ᕙ⁠[⁠・Chapter Seven・⁠]⁠ᕗ

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Jackson Whittemore was seen inside his bedroom, him getting ready for school.

Jackson slid a shirt over his head, pulling it down, the Whittemore then slightly hissed in pain after feeling the material of the shirt grazing across his side.

Jackson then quickly pulled up the shirt, him seeing a wound opened out on his side, him with a look of confusion on his face as his blue eyed looked at the wound.

The wound that was marked onto his body was seen slowly healing.

Jackson then looked up, looking back at his reflection with a perplexed expression.

Jackson then whispers in confusion. "How'd i get this?"

Jackson then shook his head, scoffing out. "Whatever, it doesn't matter, it's healing anyways."

Jackson then sighs out, pulling down his shirt.


Inside the school's library, Allison Argent, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski was seen talking about Jackson Whittemore who was so oblivious about what he was doing as Kanima form.

"It's everything Lydia could've translated, and trust me–––she was confused." Allison then sighs out.

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott then asks.

"...we're part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison then answers.

"I'm part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Stiles frowns.

Allison awkwardly laughs. "Oh!...great."

"Okay, so, does it say who's controlling him?" Scott then asks.

"No, but Stiles was right about the murders." Allison says.

Stiles happily cheers. "Yes!"

Scott and Allison both looks at Stiles giving him weird looks, then looks away, Allison then looked back at her translated pages.

"It calls the Kanima 'a weapon of vengeance', there's a story in here about this South American priest, who uses the Kanima to execute murders in his village-." Allison was saying.

Stiles quickly interjects. "See? So, maybe...it's not all that bad."

Allison then read from the pages. "Until the bond grew stronger and then it started to kill whoever it wanted to..."

Stiles pulls back. "Okay! All bad, very bad."

"Here's the thing though, the Kanima's actually supposed to be a Werewolf, but it can't-." Allison was saying.

This time Scott was the one that cut her off, him reading from the pages.

"Until it resolves that in its past, which manifested it."

Stiles then scoffs. "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, i could've told you that."

"...what if this has something to do with his real parents?" Allison then questions.

Scott then shrugs. "Yeah, but neither of us knows what happened to them."

"Ida could've." Stiles then says.

"What if she doesn't?" Scott then asks.

"She could probably talk to him?" Stiles suggests.

"I have no idea where that girl goes, no one does, i'll talk to him." Allison then says.

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