Chapter 6

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Erika's P. O. V:

I envelope my right fist with lightning as I rush forward. "Lightning Magic: Thunder Fist!" I punch the first dark wizard in the face that sends him flying back. Then I whirl around and punch another man in the chest, knocking him down.

As I enter the living room, attacking the dark wizards, Lucas instantly cowers right behind me.

I see Rogue transforming into shadow to sneak up on his enemies and use Shadow Dragon Slash to cut them down.

A few men cry out as Fang lifts them up with her Telekinesis Magic and tosses them about.

She uses it to move a chair in front of her to block an attack before launching an object at them and knocking the dark wizard down.

"Thunder Orb," I say, forming a sphere of lightning before throwing it. And another. They both land and the men cry out. "Lightning Make: Thunder Disc." I hold up my palm and a disc of lightning forms, spinning rapidly. I thrust it forward with a grunt of exertion. It cuts through a few men before cancelling out.

"Lightning Gauntlets," I say and gauntlets of lightning form around my arms, then I reform my Thunder Fists spell to enhance them.

I charge forward and repeatedly punch away enemies while Rogue cuts them down with Shadow Dragon Slash.

I hear Lucas squeal from behind me and look to see a dark wizard about to swing his sword at him.

Gritting my teeth, I jump between them and hood up my hands. "Lightning Make: Shield." A shield of lightning forms and blocks the attack. "I don't think so! Lightning Make: Lance!" I form three lances of lightning that descend upon the enemy, effectively taking him out.

I glance back at Lucas, "Are you okay?"

He nods, keeping close to me. "I am now that you're here."

Rogue is glaring at him that he fails to notice a sword cutting his arm. I feel concern as Rogue grunts at the pain before using a spell known as Shadow Waxwing Flash where he turns into shadow and curls around the opponent before sending them flying away.

He slashes at other men with shadows while I send another disc of lightning spinning through the room.

I create another three lances that fall upon more enemies, taking them out. Fang throws more dark wizards away with her Telekinesis. She'd occasionally switch to hand to hand combat and kick out at some enemies, knocking them down. Or she'd bite them.

I get up close to a few enemies and jab at them with lightning as I say, "Lightning Magic: Taser." They're hit with electricity before going stiff and collapsing.

I cover my fist with lightning and punch at a few other men. The men throw elemental attacks and sword attacks.

I dodge an attack and whirl around to find my new opponent.

It's a young woman with long pink hair in a waterfall ponytail with pink eyes and a ring on her bottom lip and necklace around her neck.

It's a young woman with long pink hair in a waterfall ponytail with pink eyes and a ring on her bottom lip and necklace around her neck

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She smiles at me. "Step aside, Sabertooth. We only want the boy."

I demand as I get into a stance, "Why?"

"Because his family has money. We want him for ransom. Now, stand aside."

"As if! Lightning Magic: Thunder Orb Barrage!" I say before I launch several balls of thunder at the woman. She just smirks.

"Magic Manipulation: Clap," Says the woman before she claps her hands and my Lightning Magic spell disperses with a shockwave. I gape at her.


"It's my Magic Manipulation Magic. That spell can blow away just about anything in its path. Magic Manipulation: Neutron." An atom shaped purple projectile forms in her hands and she throws it at me. I gasp but was unable to dodge it before it hits me and I'm sent rocketing backwards through the living room.

"Erika!" Both Rogue and Lucas call worriedly. I crash next to the fireplace before I slump to the floor.

The pink haired woman smirks as she stalks up to me. She grabs my arm and I gaze up at her dazedly. "Rupture Magic..."

Before she could finish casting the spell, she's knocked away by a powerful strike from Rogue. The woman snarls before whipping back around.

"I won't let you hurt her! Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue unleashes a torrent of shadows that swirl towards the pink eyed woman. She uses her Clap spell once again that disperses the attack.

Rogue gasps before activating his Dragon Force, his black hair growing spikier and black scales forming along his face and neck.

Rogue unleashes a more powerful roar but the woman still manages to disperse it. With a cackle, she races towards Rogue with her fist clenched. She swings it and it connects powerfully to his jaw, sending the Shadow Dragon Slayer rocketing across the room, landing away from me against a bookshelf.

Anger boils in my veins and I hear the clap of Thunder in the distance reacting to it.

"Now, stay down if you know what's good for you," The woman says before turning to a whimpering Lucas. "Come with us quietly, boy."

"N-Never!" He stutters, hiding behind a couch.

"Stay away from him," I growl, getting to my feet as lightning crackles around me.

The pinkette turns with a hum, to see I'm now standing. "I said stay down! Magic Manipulation: Neutron Bombardment!" She launches several more of those atom shaped bombs at me.

I activate my Lightning Rush spell and evade them.

"Magic Manipulation: Omnia!" Sue fires those bombs in several directions, and one hits the glass case which shatters it. Rogue turns into shadow to avoid the attack while I dodge it with my lightning spell.

My lightning turns blue, along with my eyes, which shocks everyone. "Blue lightning?" The pinkette breathes. "You couldn't be... The Storm Bringer, could you?"

"And so what if I am? It won't change your fate," I say lowly. "Thunder Orb." I launch an orb of blue lightning and it hits her, especially due to my Blue Lightning Magic enhancing it.

The woman grunts before retreating outside. I follow her with blue lightning crackling around my body.

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