S1E6: The alien princess

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Outside of the planet of Earth we see a heavily damaged ship making its decent to earth with the ship seeing to be up in flames as the ship breaks apart as it enters earth's atmosphere and breaking through the clouds before breaking out of the clouds and made a huge impact at a desert far away from the city or any life.

Hours gone by and soon a portal open and Y/n, Travis and Bryron exit through the portal and stood in front of the crash ship with flames around it as the trio approach the crashed ship.

Y/n: Bryron.

Bryron pulls out a scanner to scan if this ship belong to any faction. Short while later he gets the results.

Bryron: This is a mercenary ship. Seems like they been through a battle.

Travis: But the question being what battle?

Y/n: Alice have you detected any life forms in the ship?

Alice: (coms) Only one. Whoever this is must be very injured. Best we get he or her out of the ship before it's completely destroyed.

Y/n: Understood.

Bryron was already hacking into the door controls and got it to open. They walked inside and walk down the hallways filled with parts on the ground and a few dead alien mercenaries as they explore around the ship, looking for this life form.

After a while of searching they reach what seems like the cafeteria and once the doors open they were greeted with dead mercenaries around the cafeteria with their chests being burned through and their heads being torn off along with some of their body parts.

Travis: I'm having a bad feeling about this.

Y/n: It seems there was a battle here. Question being who or what are they fighting?

Bryron: I think I found her.

They turn and walk over to where Bryron is and they see what looks like a female humanoid alien wearing what seems like prison with long red hair and have alien hand cuffs that cover up her whole hands.

Bryron: She looks like a prisoner and it seems she has been fighting these mercenaries for a long time.

Travis: What should we do?

Y/n: We take her with us. Treat her wounds and if she wakes up, we ask her some questions.

Travis: You sure this is a good idea?

Y/n: We can't just leave her here and let her die.

Travis: True. Okay then let's go.

Y/n picks up the female alien prisoner and they exit out the ship and once out Alive opens the portal and they go through ad they return to their base.


At the fortress we see the female alien at the medical room and laying on the medical bed while Alice have her medical robots treated her wounds while she scan what race is she.

Through the windows we see Y/n and Travis watching this and then Alice appeared next to them which they turn to her.

Y/n: You got something?

Alice: Yep. I've scan her alien DNA and she's a tamaranean from the planet Tamraran.

Y/n: Any information about that planet?

Alice: Tamraran is populated by a race of golden-skilled humanoids who are descended from a feline race and who worship the goddess X'hal.

Travis: So they're religious?

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