Chapter 16

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Erika's P. O. V:

I watch, stunned, as Rogue collapses, blood dribbling down the corner of his mouth. He hits the ground and I immediately drop to my knees while leaning over his head.

I feel tears prick my eyes. "R-Rogue! Wh-Why did you do that?! Why did you take the hit for me?"

He gazes up at me as he replies weakly, "as I've told you before: I like you. A lot. And I refuse to let anyone hurt you." A small smile touches his lips. "I'm just glad I got there in time."

His eyes droop close.

"Rogue? Stay with me! Rogue? Rogue!" I beg but he was too weak to respond.

The tears drip onto his face as I hear Frosch whimper, "Oh, no!"

"Erika..." Erza murmurs sympathetically as she gazes at me with soft eyes.

The tears are coming harder now and the sound of crackling lightning fills our ears.

Lector asks, "What is that? Lightning?"

"Fro thinks so too," Says the green Exceed with tears in his eyes.

"It's because Erika is summoning it with her grief," Says Charlele.

I lean over my friend as I cry harder, wondering why this happened and blaming myself.

It's because Hajime was targeting me.

Erza tells me as lightning begins to crackle around my body, "Erika, calm down."

But I don't listen. I don't even hear her.

All I could see is Rogue dead in front of me.

That thought alone intensifies the lightning around my body and it begins to turn blue.

"Look! Blue lightning," Happy points out.

"This must be the Blue Lightning Magic Hajime was talking about before," Charlele remembers.

"You killed him," I seethe out.

"He shouldn't have gotten in the way," Hajime says matter-of-factly.

I snap before I get to my feet. I jerk my head up, my eyes glowing electric blue, which causes those around me to gasp.

I speed forward, my bangs hiding my right eye and slug Hajime in the jaw with a right hook that's enveloped by blue lightning.

I speed forward, my bangs hiding my right eye and slug Hajime in the jaw with a right hook that's enveloped by blue lightning

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He grunts at the pain as he staggers backwards.

I hold up my hand as I chant, "Lightning Magic: Thunder Storm!" Bolts of lightning crash down aimlessly, and one strikes Hajime. "Lightning Make: Storm Serpent!"

I form a massive serpent out of lightning and it hisses violently before lunging for the brown haired man. It attacks him even as he tries to use his Essence Make Magic to fend it off. The serpent eventually manages to throw him back but Hajime creates a giant scythe out of green energy and severs its head off.

"Lightning Magic: Crashing Thunder!" I call forth a single bolt of lightning that forces Hajime to the ground, making him scream.

"Lightning Magic: Voltage Vortex!" I run at my opponent and slide along the ground. I send him into the air with a powerful kick and then I perform a move similar to break dancing before I leap up and kick the man even higher, sending a bit of electricity through him.

I backflip back to the ground and breathe heavily.

"Blue Lightning Magic," I say lowly, my eyes glowing ominously blue due to my magic, Raijin!" I summon lightning in the sky as Hajime descends to the ground.

It crackles wildly and turns blue like the lightning around me. I chant lowly, "Raijin Rampage!"

Countless lightning bolts rain brown towards the Essence Make Magic user, and at the same time, blue lightning erupts from the ground.

Hajime couldn't dodge this and he screams as he's hit by lightning on both ends.

It soon dies down and there's nothing left of the Essence Make Magic user.

The lightning also dies down around me as I breathe heavily. I feel extremely exhausted, yet I also have adrenaline pumping through my system due to the effects of the spell.

I turn to see everyone gaping at me even as Wendy and Fang heal Rogue together. They've been healing him the whole time?

"Wh... What was that?" Lucy stammers in disbelief.

I explain, "My most powerful spell, Raijin. I don't use it a whole lot, and you can see why." I gaze towards Rogue and step over to him. I ask Wendy, "How is he? Is he gonna be okay?"

She assures me, "With Fang's help, I was able to stop the bleeding and start closing the wound. He should be fine once we'd finished and after he's had a bit of rest."

"Thank you, Wendy, and you too, Fang," I say as I choke back a sob.

I was so relieved he's going to be alright.


A few days later, once we were all rested and Wendy and Fang healed our wounds, we stand outside Lynette's house with her family to say goodbye.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright now?" The brown haired woman asks.

I nod as I say, "Definitely. All thanks to Fang and Wendy."

Lynette smiles in relief. "I'm glad."

"And we're glad you were able to stop Hajime from causing anymore harm to our village," Says her father gratefully.

"It was nothing!" Natsu chimes, beaming.

"We should get a move on," Says Erza.

"Goodbye, and thank you again!" Lynette calls as we turn to leave.

Her husband and son also say their goodbyes.

I walk beside Rogue in front of the others back to the magic mobile as I ask, "Are you sure you're gonna be okay, Rogue?"

I feel the backs of our hands brush against one another as he replies, "I'm sure."

I smile in relief at that, ignoring the feeling of Lucy and Erza staring at us.

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