S1E8: The Shadow Reaper (Arc 2)

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Rapping gunfire can be heard as we see Two-face and his men driving away from the bank after they rob it and they are escaping while the police are tailing them from behind. The police tries to catch up to them while Two-Face men open fire at them. Two-Face flips his coin and it landed on heads.

He nodes to one of his man who picked up a rocket launcher. He takes aim and then fired as the missile destroyed many police cars. They laughed wnd cheered seeing they have completed another heist without Batman came to ruin them.

They were home free when all of a sudden Maxim rushes up and slammed his two arms onto both vehicles and flips them over. The two cars were sent flying while Maxim pulls out his hammer and them slammed it onto thr ground. This created a blast that sent the rest of Two-Facss cars flying.

They crash onto the ground as Two-Face kicks open his door and crawl out as he coughs then looks up to see Maxim standing over him as he picked him up by the back of the suit and said.

Maxim: Your more uglier in the news.

Soon the other police cops came and take Two-Face away however without Batman around crime gets insane. We see the Riddle trapping innocent people within a glass ball with explosions as Koda, Kye and Will are there to stop him as the Riddle release his men and they battle.

We see Dash and Calum fighting Bane at the park as he dodges his swings and charge at him as they battle all awhile Gordon is trying his best to get the situation under control by deploying more GCPD police officers but without Batman and whole city is going into chaos and the only thing that stop Gotham frok fallen apart is the Bat family and the Legion of Knights.


We see Y/n and Travis at the Wayne Corporation as they are here because they gotten a report of Joker taking over the building since Bruce Wayne disappeared.

They slowly walk through the pitch Black darkness of the hallway as they came across clown like painting on the wall, bullet holes and soon they come across employees that when Travis kneel down and turn them over, he sees their creepy smiles since they literally laugh themselves to death.

Travis: This Joker person is insane. How is it possible for Batman to control himself after everything he has done.

Y/n: I have no idea but it shows how tough he really is and how serious his code is.

Travis: True. You think Red Robin may find him?

Y/n: He said he may find him but for now let's-

Suddenly they hear a woman's laughter echoing throughout the hallway. They keep moving and soon they arrived at the office which looks abandon and dark. They make their walk through the office walk by many computers while keeping their guard up.

There were shadows moving around them but they don't know what it was or who. They keep walking while keeping their guard up when Y/n stop for a moment and feels something odd. Suddenly he quickly turn around and catches a large hammer that was about to strike at him but he catch it.

Travis: (Turns around) Y/n!

He holds it but then gets kicked which he crash into Travis and he was sent back as Y/n land on the ground facing up the ceiling. He looks over as Joker's partner name Harley Quinn came up to him and says with a joyful tone.

Harley: (smile) Well if this is a surprise. A new hero! Welcome to Gotham where Mister J will make your life mor fun as long you obey to him.

Y/n: This has to stop. You and Joker has killed a lot of innocent people. Please surrender or else.

Harley: (smile) Or else what? Your not Batman?

She lifted her hammer over her and ready to smash with it and she swings it only for Y/n to use his jetpack and flies fiward, dodging Harley's strike and flies off his feet.

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