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if i could i'd change overnight, and turn into something you'd like

Willa looked at where the voice had come from, embarrassment covering her features as Tara Carpenter stood in front of the closed cafeteria doors. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked at Willa with what looked to be disappointment.

"What do you mean?" Willa tried to play it off, her voice pitching an octave higher. "Th-that? That was nothing."

"Don't give me that bullshit, Will." Tara sighed as she rolled her eyes, stepping closer to the blonde. "I just saw that entire exchange. Why do you let him treat you like that? He's clearly not who everyone thinks he is."

"He-he's just... upset, you know? Upset that I was stupid and inserted myself into a situation that wasn't my problem to solve." Willa tried to answer.

"Are you kidding me, Willa?" Tara asked, her voice raising slightly. She looked at her in disbelief, "You did what you always do and stuck up for what you believe in. Don't let some fuckboy asshole like Marcus Andrews prevent you from doing that and make you think you're wrong. Everything you've always done has always been for the best and has honestly made Woodsboro a better place."

"He's just- he's just looking out for me, okay? It's not usually like this." Willa continued to defend her boyfriend, messing with the straps on her backpack.

"Wes doesn't know, does he?" Tara asked anyway, ignoring her excuse. She crossed her arms again, looking at Willa with a look of concern. "Of course he doesn't. When he finds out-"

"And he won't." Willa quickly cut Tara off, grabbing her by the upper arms. "Please don't tell anyone, especially Wes. He-he'd be so-"

"Upset? If Marcus isn't doing anything wrong why are you so worried about Wes finding out?" The other girl asked, stumping Willa.

"I-" She stopped, realizing she didn't have an answer.

"Exactly. You can't answer because you know it's wrong. Even if it wasn't your business, the fight that he and Chad got into - which is totally buzzing around school already - wasn't your doing at all." Tara continued, "You have to tell Wes."

"Wes cannot know." Willa shook her head, "I've just calmed Marcus down. Please, just please don't tell anyone." She begged.

"What's going to happen when he finds out? Or-or Chad? What about Chad?" Tara asked, still in shock due to what she saw.

"You're exaggerating, T. Marcus just yelled a bit, that's it." Willa denied, "Chad and Wes cannot know. Nobody can. Please."

"Why should I keep it a secret? It's not like we're friends anymore or anything." Tara spoke quickly before thinking, regretting it almost immediately.

Willa dropped her hands from the other girl's arms, blinking as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Look, Will, I-"

"No no, you're right. We're not friends anymore. You don't have to keep any secrets for me, I know." She swallowed, stepping back. "I just- I guess I can't stop you if you choose to tell them."

Tara stared at her old friend, tears forming in her own eyes. She regretted talking to Willa the way she had, knowing she spoke too soon without thinking. She went to say something else but before she could the cafeteria doors flung open.

Liv laughed as she cuddled closer to Chad, whose smile immediately fell as he saw Tara and Willa in a serious conversation. Liv's laugh halted as she realized the tension, her eyes casting to the ground as she avoided any type of eye contact with Willa.

Save Your Tears | Chad Meeks-MartinWhere stories live. Discover now