Chapter 10

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Erika's P. O. V:

A few weeks have passed since I became a member of Sabertooth.

I've made a lot of new friends and I've gotten a little closer with Rogue. I'm currently doing some more sketch work before bed.

I was planning to go on an S-class job tomorrow. I glance at the clock to see it's 11: 30. I didn't realise I'd stayed up that late. I put my sketchbook away and go to sleep with Fang.

The following morning, I get dressed in my blue and black dress I wear for work and grab my bag after breakfast before Fang and I head off to the guild hall.

The morning sun shines brightly on Gazania Town as we walk through the streets. We enter the guild hall to find it bustling this morning.

I go over to the request board where Rufus was standing, studying the jobs posted there.

"Good morning, Rufus," I say brightly. He smiles at me. He has his long blond hair in a loose ponytail and green eyes with a mask and wide brimmed red hat.

"Good morning, Erika. Looking for a job?" He returns.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Which job do you have in mind?" He asks.

I hum thoughtfully to myself as I look over the jobs. "This one," I say, picking it off the board. "I'm to capture a dark mage that uses Essence Make Magic."

Rufus nods in approval as he says, "Good luck, Erika."

"Thanks," I say before I go to show it to Yukino. "I'm going on this job, Yukino."

She nods in approval. "That's good. See you when you get back."

I nod and go to leave the guild hall with Fang.

"You're taking that job?" Asks a voice from behind me. I turn to find Sting.

"I am. Is there a problem?"

"It's an S class job, and as Guild Master, I don't think you're ready for that quite yet. Especially since you've only been here for about a month."

"I'll remind you that I've faced lots of other dangerous wizards while travelling," I say as I face him fully and put the back of my hands on my hips. "I think I can handle this one."

"True, but that's not exactly how we do things in Sabertooth since I became Guild Master. You can take the job as long as you go with a team."

I open my mouth to protest but close it and sigh. "Fine."

Sting grins as he says, "Great! See if Rogue wants to come while I contact Fairy Tail. I have a feeling Team Natsu will want to come too."

He wanders into his office. I let out another sigh and go find Rogue.


Sting, Rogue and I wait by a magic mobile for Team Natsu to arrive. It'll take us three days by the vehicle to get to Kikuchi Town, where the dark wizard was supposedly hiding.

"Hey, Sting! Long time no see!" We turn to see a group of people heading toward us. The boy with spiky pink hair and tan coloured eyes was the one who'd called out to us. I recognise him as Natsu Dragneel from the Crocus incident.

With him is a blue Exceed, a white Exceed who looks female from her pink outfit, a blond girl with brown eyes, a younger girl that looks 12 with blue hair and brown eyes, a boy with spiky black hair and deep blue eyes and lastly, a woman with long scarlet red hair and bangs draping over her right brown eye, the other being the same colour.

With him is a blue Exceed, a white Exceed who looks female from her pink outfit, a blond girl with brown eyes, a younger girl that looks 12 with blue hair and brown eyes, a boy with spiky black hair and deep blue eyes and lastly, a woman with long...

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"Natsu! Glad you could make it, man," Sting greets as he bumps fists with the pinkette.

"Heard you needed us for a job. And S class job!" Natsu grins.

"We sure do, since Erika here wants to take it. But, since she's new, I felt it was best to send a team with her," Sting responds, gesturing to me.

"Whoa!" The black haired boy takes in my appearance. "She's the new member?"

Rogue frowns and takes a step closer to me, though I don't know why.

"That's right! The Storm Bringer!"

"I'm Erika Stormborne. I know who all of you are from the Grand Magic Games. It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" I say happily, beaming.

"Hey, I know you! You're the girl who fought Future Rogue," Says Natsu in realisation, pointing at me. I blink my eyes back at him as I hear Erza suck in a sharp breath.

"You remember me? I wanted to thank you for saving me back there."

He grins. "No problem!"

"So that's the girl you were talking about during the Grand Banquet," Lucy murmurs in understanding. "Natsu mentioned a girl fought Future Rogue atop Motherglare, but I didn't think he meant you. It's nice to officially meet you, Erika."

I shake her hand as Sting steps up to Erza. "Likewise."

Lucy asks, "So you saw us at the Grand Magic Games this year?"

I nod my head. "I go every year. Congratulations on winning, by the way."

"Thanks," Gray says with a grin. He then switches his gaze to Fang and his eyes widen. "Is that a wolf?!"

I reply, "Yup. Her name's Fang. She's my battle partner, kinda like how you Dragon Slayers have your Exceeds. She uses Telekinesis and Healing Magic. She's very friendly, though. So she won't attack you."

"Something the matter, Erza?" I hear Sting ask her in a low voice.

I still feel her gazing at me as she murmurs back, "I can sense an enormous amount of energy radiating off of her... it's unlike anything I've ever felt."

"Really? She seems normal to me," Sting utters as he follows her gaze.

After I chat with Team Natsu and gush about meeting Erza in person for a bit, and we give them the details of the job, I gesture to the magic mobile. "Alright. Now that the introductions are out of the way, we should get going to Kikuchi Village."

Natsu immediately looks sick and protests, "Can't I just walk there?"

"I can use my Troia spell on you, Natsu," Wendy offers which immediately perks him up.

"That sounds good, Wendy!"

She casts the spell on all the Dragon Slayers before we pile into the magic mobile, with me sitting between Rogue and Sting.

Erza takes up the wheel and slides the SE plug onto her right wrist. Starting the engine, Erza takes off for Kikuchi Village.

The Storm Bringer (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now