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"Pip? What on earth are you doing still here?" Tom popped his head round the door. He was just leaving with Luke when he saw her trailer lights were still on.

She looked up sharply, she'd been so engrossed in her work she hadn't even noticed the time.

"Oh heck! Just leaving, that's what! These wigs are a real pain." She put the last of the forms onto the shelf with a grunt. It was just an inch too high. On tiptoe, she pushed it back.

"Here, let me." Tom stretched up behind her and seated it properly.  He was so close, she could smell his aftershave and feel his body heat. It was incredibly sexy.

"I need a stool!" She managed to recover her mind enough to smile up at him. Tom winked.

"Or longer legs!"

"Oi cheeky. Anyway, what are YOU doing here at this time?" She collected her bag and coat, heading for the door. She paused before snapping the light off. "Thought you and April would be, well, enjoying each other's company!" She raised her eyebrows, and he blushed.  She thought he never looked as cute as when he was mildly embarrassed.

"Err, no, not tonight. I was hoping to have dinner with an old friend. Chew over old times, chat about new ones." He shifted from foot to foot at the bottom of the small flight of steps. She closed the door and stood a couple of steps above him, allowing herself the luxury of being on eye level with him.

"Well, shouldn't you be away asking them then? What if they're busy? Left it a bit on the neat side, haven't you?" She nudged him and teased quietly.

"I hope not." He shoved his hands in his pockets. He seemed almost nervous.

"Tom? What's up?" She asked gently.

"Erm... are you busy? Would you like to share a pizza?" He looked at her, head on one side, one eye screwed shut, grinning.

"Oh! Oh my no! I mean, yes, I mean no, I'm not busy, and yes, I would. Thanks, Tom!" She was genuinely surprised and delighted. The fact he'd friend-zoned her faded into insignificance at that moment.  She was still getting a wonderful chance.

"Great!" He seemed relieved. "Let me send Luke on his way, and I'll be right back." He started to walk away and instantly Ruth felt bad.


"Yes Pip?" He turned and waited, a smile playing on his lips.

She took a breath, this was as much for her as for him. If there was someone else there, it couldn't be misconstrued as a date of any kind. By anyone.  Especially April.

"Why don't you ask Luke to stay too?" She descended the last of the stairs and crossed to him. Looking up, she smiled gently. "I think it might be best. Don't you?"

Unspoken but understood, just as always. The need to keep the paparazzi as far away as possible.  Them leaving together, however innocently, would be scandal sheet fodder.

"Thanks Pip, you really do always have my back, don't you?" He laid a soft hand on her shoulder, his thumb automatically rubbing the base of her neck.  For a second she inhaled and felt the tenderness in his touch. It was both electric and ethereal in one go.  She longed for it all over.

The moment he touched her skin, his senses snapped to attention. It was cool and soft.  It felt like a summer breeze under his hand. If only he could... he checked himself again.  It was so wrong. There was no way... she was his little sister. She saw him as her lanky big brother, didn't she... Didn't she?

Before either became aware they were moving closer and closer together, their breath synchronised, their eyes scanning each other's faces, Luke appeared and coughed discretely.

"Time to eat, I think? Hi Pip, you ok? Long day, eh?"

Tom, for one of the few times in their long friendship, scowled at Luke. Actually scowled.  'Pip' was HIS name for her. He didn't want anyone, not even Luke, to call her that.

"RUTH is just finishing up and has graciously agreed to share a pizza with me tonight. Do you want to have pizza with us, too?" He tried not to sound like he was threatened by Luke's presence.

Luke shook his head, "No thanks, I actually have a dinner date of my own. She's coming up to town to see me, especially." He looked and sounded like the cat that got the cream.

Tom grinned. He knew instantly.  "Well, tell her I'll be down to see her and Mum in a couple of weeks.  And tell her to stop eating all the hobnobs. I want some left when I get there!"

Luke laughed loudly and walked off, waving back over his head. There was no pulling the wool over Tom's eyes.  Well, not about anyone else.  About himself? Useless, absolutely useless!

They shared a cab back to Tom's rented flat, and as she made herself comfortable, he pulled up an app on his phone.

"Hawaiian?" He asked with a sly grin.

"Not on your Nelly!" Was the swift and decisive response. "As I'm sure you remember, sir!" They laughed as they recalled a previous occasion discussing the merits of pineapple on pizza. It had almost come to blows!

"Just joking love. Veggie and Pepperoni half and half. Thin crust, extra cheese?"

"You DO remember! Aww, thanks, Hal." She blushed as she used the nickname he'd adopted with her while they'd worked together.  He smiled. The fact she'd relaxed enough for this made him happier than he ever thought it would.

Pizza ordered, Tom put his phone down, and they sat on the small sofa, just watching crappy Friday night tv. "Should be about 30 minutes or so. Hope you're hungry?"

"Starving. As blooming usual!" She giggled; her appetite was notorious. If she'd eaten as much as her greedy metabolism demanded, she'd be the size of a small continent by now.  As it was, although a million miles from 'fat' she was pleasantly curvy. "More to cuddle" as a generous man once said.

That generous man now shifted his arm and invited her to snuggle.  Pleased beyond measure, she cuddled in. "This is nice." She said quietly.

"Yes, missed you Pip. Alot." He stroked her arm. "It's nice just to cuddle and not have anything read into it.  I'm a tactile person as you know. I miss just being held."

She twisted a little and looked up at him. In his face she saw how truly lonely it was possible to be while still surrounded by people.  "I'll always be here to cuddle you Tom. As long as you want me to."

He smiled down at her and before she knew what was happening, he'd kissed her forehead. Her mind exploded into fireworks and she had to fight not to immediately kiss him back.  "Thanks Pip, I knew you'd understand." He looked into her eyes and as he did so, there was a look deep down in them that made something stir deep in his own heart.

Before he had time to overthink anything, the doorbell rang.  Pizza.

Ruth uncoiled herself from him and padded through to answer the door. As she left, Tom stood to get a couple of plates. "After dinner, I have to pick your brains Pip. I have a problem and I think, no I know, you're the very person to solve it for me."

"Sounds intriguing. Look forward to it."

She would be sadly disappointed.

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