Chapter 3

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Erika's P. O. V:

Fang, Rogue and I rush forward to protect the villagers.

I make it in time to catch the sword of a bandit from striking a mother protecting her child. The man whips his head to me in shock.

"What the—?!"

"Bad move," I growl before hood lightning crackles down my arm. "Lightning Magic: Taser." The man cries out as he's hit with electricity from my spell and hits the ground with a heavy thud. I turn to the family. "Get going."

They nod and flee with everyone else. I face a bunch of men as lightning crackles around my hands.

"Shadow Dragon Slash!" Rogue says before swinging his right hand engulfed in shadows at a bandit, taking him out. He slashes at other bandits while dodging their attacks, even transforming into shadow to evade them.

"Lightning Magic: Discharge," I say and lightning bolts explode from my body, striking different bandits and taking them out with cries of pain.

Fang uses her Telekinesis Magic to throw some men away.

I duck a sword swing before I launch my lightning covered fist forward. "Thunder Fist!" My fist of lightning connects with the man and sends him crashing into the wall of a nearby building.

Rogue briefly jerks his head to me in shock. I just smirk back before I swing my fist of lightning at another couple of bandits.

"Thunder Orb!" I say as I hold up my right hand. A sphere of lightning forms and I channel my energy int it, making it a little bigger. I throw it at an incoming enemy with a grunt of exertion. It hits him and he screams as he collapses.

Rogue says as he faces another few bandits, "Shadow Dragon Roar!" A torrent of shadows bursts from his mouth and I watch in awe as they spear towards the bandits. The attack hits them and when it fades, they've collapsed.

I was so in awe that I fail to notice an incoming attack from a bandit.

Rogue gasps as he turns to me. "Erika, look out!" I don't move in time as a sword cuts my right arm, making me cry out.

I grit my teeth before I hood up my left hand. "Lightning Magic: Thunderbolt!" A bolt of lightning crashes down and strikes the man who slashed at me. He screams before collapsing.

Rogue breathes a sigh of relief before using his Shadow Dragon Slash to cut down another bandit.

Some more men are tossed aside by my wolf's Telekinesis.

"Thunder Orb Barrage," I say, and form several small orbs of lightning. With a flick of my wrist, they're launched at a few enemies, though it's true purpose is to overpower a single enemy.

I breathe heavily as Rogue and I stand near each other, blood leaking down my arm.

"You alright?" He asks in concern.

"Yeah. Let's just focus on wiping out the enemy," I respond. More bandits surround us. Rogue turns into shadow and attacks the enemies from behind while I call down another thunderbolt. I use this spell a few more times before I launch another giant sphere of thunder at my opponents.

One of them swings their sword for me but I mutter, "Lightning Rush." My body is covered with lightning and I blur as I evade the man's attacks. I then get behind him and slug him in the back with a kick that sends him flying forward.

Fang uses her Telekinesis to lift rocks and throw them at the bandits, knocking them down.

A woman goes to swing her bo staff at me but I dodge it. I dodge another swing, and another before I land a kick to her stomach, knocking the woman down.

Fang, Rogue and I continue taking out the bandits until all of them were defeated.

"That about wraps things up, I guess," I say as I'm no longer covered in lightning. Rogue gazes at my injured right arm in concern.

Frosch asks me in concern, "Are you alright, Erika-chan?"

"I'll be fine, Frosch."

"You should treat that before we go back to the guild hall," He says.

I cover it with my hand as I nod my head. We get our reward from our client and I get Fang to use her Healing Magic to heal my wound.

Once that was bandaged up, Rogue, Frosch and I head back to Gazania Town.


We return to Sabertooth as I ask Rogue, "So, how did I do for my first job as a Sabertooth member?"

He responds, "Apart from your injury, you did great. I was very impressed with your Lightning Magic."

Frosch chimes cutely, "Fro thinks so, too."

I smile at his compliments as I say, "Thanks!"

"You guys are back," Says Sting as he and Lector approach us. "How did it go?"

"Well, I did get distracted and injured, but we managed to defeat all the bandits so they won't be causing anymore trouble," I inform him. Sting's blue orbs widen in concern.

Lector says, "Sure wish I was there to see you in action."

"It's not that bad, is it?" The Eucliffe asks.

I reply while rubbing my head sheepishly, "It's just a scratch! Eheheh!"

Rogue gazes at me disbelievingly. "It was deep but we got it treated by Fang." Sting appears relieved.

"Well done on your first job, Erika! You'll make a great edition to the guild," Says Sting.

"You think so?" I ask.

"I know so! Anyway, I'll leave you two to it," Sting says before wandering off.

"Let's get something to eat," I say to Rogue. He nods and we get some lunch at the bar.


Later that day, Fang and I head home. I make us dinner and I think back to today's fight in Daffodil Village.

"It was fun working with someone," I think to myself with my head in my hand. "And Rogue's Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic was incredible! Just like when I watched him at this year's Grand Magic Games."

I sigh dreamily and continue eating my dinner.

I stay up late, drawing Rogue and Frosch, before I get into my pyjamas and drift off to sleep, wondering what more adventures at Sabertooth will await me tomorrow.

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