Chapter 12

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Erika's P. O. V:

We get back to Lynette's house and she follows us to the living room where Rogue sets me on the couch.

"What happened?" She asks breathlessly.

Erza explains, "We don't know exactly. One minute, Erika was fine, the next, she looked ready to faint. I think it had something to do with Hajime's magic."

Weariness glints in the woman's brown orbs as Rogue crouches by me. She murmurs, "I've seen that been done to others when he attacks the village. Most of them get killed by Hajime afterwards, but I think he steals their essence."

Gray questions as Fang whimpers and curls up on the couch beside me, "Is that even possible?"

"With Essence Make Magic, yes."

"Now how are we gonna beat someone who can steal your essence?" Sting demands to know.

"I'll pound 'em!" Natsu says while punching his palm, causing Lucy to deadpan.

"That's your answer to everything, Natsu."

I moan and my eyes flutter open more, though I was still a bit weak.

"How are you feeling, Erika?" Rogue asks in concern.

"Lightheaded. Weak," I respond tiredly.

Lynette offers as a little boy around 5 years old comes into the room, "I'll get you some water."

"Wow! Fairy Tail and Sabertooth! I thought I heard someone in the house earlier," Says the brown haired, green eyed boy.

His mother chides him, "Don't bother them, Liam. Especially Erika."

"I won't, mum," He says as she wanders into the kitchen. Liam stares at Fang with wide eyes. "Cool! A wolf!"

I smile a little as Rogue helps me to sit up a bit more on the couch. "Her name's Fang and she also uses magic."

"Awesome!" Liam reaches out but Fang lets him pat her.

Lynette comes back in with a glass of water and I thank her as I drink from it.

Sting asks me once I'd finished, "Will you be alright to continue the job?"

"I should be after a bit of rest," I tell him honestly.

Ezra nods her head as she says, "We'll wait until Erika is back on her feet. Then we'll go after Hajime again."

We all agree and everyone goes off on their own for the rest of the afternoon, but Rogue stays with me in the living room as Frosch sits in my lap.

"Fro was scared when you started to faint before, Erika," He says.

"I'll be alright soon, Frosch," I say as I pat his head assuringly. "Sorry for scaring you."

"I'm just glad we got you away from him in time," Says Rogue. "I was worried."

I gaze at him in surprise before I smile softly. "Thank you for getting me out of there. I think he would've taken all of my essence if I'd stayed longer."

"I won't let him hurt you again," Rogue tells me, voice firm.

I smile a little at that. We fall silent as I lie back down to regain my strength for the upcoming battle with Hajime.

I start to feel better later that night so Erza decided we should make our move in the morning. Lynette allows us to stay in her house for the night and she cooks a delicious dinner when her husband gets home from work.

He was surprised by all of us staying in his house but agrees since we're here to capture Hajime.

We eat dinner and relax in the living room, Erza and Rogue on the couch beside me as Fang curls up on my other side and I stroke her head.

"We'll need to be ready since Hajime will now be expecting us tomorrow," Erza speaks up seriously, arms crossed. We nod in agreement. "We also have to make sure he doesn't cast that spell that extracts a person's essence."

"Easier said than done," Sting mutters.

"We all need to keep our guard up around him tomorrow. We should get some sleep soon," Says Erza.

"Are you sure it'll be okay for Erika to join you tomorrow?" We turn to see Lynette in the doorway, a passed out Liam in her arms.

I assure her, "I'll be fine."

"Well, alright. Just don't push yourselves too hard. Hajime is rather dangerous with that magic of his. I don't want anything to happen to you kids."

"Thank you for your concern, Lynette, but we'll be fine," Says Erza politely.

The brown haired woman nods and carries her son to his bedroom.

I yawn and stretch my arms as I say, "I think the rest of us should head to bed, too. We have a big battle ahead tomorrow."

The others agree, and after washing up, we find places to sleep, Fang curled up in front of the couch.

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