S1E12: The invasion of Themyscira (Arc 1)

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Krannier opens her eyes and find herself within a large room with both of her arms and legs chained up so that she would not move. She try her best to break  free but gets shocked with extreme electricity.

She stop and just stood there for a bit until the doors open and Y/n, Travis and Maxim enter the room with Maxim standing by the door with his arms crossed as Y/n snd Travis approaches Krannier as she look down at them.

Y/n: Alright Krannier, it has been a few months since we have captured you and yet you didn't say anything. You haven't given us anything information, if you don't want things to get worse then I suggest you tell us what you know.

There was silence as Krannier doesn't say anything to them which Travis tells Y/n.

Travis: What should we do with her? If she doesn't say anything then she's obviously not useful to us.

Y/n thinks for a moment and after a bit of thinking he said.

Y/n: It will be too risky to set her free. If she doesn't comply to us then we have no choice but to-

Alice: (speakers) Y/n do you hear me? You have a incoming call from Diana. It seems urgent.

After she said that they were surprised when Krannier begins to laugh. They turn to her and then she finally spoke.

Krannier: It seems her people are going to be wiped out soon.

They were confused and a bit concerned on what she mean by that but they need to answer Diana call so they leave the room with Maxim stay in the room and keep an eye on her while they answer the call.

(Short while later)

They arrive at the command centre as a hologram of Diana is show as she is wearing Themyscira royal dress as she tells them.

Diana: (hologram) I apologise to disturb you and your team but I need your help with something.

Y/n: It's no problem Diana. What sewm to be the problem?

Diana: (hologram) As you may know my home, Themyscira is homed to Amazonians that is run by females. No men has never existed on this island.

Travis: (whispers) Bet Dash would love to live on that island.

Diana: (hologram) We mostly live in peace for years. There have been threats but I or the Justice League has took care of those threat. However this one......is different and the Justice League are too busy to help. I figure I contact the Legion of Knights so you group can help.

Y/n: (smile) we'll be happy to help. Tell us your situation?

Diana: (hologram) We have given reports of some of my people getting murdered in a brutal way. For what I have hard these Amazonian warriors are the best of the best so whoever killed them is way trained.

Travis: They must be attacked off guard.

Y/n: Any leads on who could have done it?

Diana: (hologram) No such luck unfortunately. Maybe you can help us. If this continues then we may have a huge problem.

Y/n: We'll be there. Have your people be aware of this situation and we'll be there.

Diana: (hologram) Thank you. See you soon.

She disconnected and once that was done Alice appears next to Y/n and she ask him.

Alice: What are you thinking?

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