I Need Your Help

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"It's Ruth."

"Oh. Hi. Oh God, what's he done now?"

"Nothing." The resulting silence spoke volumes. She could almost see him smacking his forehead.

"Oh Christ. Not again. Where are you? At the lot? Ok, give me an hour. I'll pick you up."

She put her phone back into her bag. Why she'd called Luke, she wasn't entirely sure. In all honesty, she hardly knew him. But she knew he knew Tom. About as well as anyone on the planet. She needed to speak to him. Explain why she was running away. So he, in turn, would understand. She'd finally admitted it to herself that was what she was doing.

She stopped by the catering unit and grabbed a coffee to go. She might as well have breakfast before she fled the scene. Tom wasn't due on the call sheet until 10am. that day.

Coffee and croissant later, she emerged into the morning sunlight.

Slowly, she walked to the security office and knocked on the door.  A man, well she  thought the walking brick shed was a man, answered the door with a grunt.


"I err, I'm expecting a visitor. Mr Luke Windsor.  You might know him? Mr Hiddleston's PR?"

"Ahhh, yes! Lovely chap that Mr Hiddleston. I know that Luke fella, too. Quiet.  Very quiet. Ok, when he arrives, I'll give you a call. Your number, miss?" He transformed into another human being entirely. Ruth smiled thinly.

"Well, actually, could I wait here with you, please? I - well, let's just say I dont want to be on the lot today." She winced and flushed a little at her own weakness.

"No problem at all, Miss..." he opened the door with a smile, and inside the little office was a table with a tv monitor, the security system, and two chairs. One chair was empty, obviously where he sat. The other was occupied by another man. 

An older, lean man. With greying hair, dark glittering eyes, and a smile that would relax a sloth.

"Hi Pip. Thought I might find you here eventually." He stood up and walked over, holding out his hand. "Where are you going, little one? And why were you going without Tom?"

"Oh Jeremy, dont tell me YOU know too? Is there anyone, apart from the one man who really should, who doesn't?" She blushed furiously.

Jeremy guided her into the office and sat her down.  "This isn't what they'd call an intervention, but it IS a 'Are you sure you're doing the right thing' conversation. Ben told me." He added when he saw her confusion.

The security guard nodded to them both. "Time for my rounds. Anyone comes to the gate, you can get me on this..." he handed them a walkie-talkie. "Press the red button to talk, ok?"

"Thanks, Dave." Jeremy closed the door after him and tipped the blinds so they could see out, but no one could see in.

Sitting back down, he turned the chair to face her and leaned forward, taking her hand in his. "Now, start from the top and tell me what this is all about."

By the time Dave had come back, she'd told him pretty much everything.  He'd not said much, just nodded and agreed in some places, shaken his head, and rolled his eyes in others. As she sat back, wiping her eyes on her sleeve, he smiled and patted her hand.

"So basically, what you're saying is he needs to wake up and smell the coffee and stop being an arse?"

"No! He's not an arse Jeremy. He's just... in love with someone else, and no matter how much I might want him to, he can't be mine. I'm done torturing myself."

"No.  That's where you're about as thick as he is!" He tutted and sat back. "He loves you, Ruth. He did on Henry, and he does now. He just needs to stop being an arse."

"Oh, Jeremy. I really wish you were right, but I saw them. Together. After he'd already said..." she was interrupted by both Dave and a car drawing up.

The door opened, and in walked Dave, accompanied by the reassuring figure of Luke. 

"All yours, Luke.  I've had a word.  Your turn." Jeremy literally handed her over to him, as someone might hand over their child to a minder.  "Take care, Ruth. See you soon." He kissed her cheek and walked out.

Ruth turned to Luke. "Thanks for coming. Can we talk? It's about Tom. There's some things you should know before I go. "

"Go? Go where? Oh no you dont missy. You're coming with me. No, " he held up his hands,"no arguments." He bent down and picked up her bag. Offering his arm, they left.  It was just on ten when they drew away.

Tom never saw her leave.  

"Where's Ruth?" He sat down in the chair as he quizzed one of the other girls. 

"Dunno, sorry. Not here. Won't be here for at least a couple of weeks, apparently?" she busied herself powdering his face.

He put a hand up to stop her.

"At least two weeks? But we'll be done by then... does that mean...?" He looked into the mirror, and she shrugged.

"You'd need to ask Mr Wheatley about that. I just do what I'm told." She smiled and picked up a brush.  "Now, remember you're not to shave from now on. We need to do the end scenes this week."

Tom wasn't listening.  He was too busy trying to work out how soon he could get to her flat. How soon he could stop her leaving. How soon he could tell her he loved her.

The day was long. Long, hot, tiring, and extremely frustrating. Add to that his desperate need to be somewhere else, and as soon as Ben called 'wrap', he was off. 

A rat up a drainpipe wouldn't have been as nimble.  He was changed, washed, and in the car within an hour.  He drummed his fingers impatiently on the arm rest as his driver sped him towards his flat.  Normally quite a chatty soul, the driver seemed to understand there was something up. He kept quiet and drove.

"See you tomorrow, Mr H?" He said as Tom got out.  Tom paused and, for the first time, spoke.

"I hope so, Terry. I hope so." He smiled tersely and walked to his flat.

Pausing only to pick up his car keys, he headed back out.  Looking at his watch, it was gone 8.30pm. She had several hours of a head start.  He only had one place to start looking.  If she wasn't there, then God alone knew where she would have gone.

As he sat in the car, he said a prayer. This really was his last chance.  He couldn't afford to waste it.

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