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friends don't look at friends that way

Lunchtime was just as chaotic as before school, if not worse. Students were buzzing from being unable to talk to each other during classes, still on the high of seeing their friends they hadn't had the luxury of seeing during the summer. Freshmen gawked at the seniors - specifically the popular students - sophomores stayed separated from the rest of the classes, and juniors and seniors acted like they ruled the school. Sure, they did in a way - mainly the seniors, but they did it as if they were royalty in a town full of peasants.

Willa walked next to Wes, having run into him on her way to the cafeteria. She was silent, her mind running with thoughts consisting of her classes, her boyfriend, Chad, and now Oliver Porter - who definitely left his mark on her without even trying.

They were supposed to be meeting for lunch, and that made Willa nervous. Not only was she afraid as she's not usually the type of person to just bring a random person to her table of friends, but she was afraid of their reactions to him. She was afraid he wouldn't like her, or her friend group. That he'd decide that they're not worth being friends with, that they're people he doesn't want to associate himself with at Woodsboro High.

"Tough first day?" Wes asked, breaking the thoughts.

Willa glanced over at her twin, sending him a soft smile as he held the cafeteria door open for her. She thanked him as she walked through, her eyes immediately landing on the table that Chad sat at. 

Usually, Chad sat outside with the rest of their friend group. Today he wasn't, however, and instead sat with one arm around Liv while he spoke to his sibling.

Liv glanced from Chad to Willa, the smile on her face immediately disappearing. This caused Willa's face to grow red, but instead of continuing to stare she just looked at Wes. "It went as you'd expect any first day as a senior could go." She finally answered his question, grabbing the strap of her backpack.

"Make any new friends?" He asked, following her as she led the way toward where the tables were. They didn't need to bother with going through the line for the cafeteria, simply because they packed their own lunches.

"One, I think." She nodded.

"That's good, one more than I did." Wes smiled at her, "You still gonna be okay to walk to your shift at the theatre?"

"Of course," Willa said. "Have fun with Tara and the others. I'll be okay. If anything I'll just get someone else to walk me."

"Okay, as long as you're sure." Wes nodded, although he didn't seem to want to let it go just yet.

Instead of letting Wes change his mind, Willa changed the subject. "I'm meeting someone for lunch, I should probably get to looking for him."

Wes nodded, watching as she walked away from him. He then began to put his focus on his friend group who had all seemed to arrive before him.

"Hey, Wes, right?" The sound of a feminine voice caught his attention, and he looked over to see Chelsea Rosemary standing next to him. He hadn't even noticed her walk up due to his focus going from his sister to his friends, startling him for only a moment. "Sorry for the scare."

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked, feeling slightly awkward. His brows bunched together, confusion covering his face as he wondered why Chelsea was talking to him. They never really said much to each other unless forced to during school, so it was a wonder as to why she was talking to him now.

"I just saw that you were alone, and took the opportunity to talk to you... when nobody else is around of course." She winked, swaying side to side slightly.

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