I see you

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He hammered on the door.



"Pip - darling open up!" 


"Please darling, it's me. Let me in. I need to speak to you."

"She's not here. Will you stop that BLOODY banging mate!" One of the neighbours leaned out the window and scowled down at him. "Have you any fucking clue what the time is?"

Tom looked up and realised what he was doing. Shit. "Im so sorry. I just realised I had to... I'm sorry. Do you know if she's coming back anytime soon?"

"No idea, mate. Think there was a man round with her so maybe she's moving in with someone?" There was a pause. "Here aren't you... that fella... you know, the one with the bendy horns and the blue cube thingy." He pulled his head back in, and Tom heard a "Oi Grace, who's that bendy horned fella. You know the annoyingly smug one."

Tom smirked, even in the depths of his own personal hell, Loki had to make an appearance.

"Loki" came the female voice "why.?"

"He's outside banging on the door downstairs."

"WHAT?"  A woman's head popped out the window. "Oh my Gawd! It IS Loki! I mean Tom Hiddleston!" She grinned, and Tom blushed, raising a hand in greeting.

"Hi!" He smiled, and she pushed her husband /  boyfriend / now extremely unwanted male interloper back inside.

"You looking for the girl? Ruth?" She smiled and rested her chin on her hand, elbow on the window ledge. "She's gone, sorry."

"Oh. I see.  I'm so sorry to have bothered you. Thanks anyway. Nice to have met you."  He started to walk away.

"Tom?"  The voice drifted over to him, and he turned back. " She left with a man. A blonde man. About an hour ago. Find him, and you might find her."

Suddenly, Tom felt the weight of sorrow lifted. A blonde man? Surely not? Could it be? Please, God!

"Thank you, thank you SO much, Grace." He smiled broadly and waved.

"Anything for you, Prince Loki!" She called and blew him a kiss.  He reached up and caught it, pressing it to his chest. 

"Thank you, Midgardian. This shall not go unrewarded.  You shall have your place in my court." He winked and laughed, turning away. 

All he could hear was, "Oh shut up, Michael, at least he's a bloody gentleman." Then the window slammed shut.

As he walked back to the main road, he pulled out his phone.  Scrolling through the contacts, he paused. Taking a deep breath, he dialled.

It rang. And rang.  He held his breath.  Then, just as he was about to give up, a voice answered.

"Tom?" Soft. Gentle. Afraid.

He smiled."Hello darling. Thank you for picking up." He paused, and he could almost see her smile.

"Well, it was you. Try as I might, I seem to be addicted to speaking to you."

"I'm glad.  Please never seek treatment for it?" He tried to keep the tone light. He didn't want to scare her off. "Where are you, Pip? I came to your house? You're..."

"Gone.  I had to Hal." His heart clenched when she used their secret name. "I couldn't do it anymore."

"Do what, darling?" He stopped and leaned against a convenient lamp post. "What can't you do? Darling, please. Tell me where he took you. I'll come to you. Anywhere. Just let me come to you." He was pleading now, begging with every fibre of his being.

There was a pause and a man answered. "She's still with me, Tom. At home. See you soon."

The line went dead.  Tom grinned and clutched the phone to his chest. He closed his eyes and offered up a silent thank you.  "Luke, if ever I forget how much I love you, man, remind me with a large, heavy object!"

He jumped in his car and, about thirty minutes later, emerged at Luke's flat on the outskirts of London.  He looked up at the stylish 1930s block. Red brick, white windows, welcoming hallway with the concierge desk.

Opening the door, he approached the desk. Before he'd even said a word, there was a soft voice off to the side.  Standing at the lift was a petite woman. With beautiful eyes the colour of a stormy sea. With lips that felt like warm velvet and with arms, he longed to feel around him.

"You came."

"You knew I would, darling." In two strides, he was with her. "I'm so sorry. So very, very sorry. I've been..."

"An arse?" She smirked, thinking of all the people who'd already told her that.

"Yes! A huge one. Forgive me, darling? Forgive me and hold me and tell me you're not leaving me? Please?" His wish was granted as she slipped her arms around his waist. His dreams fulfilled when she looked up at him and said softly,

"I'm so glad you did.  Now we can talk.  Say all the stuff we should have said a long time ago. Come on up, Luke has gone out for a while. We've the place to ourselves." She smiled and flushed.

"In a minute. I have something important to do first." He murmured gently, his fingers tracing her cheek as if he couldn't quite believe she was real. He leaned closer, smiling gently.

"You do?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper, her breath fluttering over his mouth they were so close.

"Mhmmm," he touched his lips to hers. Slowly, carefully, not like the first time, stealing a kiss. Not like the second time, challenging her, dominating her. This time, it was quiet, gentle, loving.

Her hands moved from his waist to tangle in his hair as her mind and body responded. The kiss grew more urgent as they lost themselves in its power.  At last, they broke apart, breathing heavily and smiling.

"Ok. Now that's a good start. I think I definitely have more to tell you." He smiled, resting his forehead against hers. "Let's go up.  How long have we got?"

"He said a while." She answered softly with a smile.

The concierge grinned to himself. There wasn't much he hadn't seen over the years. Seen yet not seen. All part of the discrete job. But that? That had to be one of the better ones. These two definitely had a future.

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