Chapter 50 - Day 6: Visitors

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This is by far the weirdest situation I've woken up in so far.

I'm warm and snug, filled with feelings of well-being, like someone who finally got a good night's sleep, and opening my eyes, I can see watery light filtering through the openings between the thick curtains, bathing the room in a warm glow.

I'm in the big bed in the bedroom, wrapped in David's arms. I don't think we've even changed our positions since we got into bed last night... or early this morning. I've lost track of time.

David stirs in his sleep when I move my head from the hollow of his throat to look at his face. Enjoying these sweet moments before he wakes up, I run my eyes over the gentle slope of his nose, his bristle-covered jaw, soft lips and long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks.

This is awesome. 

I want to wake up like this every day for the rest of my life, except... I really need to go to the bathroom. Last night we rushed in here and went to sleep, not even daring to stop to fulfil any required bathroom-related tasks, and now my bladder is close to bursting.

"What?"David grunts, waking up too, blinking at me with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning," I whisper, suddenly feeling shy in this intimate position. When we went to sleep, it felt natural and normal to cuddle like this; both of us were exhausted physically and emotionally; now it just feels too personal.

"Good morning." A smile spreads on David's face, bringing a sparkle to his eyes when he realises that it is me he's looking at. He doesn't seem to feel awkward at all, following me with his eyes when I sit up straight. He stretches luxuriously when my body no longer obstructs his movements, and I realise that he must feel as stiff as I do after spending the entire night in one position. Or are my aching muscles a result of last night's staircase adventures?

"We're wearing all our clothes," he remarks with a grin.

"And we're in the bed and not in disappearing rooms or on the beach," I add, chuckling. "What a weird and wonderfully novel experience."

"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting up too, reaching out to tug a strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers soft and gentle against my skin, causing me to shiver involuntarily.

Am I okay?

At the moment, I feel rested and content, but I know that once I give my brain a chance to go through everything that transpired yesterday, these feelings of contentment will dissipate like mist when the sun heats up.

"Yes, thank you," I smile, deciding not to allow myself to think too much. "I slept really well. How about you?"

"Yeah," he grimaces. "A little too well. What time is it?" He shoves his sleeve up his forearm to look at his watch and is startled by whatever he sees on the screen. "It's almost 1 p.m.!" he exclaims, giving me an appalled look. "We slept half the day away!'

"Wow, I guess we needed it." 

Well, David certainly did; I had some feverish naps when I had the chills. There's no sign of that anymore. One moment I was sick, and the next, I was fine again, and I don't think it was just David's amazing soup or the meds he gave me that cured me. 

"Do you think we did anything else in our sleep this time? Like painting or maybe some gardening?" That is not an unreasonable question, even if it feels strange to ask it. Still, I need an answer and feel somewhat apprehensive about what that answer might be.

"Man, I would love to wake up and see that I've shovelled the entire backyard and all the weeds are gone, and the pond is clean," David grins, but looking at his strong hands with the long tapered fingers, I can tell that he had not spent the night working in the garden. His hands are soil-free. He follows my gaze to his fingers and makes a disappointed face.

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