Chapter 11

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Erika's P. O. V:

We arrive in Kikuchi Village and get out of the magic mobile.

I muse as I gaze around, "Our client is a young married woman named Lynette Woodard." I go up to a couple of people and ask for Lynette's house. I manage to get the address and thank the villager before I tell my teammates to follow me.

We arrive at a one storey house and I knock on the door. It opens to reveal a woman with her brown hair in a bun. "Can I help you?" She asks wearily.

"I'm Erika Stormborne from the Sabertooth guild. My comrades and I are here for the job request you posted, about capturing Hajime?" I say. Understanding glints in her brown eyes and she nods.

"Come in and take a seat in the living room," She says, stepping aside. We follow her in and I sit on the couch with Rogue, Erza, Lucy, Wendy and Charlele, while the others either sit in recliners or stand. "Our village has been attacked by a dark mage who uses a power known as Essence Make. I don't know much about it, but he's killed a few people in the past week already and many others were injured. I think he hides out in a cave by the mountains surrounding our village. I'd like for you to stop him before he hurts someone else."

"We will, ma' am," I say firmly as Erza nods her head in agreement.

"Thank you." Lynette gives us the directions to the cave and we set out for it.

I find myself walking between Erza and Lucy while Rogue walks ahead with some of the others.

Lucy asks me, "So, Erika, how long have you been a member of Sabertooth for?"

"About a month now," I respond.

Erza asks, "And how have you been liking it so far?"

"It's great. Everyone is really nice," I reply.

We soon arrive at the cave outside the village.

"This is it," I announce as we stop before it.

Sting asks, "How should we go about this?"

I muse, "I think we should split up—one team of Fairy Tail wizards and the other of Sabertooth wizards."

Erza nods. "Sounds good. We'll meet back at the entrance in an hour if we don't find anything."

We agree and split off down the tunnels with our teams.

After we walk for awhile, we turn a corner in the cave.

Sting, Rogue, Lector, Frosch, Fang and I stop short upon seeing a brown haired man in a cavern.

"That must be our guy, Hajime," I say as we stop behind Fang.

He smirks at us. "You got that right."

Sting smirks. "Perfect! Surrender yourself and we'll go easy on you."

Hajime chuckles at that. "You go easy on me?"

Fang lifts a rock with her Telekinesis and it flies straight for the dark wizard. He jerks his head to the side to avoid it. Sting and Rogue envelope their fists in white and shadow before they charge for the brunette.

They each swing their fists but he jerks his head to the side to evade them.

I ready my Lightning Magic. "Lightning Magic: Discharge!" Sting and Rogue dive out of the way as bolts of lightning shoot from my body. Hajime still evades the attack. "Lightning Bolt." I hold up my hand and a bolt of lightning strikes from the air. Hajime jerks backwards to avoid it.

"Shadow Dragon Roar!" Rogue calls out, shooting shadows from his mouth.

"White Dragon Roar!" Sting uses the same attack and there's an explosion. However, I feel someone slug me in the back with a kick and I cry out as I stagger forward.

"Erika!" Rogue calls in concern.

"Damn, I didn't even see you," I hiss, turning to Hajime. He sneers at me. I envelope lightning around my right fist. "Lightning Magic: Thunder Fist."

I swing it forward but Hajime repeatedly dances back to avoid it.

Fang sends rocks hurtling for him but he creates a bright green shield.

"Essence-Make: Shield," Murmurs Hajime.

"So that's Essence Make?" Rogue murmurs. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" The torrent of shadows hits the shield and eventually breaks it.

"White Dragon Claw!" Sting was there and is swinging his white glowing fists at the older man. He dodges before slugging Sting in the stomach that knocks him back.

"Sting!" I cry out as Rogue melds into shadow. He sneaks up behind Hajime with his fist swirling with shadow. Hajime catches it as Rogue swings it forward and throws the Cheney forward over his shoulder.

I growl and form a few orbs of thunder. "Thunder Orb Barrage!" I hurl them for the dark wizard but he dodges them somehow.

"Essence-Make: Bullet," He says before firing green bullets.

"Lightning Make: Storm Tortoise," I say and form a tortoise out of lightning. It spins rapidly, blocking the incoming bullets. It then races forward but Hajime avoid the attack and the spell dies down. "Lightning Make: Storm Bow!"

I form a bow out of lightning and fire a bunch of lightning arrows from it. Hajime was able to dodge those, too.

"Essence-Make: Whip!" He creates a long green whip and lashes it out at me. I try to dodge but cry out as it hits my left side, then my shoulder, and my legs.

"Leave her alone!" Rogue snaps. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" He shoots a torrent of shadows from his mouth just as Fang throws the man back with her Telekinesis Magic.

He hits the floor and the shadows narrowly hit him as he rolls. Fang pounces for him but Hajime dives out of the way.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu shouts as flames shoot into the cave.

Hajime jerks away from the attack and faces the members of Team Natsu.

Erza gives a cry of exertion as she brings down two swords but Hajime creates his own twin green swords and deflects hers with ease.

"Ice Make: Saucer!" Gray sends out a large disc of ice with a razor edge but Hajime dances to the side to avoid it.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Wendy says, flapping her arms at her sides.

It knocks the Essence Make Magic user back.

"You're outnumbered, Hajime!" I tell him as my comrades gather around me.

He flicks his eyes between us. Then a smirk crosses his lips. "Oh, really? Essence Make..."

He holds out his glowing green hand toward me and I just stare in confusion at what he's trying to do.

Then, I feel as though the energy is being drained from my body, and I start to sway.

Rogue asks, "Erika? You okay?"

"Whoa. What's the matter with her?" Lucy asks wearily.

"It must be his doing!" Erza snaps before giving a cry of exertion and slashing at Hajime with her swords in a triangular fashion. "Trinity Sword!"

He's forced back and I feel the attack cut off as I start to collapse. However, Rogue catches me around my skin waist and Fang lunges for Hajime with a growl that shakes the cavern.

I feel a bit weak but could hear Fang holding off the dark wizard as Erza orders for us to retreat, with me being carried in Rogue's arms bridal style.

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