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This is a platonic mha fanfic, dadzawa will be there, as will be a main character which I will be vague about so you can fill everything in to your liking. Just know that ___ means 'your name'. I refer to them with they/them cause yeah.
If you've got questions feel free to ask lmao.
Lastly, have a waffle.

Have a great day/night,


"Dad! I'm home!!" I called out loudly, throwing my jacket on the coat rack and kicking off my shoes.

Getting no answer I sighed and walked to his office. He sometimes put his music loudly, of course he did. One of his friends had this radio station... so yeah.
I knocked before I opened the door.

What I saw had me step back.


Red and blue flashed on the walls as I shook and tried to form my words. The cop sighed and sat down in front of me.
The sidewalk where I sat was hard as I pressed my hands in it, probably creating a bruise from how hard I clenched it.

"I know it's hard, but take a deep breath."

I did so before I told him what had happened.
How I found my father unmoving on the floor.

Fortunately they brought me to a police station where I got to sit in a chair. I had told the cops multiple times what had happened... and now I was simply here.
The cops walked around and seemed to go about their day, two of them were working on the case— how my father had died. I looked around a little, a confused and slightly dazed look on my face. The fact that my father was dead seemed impossible in my eyes.

My mother came an hour later. She had had to travel that hour to get here.
When she saw me she was quick to give me a hug, "Oh my god." She sobbed before she broke down crying.

As I sat there I gave my mother a tight hug.
Loneliness filled me as I realised she had lost her husband.

It took me a day to decide I was going to be strong for us, though I already knew someone would have to be once I sat down in that chair.

And that's how I stood in front of UA.

I was going to become a hero, and I would get more than the small amount of money I got from the crappy job I had.

I was going to make my mother happy again.

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