Chapter 5

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Erika's P. O. V:

I stare in shock as Rogue punches Lucas in the face, growling. I gasp, noting having expected him to do that.

"Get off of her!" The Cheney growls, lunging to attack him again as Lucas groans and covers his bloody nose.

"You'll pay for that!" Lucas snaps.

"Rogue, stop! Stop!" I cry out as he lunges for Lucas again, wrapping my arms around his waist and yanking him back. "Calm down, Rogue! You can't hurt him."

"He was forcing himself on you!" Rogue growls back, struggling against my strong grip.

"I know, but you need to calm down. I promise I'm alright. Just calm down, okay?" I say frantically. It takes a few minutes, but the black haired man finally calms down enough for me to release him. I keep my hand on his arm just in case. "How did you know what was happening?"

"I just heard Fang snarling and knew something was up," He responds, still glaring daggers at the brunette. "What the hell, man?! What were you doing to Erika?"

"She's my girl, so I could do whatever I want," Lucas responds, glaring up at Rogue as he drops his hand. "She's protected me lots of times before."

"That doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to her!" Rogue snaps.

"Hmph. I can do whatever I want since my dad hired you. And since you attacked me, I could have you fired but keep Erika here for the job," Lucas says smugly.

"Why you...!" Rogue growls, clenching his fists at his sides.

I cut in before things could get ugly. "Uh, Lucas, I could get Fang to heal you. We don't want your father to see your injury."

Lucas smiles appreciatively at me and nods. "Very well."

The black wolf goes up to Lucas as he crouches, watching him with narrowed blue eyes. Fang undies the bandages around her legs and places a paw on his nose gently. A blue glow lights up the markings on her legs and Fang begins to heal Lucas.

When she was done, I reassure Rogue that we'll be alright and that it won't happen again before he goes back to the foya, leaving Fang and I alone with Lucas once again.

I retie the bandages around Fang's legs and face Lucas.

"I'm truly sorry about that," I apologise.

"Don't apologise about it," He says, shrugging.

"Please don't attempt it again. I don't want another fight to break out and I'm sure you don't want another broken nose."

"He's stronger than I expected," Was all Lucas says.

I say flippantly, "Well, he is the Shadow Dragon Slayer. I've seen him fight at the past Grand Magic Games. He's really incredible."

"Do you... love him?" Lucas asks, with a raised brown eyebrow, startling me.

"Wh-What?!" I exclaim, my face red. "N-No! W-We're just friends! I mean, I may have had a crush on him after witnessing Rogue in the Grand Magic Games, but it's nothing serious yet."

Lucas smiles as he briefly closes his eyes. "Huh. I get it."

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" I ask.

Lucas answers, "I think I'll just finish my book." He goes to sit back in the recliner in the corner and pick up the leather bound book.

"Okay. I'll stand guard here, then," I mutter, my eyes scanning the room. "By the way, do you have any idea why these guys are after you?"

Lucas flicks his gaze up to me as he replies, No, but it could be a number of things, considering I'm the son of a wealthy family."

"How's your mum?" I ask. His mum left them because of how his dad is with work and she couldn't cope with it anymore. I've never met her, though.

Lucas sighs, looking back at his book, "She's doing alright. She managed to get herself a job and a fine house. I still visit once in awhile."

I smile as I say, "That's good to hear."

We then fall silent as Lucas continues reading and Fang curls up at my feet.


Rogue and I join Lucas's family for dinner and it was rather pleasant, if a bit tense between Rogue and Lucas. He'd asked me to sit next to him and told me everything that's happened since we last saw each other.

A few hours after dinner, Rogue comes into my bedroom with Frosch as I'm relaxing on the bed. He leans against the doorframe with his ankles crossed.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I look up at him.

"I don't like Lucas," He grunts.

I sigh and get off the bed to go up to Rogue. "You got there just in time before he actually did anything," I tell him.

"You make it sound like it's happened before," He says.

I nod grimly. "It has, and he's tried to kiss me before, but Fang has always stopped him," I say.

Frosch asks me, "Are you okay, Erika-chan?"

I smile as I nod and say, "I'm fine, Frosch. Especially thanks to Rogue."

Rogue squeezes my shoulder reassuringly as he says, "I won't let him hurt you again. I promise."

I smile at that. I ask, "So, what was that outburst about? I don't think I've seen you like that."

"... I don't know why I got so angry. I saw him hugging you like that and I just lashed out. I couldn't stop myself."

I cup Rogue's right cheek as we gaze at each other. I murmur, "Thank you for protecting me, Rogue." He smiles back.

Rogue and I gaze at each other before we start to lean in, our eyes closing.

Right before our lips could touch, there's a scream that sounds like Lucas from inside the house, jolting us apart.

"What was that?" Asks Rogue, whipping his head around as Fang jumps off the bed.

"That sounded like Lucas," I murmur before I dash past the Cheney. "Come on, Fang!"

She woofs as she races after me and I hear Rogue and Frosch following behind.

We make it to the living room just in time to find a few dark wizards—about ten of them—standing before Lucas.

"Erika-chan!" The brunette calls in immense relief upon seeing me. The dark wizards whirl around and glare at Rogue and I.

"Get away from him!" I snap before I gather lightning around my hands, preparing to fight.

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