A New Appointment

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Tom turned back from staring vacantly out the window and smiled, "Thanks, Luke, I'm just waiting for Angela to call.  Once I hear the outcome, we can go." He took the proffered mug and sniffed the contents with a satisfied sigh.

He loved a cup of tea every bit as much as - sometimes more than -  the next man, but when its 8.30am, you're severely jetlagged and it's going to be a long day of promotion, only strong coffee will do.

He folded himself carefully into the comfortably plush chair across the desk.  Luke's office was as familiar to him now as his own home. Like his own home, he saw it without seeing it anymore. Familiarity bred, if not contempt, then a relaxed comfort. 

Crossing his legs, undoing his top button, he leaned back and closed his eyes. It was supposed to be only for a minute, but the temptation to make it longer was overwhelming. His hand holding the mug began to droop. Fortunately, before he decorated his nether regions with hot coffee, Luke spotted it. 

With a loud clearing of the throat, he brought Tom back into the room. 

"So Rip Van Winkle, how was the New York chat show scene then?"

Luke sat down at his desk and pulled out the bottom drawer. Loosening his own tie, he plonked his feet up on the endge of it and leaned back.  He'd been Tom's PR, friend, and confidante for years, so this was a little luxury afforded to him he didn't get with other clients. Not that he had many of them, Tom was a full-time job these days.

"It was exhausting. You know, the usual. A mix of wonderful fans, decent conversations with generous hosts, and not quite so decent travelling. They want me to go back in a couple of months and do Comicon. Be a nice chance to meet more fans. As long as they don't do the usual and herd the poor souls through at the speed of light." He winced as he sipped the coffee. It was strong. "Whoa. Won't be sleeping again today, then!" He laughed, and before Luke could say any more, Tom's phone rang.

Putting the mug down, he pulled the phone from his jacket.  Smiling gently, he pressed answer.

"Hi you! Are you ok? When are you coming to see me?" He pointed at the phone and silently mouthed 'Emma'.  Luke nodded and, looking away, opened his laptop. 

Tom stood and walked to the window, looking back out over the street. As he listened, he rubbed his eyes. "Aww, Emms. You promised. Ok. Ok. I understand. Yeah, I'm with him now." He glanced over at Luke, who raised a hand and waved.  "He says hi." Whatever she said next, it made him snort and laugh. "I will. Speak to you soon. I'll call you when I know what's happening. Bye, sis, yes, I know. Hate you more! "

He hung up with a laugh. "Sisters, eh?"

Luke laughed but didn't look up, typing away at an email.
"Wouldn't know," came the shrugged but smiling reply. "Don't have any."

"Lucky you, you can have one of mine if you want? This particular one says to give you a big hug and a kiss."

"Really?" This time, he looked up sharply,"she actually said that?"  He tried and failed to keep an edge of hope out of his voice. Emma Hiddleston was his Achillies heel, and Tom knew it.

"No. But I know she wanted to!" Tom winked, and Luke flushed.  "She fancies you, you do know that, don't you?" 

Luke shrugged.

"Dunno. Always thought she might have good taste...." he smiled, and Tom walked over, perching on the desk beside him. 

"It's ok - you're allowed to fancy her, you know. I know her big brother, he's really quite a nice guy. Wouldn't beat you up!" He laughed and sipped more of his coffee, shuddering again. "Jeez Luke, this should come with a warning!"

"Drink up smart arse!" Luke laughed and raised his mug in salute. "We need to be going soon."

Tom nodded, "Just need to hear from..." he was interrupted by his phone. Smiling smugly, he answered.

"Angela! Hi darling, how are you this sunny morning?" He sat back and looked across at Luke with a smile.  Charm oozed out every pore, and not for the first time Luke shook his head. Tom was, if nothing else, perennially charm personified. "They do? That's fantastic. They want to meet when? Ok, that works. I'll give you a call, maybe Tuesday? Ok. Thanks, Angela. Bye darling."

He hung up and punched the air. "Yessss. Got it. That Ben Wheatley thing. You know, the book about the tower block? Apparently, Jeremy Irons is up, too. Haven't seen him since Henry. Be good to reconnect." He drained his cup with a resounding and final wince. "Right. Time to go.  Need to keep on the go. Who's first?"

"Radio one. Greg James." Luke had a quick look at their list. "He's always good for a laugh. I still remember those equations! How you made Pythagoras sound sexy still beats me!" 

Tom stood," Come on, let's swing by the bookstore on the way. Need to get a copy of the book. And the number for the local hospital. I have an idea for some background research."

"You do?"

"Oh yes, it involves dead people."

"Oh dear God, Tom! Whatever next?" For the second time that morning, he shook his head.  Tom was, if nothing else, dedicated.  Completely mental sometimes but dedicated nonetheless.

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