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book- erratic self loveauthor- bangtanrewindsbot- mcflurry-x (a review type bot)

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book- erratic self love
author- bangtanrewinds
bot- mcflurry-x (a review type bot)

book- erratic self loveauthor- bangtanrewindsbot- mcflurry-x (a review type bot)

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title:: 9/10

the title sounds good, suits the plot as well. but somehow it feels weird, maybe you could have used some other word for erratic? but this is fine too.

cover:: 9/10

i like the cover! matches the theme of the plot, the colors go well with each other and the font of the title makes it perfect! however, jungkook looks a bit off, blurry kind of and the details on his face and hair make him look off.

blurb:: 9.5/10

the blurb is perfect in length, and i liked the fact where you didn't reveal too much about the plot and made it interesting enough to grab the reader's attention. however, the symbols and different fonts make it less attractive to be honest, no offense.

first impression:: 5/5

nice! i was actually expecting something good in the first chapter, maybe jungkook having fun somewhere, his morning routine or something really nice but didn't expect such a sad opening but that's good actually. i barely stumble upon books which have a sad opening, they often start with clichés or something else based on the genre. so, good work here!

writing style & grammar:: 24/30

i have deducted some marks here, although your writing style was good, it's readable and understandable, the grammar didn't appeal me. there were a lot of mistakes, so many missing articles and words and the way you frequently switch the tenses had me pouting. your vocabulary is okay, but i advise you to work on your grammar, a lot. read more books, practice the grammars, learn when and where to use certain words and tenses. some parts in the chapters were confusing, you would end the chapter somewhere and the next one would come up with some other scene and you would not even explain properly how he reached there and what was happening. i still don't know if in the first chapter, they were in hospital or the house.

povs/narrator:: 4/5

first two chapters, i guess, you had mentioned whose point of view the chapter was. but then i couldn't find it until i read further down and realized it was jungkook's point of view. no matter what, please always mention the pov at the beginning of the chapter to avoid confusion to the readers.

plot:: 18/20

well, it wasn't unique as of the current chapters, it only has 5 chapters anyway. but till now, i could understand what was going on. and to be honest, jungkook's part right now was kind of common to me.
but i'm sure there are so many plot twists on its way! looking forward to it. i'm still curios about how jungkook and nari ended up like this.

overall impression:: 8/10

the book was worth reading even though it has a lot of grammatical errors and few confusions. i liked the book!

total:: 86.5/100

scope of improvement::
i have mentioned everything that's lacking in the book, i hope you go through them carefully especially the grammar and being clear with your writing. it's the most important thing in a book! i wish you all the best with this book, i hope i didn't offend you.

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