ᕙ⁠[⁠・Chapter Two・⁠]⁠ᕗ

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"I'm serious! It's not like the last time! I don't feel the same."

Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski was seen talking in the locker room about what tonight would be.

"Oh! Does that mean the urge to maim and kill people like me?" Stiles skeptically asks.

Scott then sighs out. "I don't have the urge to maim and kill you, i swear!"

"Uh huh." Stiles says, giving him a look as if saying, 'still don't believe you'.

"...so, i heard you almost got barbequed last night?" Stiles then questions.

Flashes of an unknown fire trailing down a straight line towards the car, played over and over in Scott's mind.

The car was seen being surrounded by a huge serious raging fire, then it had caught the fire, causing the car to explode, all parts of the car was ripped apart as the fire burned it down.

Ghost Macy tilts her head, the flames dancing in her dark brown eyes, her eyes then slowly glanced at the couple that was particularly freaking out.

"I'm so sorry." Macy whispers desperately. "But, it's the only way."

Scott then went back into reality, him looking at his best friend. "I- i don't know."

Stiles frowns confusingly. "You don't know?"

Scott shook his head, sighing out. "I can't–––i can't explain it, it's so weird, i mean, how can a car just randomly be caught on fire?"

Stiles scoffs, giving him a look of amusement. "Then, how'd it happen? Did a Ghost do it?"

Scott rolled his eyes at Stiles, scoffing out at him, knowing he was mocking him.

Stiles amusingly grins at him, not realizing how true it is.

Scott had a suspicious look in his eyes, him just randomly sniffing the air, confusing Stiles.

"What? What is it?" Stiles confusingly asks.

"...there's another." Scott hesitantly says.

Stiles shook his head, him even more confused. "Another what?"

Scott's eyes then glanced at each of the lacrosse players. "Another Werewolf."


"You really don't remember anything?"

Allison, Adelaide and Lydia was seen standing on the entrance of the school.

"They say it's a fugue state, which basically is their way of saying, 'we don't know why you can't remember running through the woods naked', but, personally–––i don't care!" Lydia then says.

Lydia then slid her hands down her sides, with a smile. "I lost mine pounds."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Allison concerningly asks.

Lydia then scoffs. "Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

Lydia then pushed through the door, walking inside.

Lydia then stopped as she noticed everyone looking at her, her then filling her hair to the side, forcing a smile onto her face, then strutting through the halls.

Adelaide shrugs, looking at Allison. "I've been friends with Lydia for a long time, and trust me, you shouldn't take her words to heart."

Allison awkwardly smiles. "Probably the nine pounds."


Stiles Stilinski was seen shoving a  thick, huge, sliver metal chain into his locker, that he had gotten for Scott.

Macy's Ghostly form was seen stalking towards her boyfriend, her staring at him, softly smiling at him.

Macy the got close to him, standing right behind him.

Stiles then stopped what he was doing, his body freezing up, feeling like there was someone with him.

Macy hopefully smiles, noticing his body language, thinking he actually saw her.

Stiles then slightly shook his head, sighing out, getting back to what he was doing, which caused the brunette girl to frown in disappointment.

Stiles then closed his locker shut, then leaving the room, Macy following after him, desperate to catch any contact with him.

Stiles was then seen opening his locker, Macy leaning close to him.

"Stiles." Macy whispers against his ear.

Stiles then slowly turned around, him feeling like he heard someone whispering his name, confusion in his eyes.


Allison and Adelaide was in another part of the hallway, Adelaide digging through her bag, unknown to her that someone was staring at her.

Allison glanced on the other side, her seeing a green eyed brunette that goes by Matt Daehler staring at Adelaide.

Allison felt the utmost discomfort by him, then nervously looks at Adelaide.

"...he's staring at you." Allison whispers at the brunette.

Adelaide then looks at Allison confused, then looked at what she was looking at, Adelaide then saw Matt staring at her.

Adelaide gave Matt a friendly smile, him shyly looking at her.

Allison nervously laughed. "...yeah, let's go."

Allison grabbed onto Adelaide's hand, pulling her with.

"Allis-." Adelaide was saying in confusion.

"Don't talk, just walk, i don't like him." Allison whispers quickly.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because he's not Scott McCall."

"No, that's not it, i just- can we just walk?" Allison impatiently asks.

Adelaide sighs out, forcefully walking with the dark brown eyed brunette.

Both brunettes then stopped by a couple of lockers.

"Are you done being weird?" Adelaide blankly stares at her.

"I'm-." Allison was saying.

A locker in front of them was seen being flung open, which made Allison yelp in surprise.

"Woah!" Adelaide comments, eyes widening in shock.

"This is seriously freaking me out! I mean, first the car on fire, now, the locker..." Allison nervously says.

Adelaide smirks amused. "Maybe, the town is hunted."

Allison gave her a glare. "I'm serious."

"Sure." Adelaide humored her.

Allison groans at her in frustration, grabbing onto her hand.

"Come on."



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