joy to work with. Jeremy, being a little older, had been a bit more reserved, although charming. Tom, on the other hand, had become, as far as possible, much more of a friend.

Helping her navigate the world of tv and films, how to keep warm in a muddy field for ten hours and how to make it look like you're not hungover after too late a night testing what 'Elizabeathan sack' really tasted like. Over the course of the two films, they'd developed a quasi-sibling dynamic. So much so that he'd taken to calling her Pip in reference to Henry's real-life little sister, Phillipa.

The shoot had lasted several weeks, and at the end, he'd given her a little gift. A copy of Henry V, signed by him with a little quote... "Once more unto the breach."

To anyone else, just a quote. To them, a reminder of running lines at dawn while she plastered him in mud and gore.

They'd promised to stay in touch, but like so many promises made in the heat of parting, it never actually happened. She never wanted to be that person to flog a dead horse.

Now, several years later,they would be together again. Ruth found herself more than a little excited. While not exactly holding a candle for him, she found herself comparing most men to him and, naturally, found wanting.

Laying her case of brushes and makeup and assorted bits on the table, she rummaged in the large crate currently occupying most of the floor space. "Ah ha!" Triumphantly, she brandished the kettle. Cracking open a large bottle of water - their water cooler hadn't been delivered yet, it seemed - she proceeded to start the day with a cuppa.

She pulled her mug, some teabags, and a packet of oaty Hobnob biscuits from her bag. No milk, but that was ok. She sat on one of the chairs and flicked through her phone gallery as she waited. Opening an album, she looked at her memories, smiling as she went.

Yes. Definitely outstanding.

Across the lot, some of the cast were arriving. One, a pretty auburn haired young woman - April Jones - was especially excited. This was her first full movie production. She was 'only' a bit part, a few interactions with the main character, Dr Laing, in his office. She could hardly wait.

To be working on a Ben Wheatley film on only your third professional role? She couldn't have asked for better. For that to be with the one and only Tom Hiddleston? The cherry on the icing on the cake!!

April wandered into the trailer with her name on it - she was sharing it with a few of the other minor artists. There were four little 'stations' . Each had a small table, a chair, and a mirror surrounded by the ubiquitous light bulbs. The rest of the floor space was given over to a couch area, a large table, and a couple of clothes racks. These already contained costumes, all neatly labelled.

Choosing the station furthest from the door - hopefully the warmest - she unpacked her little bag and made it 'home' for the next few weeks. Personal bits and pieces that would not only prove to be practical but also provide comfort.

Acting was her life, but even she would admit it was often challenging. She smiled as she pulled the little plushie out and sat it on the table.  Given to her by her six year old newphew Simon, she gave it pride of place. A small, furry ginger cat named Thomas O'Malley.

Her lucky charm. Named by Simon after his favourite character in the Aristocats, she personally re-named it Tom.  Soon, she thought with an excited shiver, she'd be meeting his namesake again.

While she waited for what felt like the one watt candle to heat the room, she glanced through the rack of clothing. There were the usual 'work' costumes, all just what you might expect a fashion conscious secretary to wear in 1976. One additional outfit, though, was a particular surprise. A tight red skirt suit and white satin blouse with pussycat bow. Very 1970s, complete with little pillbox cabin crew hat. The label attached said "April. Dream dancing scene."

She smiled. Would Dr Laing be in this 'dream' she wondered. She really hoped so. REALLY hoped so. This would be an interesting reunion. They'd worked together years before on a stage production of Othello.  She'd been one of Desdemona's ladies in waiting. He had been Cassio.  They'd shared a mutual love of Shakespeare, and she had harboured a secret love of him. Not that he'd ever noticed. Maybe, she pondered, he would now.

It was almost 8 am. when Tom drew up  in the car. The set was already a hive of activity. Techicians and production staff walked to and fro, boxes of equipment and lighting manhandled by burly men - and a few women - making plain boxes into small corners of an imaginary world.

Off to the left, the catering vans already had a large queue for the morning staple of hot filled rolls and coffee. If an Army marched on its stomach, then this crew was definitely Ben's Army.

"Thanks, Jim," he leaned forward and put a hand on the driver's shoulder. "Hopefully, see you about 4.30 today, just a short one for a change. Won't be so lucky going forward."

Jim smiled into the rear view mirror.  "No worries, Mr H.... Tom..." he flushed a little and smiled."I'll be here." He released the doorlocks, and Tom slid out.  Before he walked off, he came to the front window, and Jim lowered it.

"Yes, Tom?"

"Just wanted to say Happy Birthday," he handed him a small card and a bag containing a decorated doughnut.

"Good grief! Thanks ! How did you..?" Jim was.gobsmacked.  He'd only been  Tom's driver for a month, but in that time, he'd come to realise what a true gentleman he was.

"I make it my business to know. Later, man. Enjoy!"

As Tom walked away, he looked around. This already felt like a good set. There was just that vibe. Like he was surrounded by friends.  As he opened the door to his trailer, he had no idea how right he was and that one particular friend would make it extra special.

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