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friends don't look at friends that way

Despite how much she'd grown apart from Chad and Mindy, Willa couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and protection as she approached the twins' residence. She'd always felt like she belonged there, more than she did at her own house sometimes.

Everyone had arrived except for the three of them, save for Sam herself. Everyone from both hers and Wes' friend groups - that was still alive and not hospitalized, of course.

They were mixed in together, which was an odd sight to see. Usually, Willa's friends separated themselves from Wes'. It was very obvious that the two groups had set their differences aside due to the dire circumstances, which was good considering it could be hard when you're not used to interacting with certain people.

MJ sat in between Amber and Mindy, while Clodagh and Jo had their personal little area as they talked amongst themselves. Chad was sat next to Liv (no surprise there) while Anna sat on the other side of her. Chelsea was next to her - much to Anna's dismay - while Alicia sat on the other side of her. Quinn Reyes - a girl Willa hardly spoke to, sat on the other side of Alicia, while Alice sat next to her. Christian was chatting with Kamira, focusing on whatever it was the girl had been talking about.

It was odd. It was unusual, even, as even though they all knew each other, they didn't truly know each other.

The safety and protection that Willa had felt disappeared as her eyes landed on the last two people in the giant room. Aaron and Marcus sat in the corner, isolating themselves from everyone else.

Marcus already looked at her, an angry look on his features. He had a bandage wrapped around his hand - the same one Willa bit into the night prior. 

His face was extremely bruised. His eyes were black and his nose bandaged, proving that Willa had, in fact, broken his nose. 

Part of her felt bad. She felt bad for doing such damage to someone, especially someone she had cared about. But then she remembered his grimy hands and the way he touched her, the way he selfishly tried to take something that didn't - and wouldn't - ever belong to him.

The feeling of someone touching her back caught her attention, and she glanced over to see Oliver already looking at her. He was the only one who knew what had happened to her, and he didn't make it obvious so. Instead, he just protectively led her to the couch Wes had sat on, leading her to sit next to her brother.

The chatter continued, as they were still waiting for Sam to arrive. Willa felt awkward, keeping her eyes in her lap. Anytime she'd look up she would either make eye contact with Chad or Marcus, and anytime Chad would look in her direction Liv would angrily nudge her boyfriend.

It was like Willa was living in her own personal hell. Somehow, besides the obvious tension, nobody bothered to notice or say anything if they did. That would only make the situation worse, and that was the last thing she needed.

Soon enough, Sam arrived. Only she hadn't arrived alone. She not only brought her boyfriend with her but behind Richie walked in none other than Dewey Riley.

"Dewey!" Willa couldn't help but exclaim as she jumped up from her spot on the couch.

The older man could barely react before Willa was in his arms, tears threatening to spill as she held onto him as tightly as she could.

He hugged her back, a soft smile covering his aged features. "Hey, kid." He mumbled in her hair. "It's been too long."

"I've missed you," She admitted, pulling away. She couldn't help the teary eyes as she looked up at him, her light eyes brighter than usual.

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